Shout out your town and price!!!!


New Member
its one thing to ask prices but another to ask location, even if only roughly,

everyone on this site lives in a medical marijuana state and has a medical license, there is no illegal growing going on here at all


Active Member
so your saying when you have a medical license bud is suddenly free? i'm just looking for some generalizations across the country


New Member
no i'm saying this is a medical marjiuana community, and marijuana is illegal in other states, if the dea thought there was enough growers on here growing illegally they could well decide to seize the server


Well-Known Member
Where was the server? I doubt Canada is going to spend a relatively large amount of money to "Sieze the server." It's a relatively pot friendly place.


no i'm saying this is a medical marjiuana community, and marijuana is illegal in other states, if the dea thought there was enough growers on here growing illegally they could well decide to seize the server

this isnt an america-only forum..... i dont think pot is legal in ANY country...:-|... thanks for trying though


New Member
this isnt an america-only forum..... i dont think pot is legal in ANY country...:-|... thanks for trying though
considered legal for medicinal purposes in medical states so yeah it kinda is,
the only way these forums get away with what they do is because its all based upon medical growers, thats why this is one of the few sites where you won't get shit from the other members if your not a medical grower


considered legal for medicinal purposes in medical states so yeah it kinda is,
the only way these forums get away with what they do is because its all based upon medical growers, thats why this is one of the few sites where you won't get shit from the other members if your not a medical grower

you really put alot of stock into your "medical immunity" dont you??? do you really think that is what saves us here?? what about the forums dedicated to the synthesis/extractions/reductions of real drugs (such as mdma, lsd, herion, etc), what then is their legal umbrella??

i would more lean to the point that we still have a little bit of our constitution intact, which allows us the freedom of speech and expression, and the freedom to organize.... i would cite that as the reason we are still here... i am in louisiana, where there is no such thing as medical marijuana, i my friend, am an illegal grower, as are many of the people on this site... medical states are in the minority, not the majority.:-|


Well-Known Member
easygrinder... lmao... take a toke and relax lol, no federal agency is going to bring this site down and thats just all there is to it. Freedom of speech as stated above^. Also Just cuz U live in a medi state its not "legal" by federal law, so from a federal standpoint which is over any state, you are still technically doing something illegal so your no different. If ppl want to relase info about their location or anything else for that matter it is up to them and it's not going to bring any negative impact onto the server. For that matter I doubt it will have any negative impact on them personally either, If anyone should be worried it would be someone like me that works for the government as a Soldier and has mentioned his location and occupation amoung other personal information on here without a care in the world, and I dont worry one bit that someone is going to come for me, and If they wanted so be it cuz nothing will come of it lol smoke on! :joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
this isnt an america-only forum..... i dont think pot is legal in ANY country...:-|... thanks for trying though

Hello happy medical users and growers...

All the way from Costa Rica:

Colombian Brick (pure shit...) $40/oz
Jamaican Brick (decent but generally dry stuff) $130/oz
Creepy (any organic or hydro high grade bud) $400/oz

Usually american and europeans love Costa cos' of its prices, but nowadays it seems it doen'st matter where you are...


Active Member
any where in the south you can get an Oz of some str8 mid for 60-80$
grandaddy purp is $15 a gram
kush is around$10 a gram


Well-Known Member
Why is gdp more than kush? What kinda kush are we talking, and what part of the country are you from?