smoking leaves


Well-Known Member
yes but it takes quite a bit plus they taste like crap not to mention the headaches you will get..what leaves are you wanting to smoke ?the big fans or the small sugary ones coming out of the bud ?
if you like the small ones you can just place them in a paper bag to dry them
and smoke if you want. but i would try to get as much of the crystals off of them as i could
buy rubbing them on a silk screen or something. then gather all that lovely powder up heat and press it and smoke that . quite sure someone else will chime in on this one to .


Active Member
I'll chime in on this one, a buddy had a grow going looked really sweet we didn't want to pull the buds early so we decided to try a couple of the sweeter looking leafs. There was massive headache involved afterwards and the buzz was more akin to smoking resin scrapped out of a bong than a actual high.

old pothead

Well-Known Member
I have been smoking pot leaves for over 40 years and i have never got a headache from smoking leaves.It is one way i can judge if the plant will be any good.I agree that they are not the best tasting,some are better than others,but it is better than going without.
Put them in the oven at 250 till dry,then smoke up.I would not smoke them in a bong,unless you want to cough up a lung.OPH


Well-Known Member
I only smoke leaves out of a bong. Seems better to me and I don't really want the full taste from a pipe. I think the headaches people get from smoking leaves are due to inadequate drying. Also the leaves don't get good until the plants are fully mature. I've got a nice high going right now from some leaves from my mother plants. Of course they sat out and dried for about two weeks then got ran through a screen to get most of the stems and veins out and have been curing in the bag for a few weeks as well. It really doesn't taste good it reminds me of cigarette tobacco but you can get a good high from it.

I have been smoking pot leaves for over 40 years and i have never got a headache from smoking leaves.It is one way i can judge if the plant will be any good.I agree that they are not the best tasting,some are better than others,but it is better than going without.
Put them in the oven at 250 till dry,then smoke up.I would not smoke them in a bong,unless you want to cough up a lung.OPH
i have smoked plenty of leaves from all different strains and i have had gnarly headaches from some and from others not at all. ive gotten stoned off some and not any buzz whatsoever off others. im pretty sure it depends on what plant the leaves came from and various facts about that plant.