Quetion about my growroom


Hi,I just cropped my frist yeild, good bud but it went hermy from stress. I ended up with nice smoke but "banana" pre-seed pods started to form on the ends of the buds. My question..What do I need to do to my growroom to remove all existence of traces of pollen or whatever male stuff might be in there. Its a 7 x 6 x 8 grow room,, vinyl job. great grow room. I just dont want to get my new babies going and have them turn hermy as well. Any thoughts and replies..I thank you in advance!


Active Member
first you have to vent the room really well. Next wipe down all you fans and exhaust ducting. Follow that with a 2 % bleach wipedown of the entire room. Most important is to identify wether it was stress or genetics that caused it. If its genetic go with a new strain, if not find out what peticular factor is holding you back, heat,light ,humidity and nutes. check them out one by one and find the problem ,other wise it will happen again. Good Luck.


Thanks alot for the response. Let me break down the entire project right quick. This grow room was in Oakland Ca in friends garage. BabyMama dramas of his forced him to get rid of his:

Grow Room
1000 HPS set up
2 very good ventiliation fans
Nutes(all sorts)
and 13 Mature plants (budding with 2 weeks to go)
I kept the same light schedule 12/12

I noticed these banana pods forming the 10th day I had them. They were veg'd for 4.5 weeks and had been flowering for 6.5 weeks.

again thanks a ton for the info


Active Member
If your maintaining the atmosphere and not doing anything wacky with the photoperiod It sounds like genetics. Some plants are horribly prone to this peticular problem. Go with a non feminized seed and just pluck the males. then clone the hell out of it. It sounds like you got your stuff together so try a new strain. I like skywalker, good balence between potency and yield. How ever you decide to go good luck!


If your maintaining the atmosphere and not doing anything wacky with the photoperiod It sounds like genetics. Some plants are horribly prone to this peticular problem. Go with a non feminized seed and just pluck the males. then clone the hell out of it. It sounds like you got your stuff together so try a new strain. I like skywalker, good balence between potency and yield. How ever you decide to go good luck!
ok fantastic, thanks agian for all your words...they helped. It was a real bummer to clip my buds only to see this invasion of little banana creatures, I have only read about this sort of thing, but we'll get em next time.

Now the buds still look fantastic..I am thinking it will still smoke ok?