My first ever grow.. White Widow Ebb and Flow with air stone


Well-Known Member
I'd say ya stress maybe. The lights I have are all 2700K Red . Hopefully in the next week or so they'll pick up a bit.

Your look great. I'm jealous!!!:twisted: lol


Well-Known Member
What a tit I am. I just found a problem in my grow area.

Basically my timer was messed up. I had it set to come on 10am to 10pm. Just checked it a minute ago and guess what... it still comes on 10 am to 10pm but then back on again at 6am to 8am.
So instead of getting 12 hours per day it was getting 14 hours. This happened since I got back from holidays two weeks ago. So I'm guessing I hit the timer when changing my lights around.

No wonder my plants aren't flowering as well as others. Damn it. Lets hope that I haven't hermie'd them. Lots of white snow on the leaves though. Just the buds seem very small. Now I think I know why.

More pics tomorrow. Hopefully with a bit of improvement.


Well-Known Member
What a tit I am. I just found a problem in my grow area.

Basically my timer was messed up. I had it set to come on 10am to 10pm. Just checked it a minute ago and guess what... it still comes on 10 am to 10pm but then back on again at 6am to 8am.
So instead of getting 12 hours per day it was getting 14 hours. This happened since I got back from holidays two weeks ago. So I'm guessing I hit the timer when changing my lights around.

No wonder my plants aren't flowering as well as others. Damn it. Lets hope that I haven't hermie'd them. Lots of white snow on the leaves though. Just the buds seem very small. Now I think I know why.

More pics tomorrow. Hopefully with a bit of improvement.
nice, Now your problem solving. I would guess that could be a problem. 14 instead of 12 hours of light. I keep screwing up my black 6 mil plastic wall that I drape with duct tape, as a door to shut out all light.... I swear It falls down off wall about every other night, letting in some moonlight and a little bit of light from vegg tent.... still almost blacked out, but not completely. Wonder if that matters?


Well-Known Member
They way I look at it is like this. If the plants grew outside in its natural environment. Then they sometimes will get full moon light , other times get the odd cloudy days with less light. Or other days with more light. etc etc wind etc rain etc.

You know what I mean. Anyway don't think the odd light leak for you anyway will effect your grow. Look at it man it look amazing.

Funny the lower buds on my plant under the canopy have bigger buds than the top. Goes to show that the extra 2 hours light didn't really hit them, with CFL's.

And I was wondering why the 5 small 12/12 plants aren't showing sex after 3-4 weeks. They were getting 14 instead. Lol


Well-Known Member
What a tit I am. I just found a problem in my grow area.

Basically my timer was messed up. I had it set to come on 10am to 10pm. Just checked it a minute ago and guess what... it still comes on 10 am to 10pm but then back on again at 6am to 8am.
So instead of getting 12 hours per day it was getting 14 hours. This happened since I got back from holidays two weeks ago. So I'm guessing I hit the timer when changing my lights around.

No wonder my plants aren't flowering as well as others. Damn it. Lets hope that I haven't hermie'd them. Lots of white snow on the leaves though. Just the buds seem very small. Now I think I know why.

More pics tomorrow. Hopefully with a bit of improvement.

It's cool man, I don't think it will make that much of a difference if you can get it straightened out now.

Really though Rock:

"...OK, I'm gonna tell ya! You had the talent to become a good fighter, but instead of that, you become a legbreaker to some cheap, second rate loanshark!.."

Keep your eye on the prize my friend. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
They way I look at it is like this. If the plants grew outside in its natural environment. Then they sometimes will get full moon light , other times get the odd cloudy days with less light. Or other days with more light. etc etc wind etc rain etc.

You know what I mean. Anyway don't think the odd light leak for you anyway will effect your grow. Look at it man it look amazing.

Funny the lower buds on my plant under the canopy have bigger buds than the top. Goes to show that the extra 2 hours light didn't really hit them, with CFL's.

And I was wondering why the 5 small 12/12 plants aren't showing sex after 3-4 weeks. They were getting 14 instead. Lol
Great post... best of luck to you


Well-Known Member
Again lads thanks for the support. I wouldn't have pulled through without you. lol

Anyway things are looking up today. Plants look like they already responded to the lights being sorted out. (or I could be just seeing what I want to see. lol)

I decided to yet again change my room up a bit. I was sick of leaning over everything to get a my plants. So I decided to change it up for more standing room.
While I was doing that I decided to mess with the layout of my lights to get more coverage.
I'm happy now I think I've covered a lot more of the plants in light. And I'm managed to keep them within 10cm of my plants. (main two anyway)

So let me explain whats in my flower area first. In the flood tray I have 2 larger white widows. Along with that I have my small uber slow growing White widow plant that looked like it would never grow back a few weeks ago. (remember).
Then I also have two bag seed that I put on 12/12 from seed.
Then on the ground in a pot I have a 3rd bag seed 12/12 also. This I water a couple of times a day. Its potted in clay pellets and I'm using the same mix as in my Res. The only reason its not in the Tray with the rest is because the two in there aren' t really getting great light, and there ain't no more room.

I just planted the bag seeds just see what would happen 12/12 with CFLs. Get some smoke off them no matter how little is a plus.

Then in my veg space there are about 5 or 6 bag seeds growing. I'd only space for 4 plants but I just had so many seeds I just stuck them in just because I was bored. lol
Once there is room I'll move the bubble box up to the flower area. Then just sit it in my flood tray and let them do what they do.

Funny thing is I really haven't looked after those plants in my veg area at all.
When I started I just set the PH to around 6. I just free poured some nutrients, EC was 1.5 (from seed!!!) said fuck it and left them.
I couldn't tell you how long ago I planted them.(prob posted it here somewhere. I'll have a look in a min out of intrest).
Two of them are big. over a foot wide now. But amazingly only about 4 inches high. That was one Phillips 18w 2foot white flo. Don't know what K but its really white. So prob 6500k.

I also took a clone ages ago now, about 15 days into flower from my WW. I didn't use any cloning solution. Just just it and stuck it in the bubble box in my veg area. Not rooting don't expect it too. But hasn't died, and its there 3 weeks or so.

By the way this post is so long because I'm uploading a shit load of pictures. take ages. For some reason I can only up 1 at a time, everytime I do 2 or more I get an error. I'd say the files are too big. (I do wonder when I write, thats what years of smoking hash brain your to does) lol

Enjoy my pics took for ever to up! :-P



Well-Known Member
yea looks good im in irl aswell i got all my lights and stuff in town cost me €200 for everything got the lights and reflector in funguy if you know it. got mylar in nirvana its like €10 for a meter or something you should have a look if you havint already. my grow is only a couple weeks ahead of yours. i think i can harvest in about 6 maybe 7 weeks cant wait! i went for the easy soil approach and im only feeding them tomato feed and they seem to be doing very well ill keep my pics updated. and im interested how this works out for you ill be keeping a eye on this.


Well-Known Member
yea looks good im in irl aswell i got all my lights and stuff in town cost me €200 for everything got the lights and reflector in funguy if you know it. got mylar in nirvana its like €10 for a meter or something you should have a look if you havint already. my grow is only a couple weeks ahead of yours. i think i can harvest in about 6 maybe 7 weeks cant wait! i went for the easy soil approach and im only feeding them tomato feed and they seem to be doing very well ill keep my pics updated. and im interested how this works out for you ill be keeping a eye on this.

Thanks bud. I'm going to check out your grow.


Well-Known Member
you should look into getting a purple light i have noticed a difference since it went in. i will try and find the best combo of eco lights but i will leave it till after this grow cause im still learning how to do properly being my first time too. i think you should try grow one in soil and see if that works better. i think its a lot less complicated than hydro and i would say more reliable aswell. its all about getting the right combination of things.


Well-Known Member
I'm not planning on spending anymore cash if I can get away with it.
My second grow in my veg area is also hydro. But its flying it. I'm sure my next grow will be way better than my first.

I'm going to plant a one or two in soil soon too.

Update: The clone I took 2 weeks in to flower (clone had a small flower formed). Has rooted. After about 3 or 4 weeks. A few days ago I was going to bin it. But decided against it.

So I've a female white widow clone which I'll keep vegging and use it as a mother for a while!!


Well-Known Member
are you vegging in the same place as the ones that are flowering? is there any other light getting into the flowering room?


Well-Known Member
Update... day god knows.

First things first. the 4 bag seed that I stuck on 12/12 from seed, are all females. First signs of white hairs two days ago. So thats good.

Here are some pics of my two main plants. The smaller of the two is looking better than the larger plant.
The buds look like the are forming on the smaller one better than the larger plant.
But both don't look anything more than 2 or 3 weeks into flower.
When really both should be ready for harvest in 2 or 3 weeks. But with my mess up with the lights, that could be another 6 weeks or more now.

The clone I took over a month ago has rooted too. So I'm going to keep that in veg all the time a use it as a mother when the time comes.

Right here a few pics. Not great ones. I've got to head to work.

I'd say my plants look about 20 days into flowering. When I think they are really around35-40 days.



Well-Known Member
your plants look very bushy and i cant see any other branches with buds on them. i just updated my journal there if you want a look


Well-Known Member
your plants look very bushy and i cant see any other branches with buds on them. i just updated my journal there if you want a look
The last picture is just two colas. Thats just the top of one plant. I'll have to take them out of the grow room tomorrow and take a few decent pics.
I topped and fimed my plants. One has two main colas. The smaller of the two have 4 main colas.

I'll go check out your journal in now.


Well-Known Member
The last picture is just two colas. Thats just the top of one plant. I'll have to take them out of the grow room tomorrow and take a few decent pics.
I topped and fimed my plants. One has two main colas. The smaller of the two have 4 main colas.

I'll go check out your journal in now.
yea my big one has 4 maybe 6 colas. tying down the main stem is a good idea. i tied it down ages ago but i untied it a couple weeks ago because i noticed buds growing on that branch and i will take all i can get.


Well-Known Member
My plants finally have started too look like flowering plants. Buds seem to finally have started forming.

I've a funny feeling my mistake with my lights might have done me a favor. Each stem on the main cola area is now flowering so it they fatten up I should have some big buds.(might have quite a few stems in it though) We'll have to wait and see.

I'll add pictures tomorrow.