Virgin seeking experienced hand...


Well-Known Member
got the fan going and temp coming down into 70's:) mj
if u are using the 150 cfl in the cab, thats good just keep using that untill thay are big enugh to clone.

70 deg is good, another thing u might want to do . The exhaust vents are in the back, so are your intake vents. If your intake vent is puling in hot air from your exhaust vents temp will be higher inside. I used dryer vent hose and attached it to the back of the cabinet covering the intake vent. Then put the other end i a place were it can pull fresh air. On the exhaust side i just put a short hose, just long enugh to direct the air over the top and away from the back, or if u have room vent it into another room


Active Member
its tough starting a system like than bein a newbie...but that being said...just make sure that you have good nutes...big mistake for newbies is to over love their plants..i myself feel that i almost have to neglect my plants cuz always im around them all the time and this can cause more problems then help


Well-Known Member
This is too funny to obvious I'm new, LOL Cut on HPS light in flower so as fan in veg would come on (BCNL screwed that up for sure...) & temps soared to 95F...lucky my pants aren't dead!!! Have doors open, fans & AC wide open, & misted plants with PH balanced water. Guess I'll need to devise heat exhaust for flower side of box....any suggestions? I'm definitely not mechanical so I'm figuring any type of thermostat or fancy cooling system is out. Short of cutting a hole in the ceiling I see no way to vent to outside of aggravating!!! Humidity is still around 35% which isn't stellar I know. Been reading Al B Fuct's hydroponic Q&A ....know he'd be on me something fierce if he read this shit, LOL Thanks for all responses...I will press on until I either get it or they're dead (which I hope doesn't happen but obviously I'm not doing too well:( Peace...MJ


Active Member
i have no credit to be giving advice but your temp seems too high to me, i know you're under 90 but i knpow over 90 cause some nute blocking etc. someone more knowledgable should probably either agree or disagree before you heed this advice though


Well-Known Member
This is too funny to obvious I'm new, LOL Cut on HPS light in flower so as fan in veg would come on (BCNL screwed that up for sure...) & temps soared to 95F...lucky my pants aren't dead!!! Have doors open, fans & AC wide open, & misted plants with PH balanced water. Guess I'll need to devise heat exhaust for flower side of box....any suggestions? I'm definitely not mechanical so I'm figuring any type of thermostat or fancy cooling system is out. Short of cutting a hole in the ceiling I see no way to vent to outside of aggravating!!! Humidity is still around 35% which isn't stellar I know. Been reading Al B Fuct's hydroponic Q&A ....know he'd be on me something fierce if he read this shit, LOL Thanks for all responses...I will press on until I either get it or they're dead (which I hope doesn't happen but obviously I'm not doing too well:( Peace...MJ

your fans are working properly the fan on the flower side runs all the time. if u look on the inside botem of the door opening you will see a hole right side and the same o ur veg side. that is all the venting u need. but the temps around the box needs to be70 deg or lower. u can use dryer vent hose so u can divert air and chanel it . controll yur air intake and u will controll yur heat problems.air temp inside will always be 4 -6 deg hoter inside the box.

by the way did i tell u i shut down my box during sumer temps. i try to get 3 cycls done from begining of winter till spring or when it gets hot. im finishing my last cycle for this winter / spring.

i could contenue to grow if i put am a/c unit in just that room and chill it. unless u get the air vented ,hot out and cold in ur room uill just keep getting hoter and hoter


Well-Known Member
I have not begun providing nutes yet:) The temp was a dry run thing with new system to see what it was going to do before I am ready to flower my gals.... Temps have been stable at 76% since turning flower lite off and humidity is strong 50's...MJ


Well-Known Member
Yes I am looking around for a small ac unit...already checked the amps on that breaker & I'm fine;)

like u said that was a dry run . when you are loaded with water and plants transpiring all inside with high temps ur humidity will spike. can u vent threw the wall into the next room?


Well-Known Member
Lots going on here today with grow operation!! Will be placing AC unit in room soon...see no reason to wait!! Plants going into hydro tub today as roots are coming out of 3" rockwool...going to go ahead and mix 1/4 strength nutes and H2O2 in PH balanced water. Temps holding steady around 75F and Humidity ~50%. Am hoping plants will enjoy extra oxygen to roots. Runt was thrown out yesterday...prolly a male & good riddance LOL!!! May pick up a cheap grow cam today since I can't seem to get EOS to cooperate, grrrrrrrr Like the idea or elevating res fishen so I'll be implementing that as well today...thx for the info:) Peace, Love, & MJ


Well-Known Member
lots going on here today with grow operation!! Will be placing ac unit in room soon...see no reason to wait!! Plants going into hydro tub today as roots are coming out of 3" rockwool...going to go ahead and mix 1/4 strength nutes and h2o2 in ph balanced water. Temps holding steady around 75f and humidity ~50%. Am hoping plants will enjoy extra oxygen to roots. Runt was thrown out yesterday...prolly a male & good riddance lol!!! May pick up a cheap grow cam today since i can't seem to get eos to cooperate, grrrrrrrr like the idea or elevating res fishen so i'll be implementing that as well today...thx for the info:) peace, love, & mj

sounds like u r rite on track. U must not b using the vodojuice, if u are going to use h2o2. The h2o2 will kill any microrganisams in the roots. Follow the feed skedual, u will see there is no h2o2 on it. The vodojuice will help make biger roots , help build emunity & colinize ur roots, very important 4 big strong plants.after second week of flower u will want somthing like super thrive or higrozime to help maintain ur roots. U will see that bcnl rec superthrive. I have been using the hygrozime and love it. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
A few quick problems....even with fan on & dedicated air conditioner in there my temps are still ~80F...too high!! Problem is I have no clue how to get a hole in the ceiling or what tools & supplies I'd need...would need very detailed precise instruction which I know is irksome....Also the nutes BCNL sent suck with a ratio of 4-0-0 ...I'm not impressed & I doubt my plants will be either..Am searching now for camera software to reload on pc so I can post some pics....Like to get some feedback on my setup.....Babies tolerating reservoir use & fan well...a list of supplies & tools I need if anyone feels so inclined...Peace, Love, & MJ


Well-Known Member
A few days since last post & things have been VERY busy here. Got portable A/C unit vented through ceiling...what a messy job that was since we have a subfloor in attic with huge beams vertically throughout!! Would be nice to have a man around to do these things but I got it done, grrrrrrrrr Temps running stable at 74F. Plants LOVING the resevoir with 450 ppm nutes & H2O2. Also elevated whole set-up so that plants are about 12" from lite. A few plants are looking "leggy" & I did stake them. All 7 plants putting on leaves & growing...I'd say they are about 3" tall now. PH meter BCNL sent sux so I will have to make that last purchase & then it will just be routine weekly nutrient mixing & daily checks. One thing I have noticed is that it smells like wet shoes in my closet thinking this is maybe the moist rockwool?? Reloaded cam software on pc but still it won't work so I prolly will have to get new cam until I can find someone to troubleshoot it that knows more about puters than me. Guess that's about it...any ideas or suggestions give em' to me!! MJ:peace:


Well-Known Member
OK, so I'd REALLY like to post some pics of my plants....of course they're not monsters like some of the pics on here but still some feedback would be nice!! I have a Cannon Rebel digital EOS camera and an HP Pavillion laptop puter...what is happening is that when I connect cam to pc a box comes up & says "choose the application to open this with" however there are no applications listed, grrrrrrrr Also, if I go to "My computer" & click on the camera it says the camera is in use?!?!?! I am so aggravated with this...this is a top notch camera & it is really getting to me that I can't post pics!!! Anyone? Come on!!! I know there has to be some techie types out therekiss-assMJ


Well-Known Member
OK, not sure how the quality on these is going to be but we'll give it a go...not sure why I didn't think of this sooner:) Pics are from Blackberry phone so who knows how good they will look here. Any feedback appreciated!! Peace, Love, & MJ



Well-Known Member
wow, this is so cool.

this well make my next grow so much easer. no more 4x per day waters. just set it on auto and walk away until a water change.


Well-Known Member
oh the plant also look great. the next time you trans plant (if you even do it growing this way) try and burry a much of the stock below the first set of leaves a you can. this will make the plant an inch or so shorter and stronger base. other stuff also but i'm to stoned to make a list for a minor tip.

are you using nutes yet? a few tip look a little like too much nute. if so the fix is easy. untill the next new growth do water, water then nute, water, water, nute.......until new growth then back to wate nute water nute.

over all an A+

edit: i bet you have to do the same mix every water, mabe cut the nute with a little water? thats why i'm wathing is to learn how to grow this way.


Well-Known Member
Hi Randy:) I have been trying to figure out a way to bury those stems....going to pick up some perlite today & give it a whirl ....hope the fan doesn't blow it all over!! The stems are really bothering me & also I will be positive no light is getting to my roots. SOOOOOOOO wish I had clones to be working with & not seed but good things come to those who wait, no??? I swear the plants have grown over night....they look bigger than the pics I posted yesterday already!!! Using weak Sensi nutes & H2O2 for about a week now. A few plants had that mild edge of leaf burn from being in tray with dome & getting droplets of humidity on them & then the light burned them. Have been watching carefully for signs of nute burn but have seen nothing but good things since I began using nutes. This system auto top drip waters 2x/day x 5 min ea time which at present appears to be enough. Roots are growing like crazy & I think once they all have submerged roots into the res water they are really going to take off. Have been giving a mist of PH balanced water a few times a day as thinking of purchasing some liquid lite. Watching & Waiting, MJ


Well-Known Member
Looks good . It looks like you are doing everything right. Seeds always do get a litle legy, but you are all right . When you clone them you can burry the stem more. As thay git biger in flower , thay will lean 0n eachother for suport. That has always been the deal. Not enugh space to let them be free standing. When i toped my 6 girls the other three wanted to take over there space. Good luck for now. Catch u later.