i have a problem,need help


Well-Known Member
wonder if its potassium deficiency?the tips are like that spots on leave are smaller than in picture there but simuler.but im useing foxfarm ocean forest and pure blend pro bloom ferts


Well-Known Member
think i need to flush her out it could'nt hert and give a couple days see if it progersses.they were fed yesterday what you think


Well-Known Member
sounds good i feel thats the thing to do.hey thanks man for your time.im going to put my water ponci tube i built on this week with my clone well a couple to see how it works.


Well-Known Member
Hey, no problem.

You know, you would probably be real happy if you picked up some big bloom and used it every other feed for the rest of flower.

Good luck.


Active Member
Ya just flush and wait a few days to start watering so you don't drown em. Often shop guys tell me to add this or that without thinking about the total ppm being toxic. You may have a little too much something in there. They look nute burned. Your pots are a little small but should work.
Good luck


Well-Known Member
ok today i brought her out and before i flushed i put her in a bigger pot.pot was full of roots did not distrub any thingit was very aesy to do she came right out and into a bigger pout with fresh soil under and on the sides did not pack any dirt down after this i flushed with 2 gal of 60 water.worked very easy and hour later showed no stress will see tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
man every thing looks good so far wiil let you know.men dude i freaking out.i orders some beans and customs took it and put a letter in saying that they took it hope they dont come here!


Well-Known Member
It hasn't happened to me but I have heard it happening to others here.
They all just received the note and no beans. Nothing after that.

Nothing that I know of anyway.

I also have a friend who used to work for US customs and he told me when they found weed in someones bag they just let it pass because they are not the police and cant do anything anyway. Well unless it was a large amount.

So, If you didn't order hundreds of seeds I would think your ok.


Well-Known Member
kinda figured sence it was only 3 beans and just wont use them again.order from attutide ans senseble seed,attitude i usr befor and thought i would give this other site a try.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by cutman Being im really a 1srt time grower. I currently have 3 grows going. Never thought i would say this but, I HAVE TO MUCH,for my space im growing in..My flower area has 6 females,ages 5 week ,2 week, and 2 brand new lades. All are bag beans but full of white hairs. Now i know my 1rst heaviest wont be a lot, the 3,- 5 week olds are one that didnt get a good trimming while in veg, so bottom branches didnt get cut.So you know what i got there. The 2 week old has started budding, but she got cloned 6 sets up early so looks better. And then theres the 2 new lades, thinking on putting them out side. But thats not the problem. In veg i have my, bb and crystal, which are getting bigger,they need to go to flower, Its time, they get any bigger they will out grow my flower area. I toped one 3 days ago to slow it down,thats the one i was having cloning issues with. Now, was thinking on turning the veg on 12/12, but in that area theres a hight problem, now,wont be able to raise that light very much more. I do have a spot i can put some out side, safely. But it gets hot here in TX, if we hit 100 degrees in summer, isnt that to hot for them? OR do i just pack them all in flower area, and keep on going? IT would be tight in there, if i could slow them down for 3 weeks till the ones in flower finnish would be nice. And then there babes and clone show good signs up top. In about 2 weeks or less they need to be moved down to the 400 watt veg area. In that area there is blue cheese, thai skunk, blue berry, and crystal. And some bag bitches. so you got any ideals? loll


Well-Known Member
lol thats what i did some how i new you were going to say that. See im a quick learner.Topped them all.and built a new flower area.going to put all of them in there nexts week end. had one in the other flower room take off on me. dude this thing grow quick. I tied a string from top to bottom, and looped it in 2 differnt place on her and she started bending on her own.I gave her a taest of that budmaster it should slow her down.Not near as much has the last time only 1 ml with 15 mls of flower nuets. see how she reacts.all clones look good.soon as they fix the poto problem ill post this weeks pic. o well no pics.