Kinda crazy question but easy


Active Member
Hey guys!

ok so....

one of my buddies gave me a little more than a half pound of seeded bud. Its grand master kush so i decided i might just play with it a little. i've been growing for quite some time so the question isn't about growing.

so my buddy tells me that the plant was stressed and it seeded itself. and i know a hermi plant will only produce hermi seeds. do you think if i plant these seeds its just going to grow and become seeded? is a hermi plant just a stressed plant?

if you guys can help me out and let me know if you think the little sprouts im growing now are just going to be seeded when i decide to flower i dont think its worth my time. so any knowledge would be greatly appreciated! thanks for your time


Well-Known Member
I had a plant hermie at the end of flowering last grow and I decided to grow some seeds out to see what would happen. Everyone on here told me its a waste of time and not to bother. 3 out of 4 seeds germinated and I'm now in my 5th week of flowering with with no signs of male flowers. So don't always listen to what people tell you on here.

Dutch master reverse is a product that is supposed to essentially eliminate the chance of hermies. Here is a link


Well-Known Member
a stress induced hermy isnt the same as a genetic hermy. a genetic hermy will most likely give you hermy seeds, a stressed hermy will give you feminized seeds:hump:.