metal halide VS HPS


Well-Known Member
This session I'm using a 400w Metal halide with a 150w high pressure sodium, do you think this would be enough for some potent buds? or should I add instead of a 150 HPS, a 400w HPS?





smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
hps seems to be better for flowering but either way you go will work just fine. if your worried that much about it get a coversion bulb for the metal halide light fixture.

Brick Top

New Member
If anyone read my message ignore it .. somehow I managed to confuse the wattage of the different lights.

I'd go with the 400-watt HPS option.

Iron Lungz23

Well-Known Member
This session I'm using a 400w Metal halide with a 150w high pressure sodium, do you think this would be enough for some potent buds? or should I add instead of a 150 HPS, a 400w HPS?




I'd go with the 400W MH for veg & a 400W HPS for flower! Can't go wrong! U can also get a conversion MH bulb for the HPS setup requiring only 1 ballast!bongsmilie Good luck bro!


Well-Known Member
My plan now is as follows:

For Veg stage, ill use the metal halide 400w.
for flower, ill use both 400w metal halide and 400w HPS running AT THE SAME TIME.
Doing it like this I've been told gives it more of the light spectrum during flowering.
Is that accurate?

Iron Lungz23

Well-Known Member
My plan now is as follows:

For Veg stage, ill use the metal halide 400w.
for flower, ill use both 400w metal halide and 400w HPS running AT THE SAME TIME.
Doing it like this I've been told gives it more of the light spectrum during flowering.
Is that accurate?
Well I know of people using both spectrum's (HPS/MH) at the same time for veg & flower with amazing results. But I also know people who swear by using MH for veg & HPS for flower with the same results.
They say u need more of a blue spectrum (MH) during veg for foiliage & stem (internodes) growth, & a red spectrum (HPS) during flower to encourage female flowering.
I've used a 1000W MH through veg & flower b4 & had no problems! But now I prefer MH fo veg & HPS for flower!bongsmilieU just have to experiment & find out what works best for u! Good luck.:smile: