has anyone topped a feminized plant and it not turn hermie ??
A couple of times...
If you have
properly feminized seeds then your plants should be just as tolerant of "stress" as plants grown from regular seeds.
I've grown tons of feminized seeds and despite putting my plants through the occasional stress throughout the years (nute burn/def/PHfluctuation/hot temps/light leaks/training until broken etc.) I've never had a single pollen sac pop out.
I have however had a handfull of true hermies come from a batch of feminized bagseed. But more than likely they were a result of hermie polinated females rather than female polinated females.
I've never heard of feminized seeds from reputable breeders (greenhouse, big buddha) being prone to any sort of staminate growth.
I wouldn't sweat it. Prune to your heart's content.