Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
Atrum man that shit is pimp. Nice work bro. Very nice. Never went that small dude. Ive started 3 in a 1 gallon but that shit is insane but makes perfect sence.

ATRUM bro. This club was founded on pure insanity. U dont even want to know the actual depths of such insanity bro. But it is insanity like this that when insane peeps come along like Misery and others that the books are re-opened. And things are gathered and put into the club History book.

U sir are a pimp and should recieve full acknowledgement of true pimpship.

So now it has been fully acknowledged that ATRUMBLOOD is accepted into the DWC Club and has earned all pimpnesship status in light of the original rules of the club.
AtrumBlood now resides on Paperstreet and has earned said rights unto his own mailbox. Atrum Blood we welcome u to the club sir and u shalt be sent on paperchasing missions and share true said OG club status.

Atrumblood is completely insane.


Well-Known Member
Damn dl im so excited, im gona get my camera in a couple of days. The only fucking reason i ordered a new camera is so that way i can show you guys where im at with my grow haha, You guys are gonna be amazed when you see 2 5 foot white diesel plants 1 4 foot querkle and a 3 foot pandoras box and about a 2 1/2 foot aurora indica haha.. Cant wait to show you guys


Well-Known Member
Ya know I never did get you guys a good pic of my gals roots.

Enjoy haha.

on a completely unrelated note.

Who can translate this :) :joint:

"Hajimemashite, Watashiwa ryoku desu. yoroshiku goziemasu"



Well-Known Member
Hell yea atrum bro.. Keep doing what ur doing man.. Wait till u get a few more roots poking and at least one in the water and drop the water level to about a half inch below the pot man. It will speed up the process by forcing the roots out of the pot a little faster..When ur roots do hit the water id toss about a half a capfull of nutes in there so they can blow up man.. That shit is pimp dude. Props homie.


Well-Known Member
Are you kidding?, techno is still going strong. I think you guys will all like that play list, nothing better than bumpin some damn good techno while smoking a blunt haha :joint:


Well-Known Member
Heres some pics for you guys, my two white diesels were vegged for 7 weeks and now are 3 weeks into flowering. And i also have 3 other plants in flowering which are querkle, aurora indica, padoras box. There flowering under 2 400watt hps systems.
