New Grow Room Pictures, almost done!!!


Well-Known Member
haha yea its actualy more now haha, the reason it was that much is bcuz i started with an empty shed an built everything, and brought electrical in from my house etc. and i didnt really cut any corners on anything, i mean i put a steel door with a key pad and dead bolt on it lol, but this grow im lookin to pull in around 2 pounds, most likely more, but im shoot low, since this is my first grow im jus tryin to get the hang of everything, then next grow i will b doing it way bigger.

i have 22 strains in this room, but let me tell u, dont ever do that its alot of work cuz every plant reacts differently and u just have to pay way more attention overall, but next grow i will have all one strain probaly af-wrek

haha im allready knowing, i try to stick with a few strains at a time. a couple years back me and two friends actually grew 40 plants outdoors on some land he had purchased a long time ago and wasnt using. and we had used like 12 different strains from clones we picked up at clubs around my town. had to deal with alot of issues with different defficiencys, i started growin indoors cause i live in a apt now and i dont have the space i had before, and i only have a studio apt so i had to get a smaller grow tent. i really wish i have the space u have lol. at my moms house i have like 3 more hid fixtures i could be using if i had the space for it. so now im actually gonna be selling them on ebay. im stoked about the g13 haze i got going, it won the cc in 2007 and i have some lemon mist seeds that im doing after this harvest, its an addiction man. with that shed and having it all secure like that you should really invest in this

obviously isnt a medical grow you be carefull man, my older brother spent 6 years locked up because of this game. it can be vicious. be safe bro, ill ttyl


Well-Known Member
yea man i will definetly look into that stuff , but im not worried about cops really becuz of the area i live in, im really safe at what i do, and yes this is a medical grow, i am legal and am even under the legal limit right now lol. i have 28 and the limit is 30
the g13 is gonna be so bomb, i read about that strain, good luck with it!
i know what u mean by an addiction man, hahah i remember when i finished the shed i was only gonna grow 5 plants to get the hang of things and some how i ended up getting 22 different strains, and 28 plants lol, and now i just want to get this round over with so i can do all the upgrades and shit


Well-Known Member
Excellent grow. You've also done a fantastic job keeping up on your thread updates. I really appreciate it.

Subscribed for sure. Can't wait to see the harvest bro!


Well-Known Member
lol ok ok, enough with the state/county laws this could go on forever, please discuss that somewhere else. all i know is i am legal to grow 30 mature plants doesnt matter how big, and i can have 3 pounds in my home at one time, my grow space cant be bigger than 10x10.

but thanks for stoppin by DubsFan! i should be harvestin alot of plants next weekend, next saturday will be 8 weeks. my first grow is almost a sucess but i dont want to jinx it lol, one plant has gotten fucked up, so im hoping nothing else will happen this last week


Well-Known Member
lol ok ok, enough with the state/county laws this could go on forever, please discuss that somewhere else. all i know is i am legal to grow 30 mature plants doesnt matter how big, and i can have 3 pounds in my home at one time, my grow space cant be bigger than 10x10.

but thanks for stoppin by DubsFan! i should be harvestin alot of plants next weekend, next saturday will be 8 weeks. my first grow is almost a sucess but i dont want to jinx it lol, one plant has gotten fucked up, so im hoping nothing else will happen this last week
You're right, my bad, we are here to see that harvest come to beautiful fruition, :D :hug: :peace:


Well-Known Member
damn, i have no idea how i missed this badass grow!! nice work brotha, i absolutely love your setup, i aspire to have that one day...i'm still searching through this massive thread what strains your running, when i'm this high it takes a while, haha...i can't wait to see how the harvest turns out..i'm sub'd and +rep! :peace:



Well-Known Member
haha thanks and welcome gkn! if u have any ideas or anything please feel free to let me know, im pretty much open to anything cuz this is my first grow, but glad to see u here! time to go take some bong rips outside of some blue dream i just picked up and enjoy this beautiful night!bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
haha thanks and welcome gkn! if u have any ideas or anything please feel free to let me know, im pretty much open to anything cuz this is my first grow, but glad to see u here! time to go take some bong rips outside of some blue dream i just picked up and enjoy this beautiful night!bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
sounds great dude, wish i could burn some of that cali funk with ya! i'm stuck with some mediocre quantity shit till my crop is in norcal i'm assuming?


Well-Known Member
SB 420's limmits are unconstitutional, see doctor to set plant limmits, state law trumps county... so county won't do shisnit...
Wasn't aware of that. Thanks for the info. Is that information posted on NORML's website somewhere too? If not, it should be.

ah yes the couldnt be better man, me n my buddy did the electrical and we thought of everything, i mean i ran a 8ga cable from my house to the shed super nice cable too, and took a 50 amp breaker in my house that was for the stove but we use gas, and dedicated it to the shed, and the shed has a 100 amp panel in it, have 120/240 down there too, and the fans r on their own circuit, each of the lights r on their own circuit, pumps on thier own etc.
I already praised the job you guys did in setting up all the electrical necessities earlier in this thread, but I had no idea to what extent. Pretty cool hearing the specifics. Once again, great job. grow space cant be bigger than 10x10.
Not to be pedantic, but if memory serves correct, the actual wording doesn't include the words "grow space" but instead, "canopy". How they define the word canopy I have no idea. I've checked into the different county laws, and you've made a very wise choice in doing what you do where you are. I was just up in "wine country" for the last 6 days looking for a new place. We could be neighbors very soon indeed.

Btw, that OG Kush looks really good, and so does the AK. Which strain is that mostly sativa one again? I'm apprehensive about sativa dominant strains because the leaves are more sparse; and being fewer and more slender, can be susceptible to various types of problems as a result. When done right though, they can be extremely stoney and memorable. I don't know why, but when I see a "skinny looking" plant in my grow rooms, I for whatever reason have a more elevated level of concern, and worry a little more. Can't wait to see the nugs that come off those babies man! When you're finished harvesting make sure to post some pics after they've been dried ok? :hump:


Well-Known Member
mcgician thanks for the comments, yea ur right about the canopy word i didnt even think about it haha, thanks for the correction i guess. but the other plant u r talking about i belive is cheese.and yes i will definetly post pics of them drying and curing!
glad to hear about ur house hunting here in the wine country, good luck man, let me know if u find a place, ur gonna love it out here