First Grow - Hydro/Organic/Stealth Hydro--> FEM "Snow White" & FEM "Venus"


Well-Known Member
I have the day off so I'm going to get pics today, I promise. It's been nuts lately... you know how it goes...



Well-Known Member
Good to here the splint worked for ya. Can't wait to see your next update (pics).

My plants seem to be taking forever. I its like they are only 2 weeks int flower. Just starting to recover now. Planned on harvesting the first week of May, not a chance now. Luck if its Mid June.

Yeah, I took a look at your grow. Doesn't look so bad, I think mine took forever but one of them said that it was a late bloomer. I have the light a bit farther away now but at least I'm getting penetration (or at least that's what SHE said) :spew:

pics today... !


Well-Known Member
All I gotta say is I have to get a better camera. I'm using a brand new Sony camcorder one with a decent lens but no flash and the HPS is on so that throws things off.

Getting DECENT pictures has been the single most aggravating thing about this grow... right along with the airstones breaking every time I change the res!

I was thinking I had some nute lockout because I switched to an aggressive feeding schedule and saw some yellowing on the leaves, more spotting if you will... So, I am going to fill each res with straight H20 and leave it in for at least 48 hours...
Even if this impedes growth for a while I think in the long run it will be better. I want them to start drinking more, if possible.

Oh well, could be worse.

In any case, enjoy the pics my fellow beatnicks !




Well-Known Member
Is it just me or does it look like the trichromes are turning a amber color. That means they are getting done. I know your wanting to bloom some more. Just a thought. :p


Well-Known Member
Is it just me or does it look like the trichromes are turning a amber color. That means they are getting done. I know your wanting to bloom some more. Just a thought. :p

Yeah, it's not you it's the freakin' camera & lighting. This is worse than a PORN SHOOT !




Well-Known Member
Bad pics or not I can still see that those buds are starting to take shape now.
How long more do you plan flowering Nas?


New Member
Yea Nas! Shit that's a lot of trichs! Better save the trim for hash or something! The flush is a good idea. I flushed for about the last 6 days AND turn the lights out on 'em for the last 2 days. The buds from this grow burn cleaner with no nute taste and the buds filled out a little in the dark. Don't know if that would have happened anyway or not but so far so good. I'll do it again! Do you have a microscope to look at those trichs? It looks close or it's really a freak!


Well-Known Member
Everything is pretty much white and green... I think I have to get a regular light in there when I take pics...

I plan on flowering about another month, which will take me to 10 weeks & change. The flowering schedule for both strains is 11 weeks.

I will have time tomorrow to mess with it, but until now that's all I have.

Yeah, the buds are starting to thicken and become cola's... soon, I hope.

I checked in on them about 4 or 5 hours after I introduced the plain H20 to the systems. They looked better. I think I did have nute lockout, though they were drinking about 3 gallons a week, when it used to be every other day. And I also stopped drenching the rockwool cubes with my turkey baster of the res solution. I'm going to start them on a twice a day regimen of drenching. I don't think the top roots were getting wet, just what was in the res.

I may have to go 12 weeks... At this point, I'm going to buy something to tide me over...

Once again, as the Roseman would say "...let peace and love be your guide..."


Well-Known Member
Yea Nas! Shit that's a lot of trichs! Better save the trim for hash or something! The flush is a good idea. I flushed for about the last 6 days AND turn the lights out on 'em for the last 2 days. The buds from this grow burn cleaner with no nute taste and the buds filled out a little in the dark. Don't know if that would have happened anyway or not but so far so good. I'll do it again! Do you have a microscope to look at those trichs? It looks close or it's really a freak!
You must have hit reply right when I did because I didn't see this one.

Yeah, I have a couple of grocery store plastic bags full of leaves.

I don't have a microscope, but it's way too early. I can see everything is pretty much white and the red you see is the tint from the shadows & HPS light.... screwed them up in most of the shots.

The crystals are now double layer and are working themselves down the plant... but very thick at the tops & end colas.



New Member
Sounds good if that's what the strain says but those are going to be really chucky by then! Some yellowing in flower is normal. Bloom nutes are Nitrogen deficient for a reason. Kind of tells the plant to hurry the ef up!


Well-Known Member
Sounds good if that's what the strain says but those are going to be really chucky by then! Some yellowing in flower is normal. Bloom nutes are Nitrogen deficient for a reason. Kind of tells the plant to hurry the ef up!

Well, I went for the gusto this morning and bought an OZONE generator & a PPM Meter. I think that I was putting far too many nutes in the mix.

We'll see how it goes.

I'm going to have to research a basic schedule for the OZONE generator, my guy at the hydro store said that it could easily kill all my plants if I left it on 24/7.
Something like 15 minutes on, then an hour or so off was a good start.

Aside from killing some scents... Does anyone know what other benefits there are to adding an ozone generator to the environment ?



Well-Known Member
Well, I went for the gusto this morning and bought an OZONE generator & a PPM Meter. I think that I was putting far too many nutes in the mix.

We'll see how it goes.

I'm going to have to research a basic schedule for the OZONE generator, my guy at the hydro store said that it could easily kill all my plants if I left it on 24/7.
Something like 15 minutes on, then an hour or so off was a good start.

Aside from killing some scents... Does anyone know what other benefits there are to adding an ozone generator to the environment ?

lol what is the ozone generator??! sounds really familiar but i cant pin it down.. is it that air freshening type of stuff? Ya the ppm meter is esential im getting one soon too, just dunno if i'll get EC or TDS.

quick question for your DWC.. did you glue the airstones to bottom of bucket or some other method? Fishing weights?


Well-Known Member
An Ozone gen cool. Can't that be dangerous to human health too?

Not sure what it does other than clean the air.


New Member
Nas, did you get the Ozone Jr? Personally I don't worry about the smell. Not to many people come upstairs here. Just have 3 bedrooms and a bath ( aka water supply) up there. If someone comes by I have some hotel strength deorderizer that knocks any smells down for about 2-3 hours. I wonder what is in that stuff! Same shit they spray when one "guest" leaves and the other is to arrive.

You'll enjoy the PPM meter. I'm still working with the $20 HM type and it works fine according to my plants. Now you can use the standard PPM guide to tune in the nutes. Made a big difference for me. Get to play mad scientist! Don't remember what your base water PPM is but you subtract that and any additives from the total NPK. I ph correct the water, check the PPM ( my water is running 305-315 these days), add nutes per growth cycle needs, Check the PPM ( I always aim for the high side of the suggested level but that's just me), add the additives like Liquid Karma, Cal Mag, Hygrozyme and Superthrive, check ppm and ph ( PH goes down a little when you add the nutes most of the time). Then you're ready to rock and roll for another week. Fun toy and productive too!


Well-Known Member
An Ozone gen cool. Can't that be dangerous to human health too?

Not sure what it does other than clean the air.

I believe it removes smell. I'm wondering what cycle I should put it on? Yeah, if you put it in the same room you breath 24/7 I think it'll eventually kill you, but this isn't in the house so... When I first bought it I had it on for about 3 hours straight and all seemed fine. Then I found out to cycle it for 15 mins on and at least that off...


It's nice finally having a PPM meter. My tap water out of the hose is 165. I think with me being around 7 weeks into flower I should try to get it about 1500 - ish ?


Well-Known Member
Nas, did you get the Ozone Jr? Personally I don't worry about the smell. Not to many people come upstairs here. Just have 3 bedrooms and a bath ( aka water supply) up there. If someone comes by I have some hotel strength deorderizer that knocks any smells down for about 2-3 hours. I wonder what is in that stuff! Same shit they spray when one "guest" leaves and the other is to arrive.

You'll enjoy the PPM meter. I'm still working with the $20 HM type and it works fine according to my plants. Now you can use the standard PPM guide to tune in the nutes. Made a big difference for me. Get to play mad scientist! Don't remember what your base water PPM is but you subtract that and any additives from the total NPK. I ph correct the water, check the PPM ( my water is running 305-315 these days), add nutes per growth cycle needs, Check the PPM ( I always aim for the high side of the suggested level but that's just me), add the additives like Liquid Karma, Cal Mag, Hygrozyme and Superthrive, check ppm and ph ( PH goes down a little when you add the nutes most of the time). Then you're ready to rock and roll for another week. Fun toy and productive too!

I bought the OZN-1

And the meter is a Sunleaves one here:

Yeah, I'm hoping it works out. I have some straight water in there and am going to let it sit for a few days.