NEED a job??


Active Member
Just one more thing to add to my rant....I had a great job! Doing medical transcription online, it was a great stoner job! Did it for years, never had a problem....About 6 months ago I get the email...."We are sorry but due to the economical times we will be sending our work overseas....." I am still working for them when they feed me a bone, but that is about it. They told me they could get it done cheaper in India....Arrrrgh!!!
This is why our economy sucks male flowers!!! If they would quit outsourcing all of our jobs, people could afford to pay a little more. Any company that out sources should have to pay double the tax. Including the f'ing IRS which out sources records storage to India.


Well-Known Member
Look This Thread Is Not About Selling Pot, It Is About Finding Legitimate Work and Potheads being congenial about it amongst each other.... or maybe about solutions to the general probs etc.


Active Member
I don't know what to tell you man.

There's work everywhere. If youre that desperate for money, then why dont you try working fast food or something. Can't have your cake and eat it too. Sometimes you gotta take the less preferred route.


Man I know exactly what you guys are talkin about. I'm only 18 with a shitty work history, I've applied EVERYWHERE. Literally EVERYWHERE in my town. Can't find shit for work and I'm starting to tweak out because I have no money for bud or even a few seeds to get a plant or two goin... I'm gonna start huffing shit soon and its gonna kill me but if I don't get fucked up soon I'm gonna explode.


Well-Known Member
I don't know what to tell you man.

There's work everywhere. If youre that desperate for money, then why dont you try working fast food or something. Can't have your cake and eat it too. Sometimes you gotta take the less preferred route.
This thread is not about me or anyone in particular.... I do have work, just not enough..... Im sure everyone has noticed the hard times going around. Maybe people can post here the different ways their communities are coming together etc.
For example:
I give medical patients free medicine.

white boy smurf

New Member
Damn i cant say im doing to bad right now. 19 years old i work hard 35 hours a week getting paid $17/hr for hard labor. Growing my crop. Going to college a full-time student. i pay my bills/rent/tuition Lifes good my friends. But dont worry fellas Obama will save your asses. Its all good. Me and the other people working our asses off will pick up the slack. Chill at home, take it easy. Ill send you my money. I enjoy just giving it away. Its all good. PSHHHHHH give me a break, step your game up and quit pouting. I did. You control your life. "Pussies wait to get fed, Gorillas goin eat"


Well-Known Member
Damn i cant say im doing to bad right now. 19 years old i work hard 35 hours a week getting paid $17/hr for hard labor. Growing my crop. Going to college a full-time student. i pay my bills/rent/tuition Lifes good my friends. But dont worry fellas Obama will save your asses. Its all good. Me and the other people working our asses off will pick up the slack. Chill at home, take it easy. Ill send you my money. I enjoy just giving it away. Its all good. PSHHHHHH give me a break, step your game up and quit pouting. I did. You control your life. "Pussies wait to get fed, Gorillas goin eat"
I eat just fine and work my ass off.... I have been to school and have two kids. I make from 25-30 an hour depending..... maybe I should try to change the name of this thread..... people are getting the wrong idea.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
im struggling myself as is my family. were all paying the price for the sickness and greed of a few it was a long time coming.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
19 years old talking down to people now that is cute. i once new everything myself when i was that age good luck with that. you have a long road ahead of you lol.


Well-Known Member
I eat just fine and work my ass off.... I have been to school and have two kids. I make from 25-30 an hour depending..... maybe I should try to change the name of this thread..... people are getting the wrong idea.
I thought the point of this thread was that you needed a job, but you said you get 25-30/hr? :X


Well-Known Member
I also said there isn't enough work. I do need a job... lol.... I was really baked. I should have named the thread "finding work in hard times" that would have been more suitable. It was just meant to be a job related thread where people could talk to work and economy related issues...


Well-Known Member
$15/g x 28 g = $420/oz $420 x 16oz = $6720/lb.

$20 per gram nets $8960.

At least if it's AAA medical grade.
that price scale is ridiculous. only idiots pay that much, period.

You must only buy grams.

AAA pot 170 oz. str8 up. do the math on that and tell me its 4 G's a P. You don't know what your talking about.

4000 max in Nor Cal, or your gunna have a real hard time offing it, no matter what dank incredible sticky it is. If you came to me with prices like that, I would go find someone growing the same stuff at half price. But I don't buy weed, so I don't worry about it. And, I don't sell weed, so its not the biggest deal in the world. But I know more than enough about it all, that's for sure.


Well-Known Member
I need a job. I need a job BADLY. The market here in Michigan is absolutely terrible and there's not much I can do about it. A lot of places have signs up that say 'We are no longer accepting applications due to high volume'. Even places like Borders or grocery stores and even the Sears at the mall closest to me. It's very easy to get very depressed, but I do what I can... apply for jobs whenever I get the chance and hope that the future will be a lil' brighter.


Well-Known Member
I am offering a job at my company......

What you need :

MySQL programming skills ( Database ) , PHP, CSS, HTML

You got skills, you smoke weed... you want it legalized, your smart... you have a good karma.. your not hard to work with.

Also, now that you know this job is easy going on the weed smokers, this does not mean you can fucking smoke your brains out and not do work.


anyone want a job, pm me... you have to be atleast 21 years old........

* EDIT * I Totally forgot to say, holidays will be paid for..... Also a relocation is 1000% needed in future... so you'd have to be ready to move to a new country aswell :)

wage would be good because the job is the most important part of our business.... Interested ?