My First Coco Grow!

Johnny Purple Seed

Active Member
Glad to hear you are vegging them for at least another week. Have you considered training your plants in some way? You seem to have a lot of available horizontal space in your grow tent. You could conceivably veg them for another month if you tie down your plants or do some sort of SCROG and still have plenty of vertical space for flowering. Your plants are already pretty bushy as it is, if you train them even just a little, you would add to your total yield substantially.


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear you are vegging them for at least another week. Have you considered training your plants in some way? You seem to have a lot of available horizontal space in your grow tent. You could conceivably veg them for another month if you tie down your plants or do some sort of SCROG and still have plenty of vertical space for flowering. Your plants are already pretty bushy as it is, if you train them even just a little, you would add to your total yield substantially.

They are about 3 weeks old or so. Yeah I was thinkin about this last night as I was checkin on em and takin da pics, was gonna ie em over but I relized I was out out of string. I am goin to tie em over for the week I am gone, goin to buy string today after I get off work. Also goin to tie a couple branches down to really get some light to the stem, damn thing are gonna go CRAZY while im gone. Dont trust my rommie to do anything other than water my shit, he is EXTREMELY forgetful and clueless about growin anything. So hopefully tiein em over one way for a week wont hurt em too bad. Can't wait to see how this turns out, will post pics tonight after I tie em down so I have a ref pic before I leave.


Well-Known Member
how are you draining your pots? I am trying to get my first grow setup started and am debating on what medium to use.. My local Hydro store also recommended coco and I am still debating..I have a grow tent with a 600w hps and am looking to do like 5-7 plants in 5 gallon buckets! Does this sound like a good plan? I read that coco has the best air to water ratio so I am almost sure i want to use it. How much/often are you watering your plants? Thanks for your help!
Another nice thing about coco is that since it is a hydro system, you don't need big containers, unless you're growing trees. You can grow awesome yielding plants in 1 gallon containers, you'll just have to water them more often. I feed with every watering, with half the recommended nutes (CNS17 coco formula), making sure to get runoff from the containers, which are about 3 liters in size.

A good rule of thumb for watering coco...water to runoff, then pick up the container to judge the weight. Then water every time it loses about half its weight.


Well-Known Member
Another nice thing about coco is that since it is a hydro system, you don't need big containers, unless you're growing trees. You can grow awesome yielding plants in 1 gallon containers, you'll just have to water them more often. I feed with every watering, with half the recommended nutes (CNS17 coco formula), making sure to get runoff from the containers, which are about 3 liters in size.

A good rule of thumb for watering coco...water to runoff, then pick up the container to judge the weight. Then water every time it loses about half its weight.
I love the way coco drains and hold moisture, I think this is what I will stick with as a growing medium. These babies are grow like crazy!!! almost scared to let em grow another week cause I think they will get too big......fuck it I will think about it tonight and decide tomm morning b4 I leave, maybe I will turn em back before I go


Well-Known Member
I went and bought some twine last night and just spent the better part of an hour tiein them bitches down. I also decided I am going to go ahead and turn the light back while I am gone, will see how this turns out. You can see a big diff in the plants, the SS is WAY bushier than the WB but thats ok hopefully I will get a decent yeild off the WB. I am takin my computer with me so I will be able to keep up with things while Im gone. Hope my babies do ok and my roomie dont kill em, I told him if he does he better not be here when I get home. LOL Im gonna miss em, already goin nuts and I haven't left yet



Well-Known Member
the coco is amazing isnt it i mean look at em there perfect little plants i love the stuff

just remember they can doubble in size when they flower so watch the tops for the light

also the good thing about flowering plants is that the clones can be rooted in 12 / 12 with no problems is how i do it all the time the coco is good for cloning make sure to use a good hormone like clonex its amazing get near 100 percent results and keep the coco quite damp


Well-Known Member
with coco i use canna a and b at ful strength i thing is 40ml per 10 ltr and i use ionic bloom at 30ml per 10 ltr and canna pk at 30 per 10ltr shall be spending a bit more on boost and get the propper canna boost again the difference was incredible compared only 4 times the price of ionic


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah, I think I will be ok. I figure I will let these ones flower out then next time I have a baseline and will know when to turn back the lights a bit better the next go around. Havin a good time here in Orgeon, My uncle has got the MONSTER grow goin on, 5 Maui and one Widow flowerin right now and about 10 others veggin. We gonna take clones off da Maui today. I think imma go get my piece and my jar and go chill downstairs and watch em grow.....LOL


Well-Known Member
lol you will find your self just staring at them for ages you start for the hype of growing and stay for the fun of the hobby its great

just updated my grow room gone from one 400w hps to 2 400w hps a 200w envirolite 4x t5 35w love it so much its crazyness im finding myself spending more on them every week


Well-Known Member
I am Happy to announce that both my WB and SS are Female, I just got done talkin to my roomie and gettin pics. They are def girls!!!!!! Finally Can't wait to get home so I can clone them ladies.


Well-Known Member
I want to use molasses on my budz. Do I just go buy the shit from the grocery store or is there a special kind I need to get from a gardening store?


Well-Known Member

Look for this kind at your grocery store. That is what I use and a lot of people on this site
Thanks, I will be at the store as soon as I get home. Will start givin it to the ladies about the middle of next week, give em some time to get goin good flowering.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I spit on coco coir and then I turn to it and say" I am very sorry I spit on you and won't wipe my ass with you but you just are not very good and cause to many issues and the cost is too much day"... then I spit on it again


Well-Known Member
I spit on coco coir and then I turn to it and say" I am very sorry I spit on you and won't wipe my ass with you but you just are not very good and cause to many issues and the cost is too much day"... then I spit on it again

How do you figure it cost too much, I pay about 3.50 for the blocks I use. they are plenty big enough for what I need. Dunno where ur buy ur shit but maybe u should look into a new supplier. I have had NO issues with my grow, so I will continue to use it. even if I do have problem I will fix them instead of quiting and going to somthing else.


Well-Known Member
Sorry but when you say coco, is it coco coir or coco peat. I have 2 images in my head of coir being the strands used for hanging baskets and stuff or the peat which you soak and break it up.

Cheers kwaka


Well-Known Member
Sorry but when you say coco, is it coco coir or coco peat. I have 2 images in my head of coir being the strands used for hanging baskets and stuff or the peat which you soak and break it up.

Cheers kwaka

Its a mix of both


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I use 4x4x4 rockwool and 6x6x6 rockwool. I buy direct from manufacture costs me about $.80 each for the 4x4 and $1 each for the 6x6 cubes soo your paying 3 times as much and its messy and its limited as it counteracts alot of needed bacteria and is not verygood at holding ph..Soooo to exspensive and messy no gooodd but if you like go ahead I just hate spending too much and adjusting all the time and cleaning crap from my pumps and filters