Newbie: Please help me to diagnose my sick plant!


Hi, I am new to this growing malarky. I have been guided by a friend so far, but they are away at the mo. They had a very successful grow with the same seeds (ak47).

I started them in small pots on the windowsill for the first 27days. I have now transferred to 5gallon pots in a wardrobe with lights and fan.

They are 30 days old now. They grew 3-5inches in first 2 wks. But the last 2wks ony 1-2 inches. Then, after only 3 days of being in the wardrobe they suddenly withered, curled and went yellow.

I have been researching what could be wrong but i cant figure it out. Most likely nitrogen/under or over watering. I would be sooo grateful for some help!

My first thought was that they had not been watered enough (as i was wary of over-watering them!) and had got too hot. So i watered them more and left them another day. They now look even sadder and the leaves are getting dry and 'crunchy'.

The soil is PH 6-7 so i dont think its a nitrogen prblem?

I have been watering them aprox. 1/2 litre per pot per day. When they were on the window i was watering aprox. 1/2 cup per pot per day, I really dont have a clue what im doing as i cant get online alot!

Also, these new pots dont have holes near enough to the bottom so i am watering from above. whereas with the small pots i watered from below. would this make a difference? or the change from sunlight on windowsill to very hot light in small space? Not enough air flow perhaps?

Oh, and I am using a mix of normal/Miraclegrow compost and perlite.

Please help me and my sad plants :( I am so confused!!

Photos for you.......

Thank you!!!!!! kiss-ass



Hey, I have a similar problem, except mine look a WHOLE lot crispier, and possibly dead. i tried flushing em out but it didnt seem to help anythin, now i dont know if i should try leave it to fix itself or if they will just die (which is what happened to 2 others that had the same problem). im gonna try get pictures up later.
Hope ya get an actual answer of someone that knows.


Well-Known Member
What sort of lights are you using in your grow setup, also what is the average temperature in there?


Well-Known Member
Oh, the reason i enquire is that it looks light u r fruing your plants, either by way of extreme temps, or too close to the light (depending on type).


Well-Known Member
Hi, I am new to this growing malarky. I have been guided by a friend so far, but they are away at the mo. They had a very successful grow with the same seeds (ak47).

I started them in small pots on the windowsill for the first 27days. I have now transferred to 5gallon pots in a wardrobe with lights and fan.

They are 30 days old now. They grew 3-5inches in first 2 wks. But the last 2wks ony 1-2 inches. Then, after only 3 days of being in the wardrobe they suddenly withered, curled and went yellow.

I have been researching what could be wrong but i cant figure it out. Most likely nitrogen/under or over watering. I would be sooo grateful for some help!

My first thought was that they had not been watered enough (as i was wary of over-watering them!) and had got too hot. So i watered them more and left them another day. They now look even sadder and the leaves are getting dry and 'crunchy'.

The soil is PH 6-7 so i dont think its a nitrogen prblem?

I have been watering them aprox. 1/2 litre per pot per day. When they were on the window i was watering aprox. 1/2 cup per pot per day, I really dont have a clue what im doing as i cant get online alot!

Also, these new pots dont have holes near enough to the bottom so i am watering from above. whereas with the small pots i watered from below. would this make a difference? or the change from sunlight on windowsill to very hot light in small space? Not enough air flow perhaps?

Oh, and I am using a mix of normal/Miraclegrow compost and perlite.

Please help me and my sad plants :( I am so confused!!

Photos for you.......

Thank you!!!!!! kiss-ass
1/2 a litre a day is wayyyyyyy too much for plants of that size. You have basically drowned them and the only way to revive them is to let them dry out quickly.


Well-Known Member
yowza!!! 1/2 liter a day?! i think we got the problem figured out. water every 2-3 days so the soil can dry up some. the old newbie rule of thumb will work for ya probally.......if you feel moisture when you stick your finger into the dirt about 2 inches it doesnt need water. i like big root systems so i let my soil dry a bit more myself b4 watering. roots grow cuz they are looking for water and nutes.


Active Member
looks like your plants are swimming, think u might need some arm bands for them lol. take the pots out of that water and let the little girls dry out.........