Please help... lost 3 already 2 more looking bad


Active Member
Please follow the link to my grow journal. I took a few pics of the sick plants. I have read and read about plant problems but cant figure this out. PLEASE HELP. # plants died in a matter of 8 to 14 hours... that was last week. I have been watching the others very closely since then and today 2 more looking really bad. Like I said pics are on page 6 of my grow. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me


Well-Known Member
You should tell as much about those plants as you possibly can for someone to be able to help you better. Like water schedule, type of water, nutrients, grow medium, stage of growth etc..... do you have fresh air coming in, going out ? What kind of lights are you using? What seems to be the problem with them?

Pictures are always good but adding the extra things makes the difference.


Active Member
You should tell as much about those plants as you possibly can for someone to be able to help you better. Like water schedule, type of water, nutrients, grow medium, stage of growth etc..... do you have fresh air coming in, going out ? What kind of lights are you using? What seems to be the problem with them?

Pictures are always good but adding the extra things makes the difference.

Ok. Plants are on day 27 of flowering, day 57 overall.
I water typically once a day sometimes every other it just depends on when the soil gets dry. Even when the soil isnt dry yet I pick up the pots and if they are light like an empty pot I water them. I was using MG blooom Booster its a 30-15-30. I diluted it to like 10% and used it every other watering until last week I was up to using it at 40% strength and every watering... I went up gradually every watering the last 27 days. I let tap water sit 24 hours before using. I am using a 600w HPS and 10 23W 2700k temp CFLs. I have an exhaust fan that vents to the roof and an intake fan that either brings it under the door of the room, or brings it in from an external source under my house. Any other questions fire away


Well-Known Member
Are you using very small pots? how do you water?"sprinkle,spray dump ect."what is the ph in your tap water?


Well-Known Member
Ok. Plants are on day 27 of flowering, day 57 overall.
I water typically once a day sometimes every other it just depends on when the soil gets dry. Even when the soil isnt dry yet I pick up the pots and if they are light like an empty pot I water them. I was using MG blooom Booster its a 30-15-30. I diluted it to like 10% and used it every other watering until last week I was up to using it at 40% strength and every watering... I went up gradually every watering the last 27 days. I let tap water sit 24 hours before using. I am using a 600w HPS and 10 23W 2700k temp CFLs. I have an exhaust fan that vents to the roof and an intake fan that either brings it under the door of the room, or brings it in from an external source under my house. Any other questions fire away
Over watering mixed with possible nute burn. Unless your growing in like a 32 ounce cup you should not be watering every day.

What size container?

I use 1gallon grow bags and I water every 3-5 days. I suggest you get a cheap soil moisture meter and water when the needle says dry. No way it feels light when the soil isn't dry as you stated. I did not trust myself till I got a meter and trust me when they are dry they are really really light.

Next you should never feed every water. Feed once a week and ever other watering.

Do you ph your water before you give it to your plants. This i suggest you do as well. especially after you add nutes to your water. My nutes drop my water to as low as 5.2. That would lock out mad nutes in soil. So you need to be on top of that.

I suggest you flush when the soil gets dry if they can wait that long. Go get a moisture meter and flush 2 to 3 times the container size. The next watering feed them 1/4th strength nutes and than if they take that fine the next feeding you could try higher nutes or stay at that level for another feeding.

This is the best you can do for right now. I would also suggest you find nutes with a high p and k and a lower N. As you might have a deficiency well but I think nute burn and over watering are your most immediate issues and why your plants are dying.


Active Member
Over watering mixed with possible nute burn. Unless your growing in like a 32 ounce cup you should not be watering every day.

What size container?

I use 1gallon grow bags and I water every 3-5 days. I suggest you get a cheap soil moisture meter and water when the needle says dry. No way it feels light when the soil isn't dry as you stated. I did not trust myself till I got a meter and trust me when they are dry they are really really light.

Next you should never feed every water. Feed once a week and ever other watering.

Do you ph your water before you give it to your plants. This i suggest you do as well. especially after you add nutes to your water. My nutes drop my water to as low as 5.2. That would lock out mad nutes in soil. So you need to be on top of that.

I suggest you flush when the soil gets dry if they can wait that long. Go get a moisture meter and flush 2 to 3 times the container size. The next watering feed them 1/4th strength nutes and than if they take that fine the next feeding you could try higher nutes or stay at that level for another feeding.

This is the best you can do for right now. I would also suggest you find nutes with a high p and k and a lower N. As you might have a deficiency well but I think nute burn and over watering are your most immediate issues and why your plants are dying.
I use 1.5 gallon pots. And have been watering with plain water for a week now. I jjust ordered a ph kit so I dont know what my ph is yet. Thanks for the advice though, I didnt think so much water was needed to flush the soil... I can wait til they are dry and try this... I also just ordered foxfarms big bloom so that should help for future feeding


Well-Known Member
I use 1.5 gallon pots. And have been watering with plain water for a week now. I jjust ordered a ph kit so I dont know what my ph is yet. Thanks for the advice though, I didnt think so much water was needed to flush the soil... I can wait til they are dry and try this... I also just ordered foxfarms big bloom so that should help for future feeding

Flushing is what you do to remove nutes and salts from the soil. You should do it every 30 days just to clear out the salt build up but it lets you reset the soil when you have to much nutes. But since you are not phing its likely you have a toxic amount of nute sin your soil. I suggest you flush immedetley.

Than get a soil moisture meter and do not water again till the meter says dry. I go by my meter and have not had any issue woth over watering.

When you do a regualr watering I water the container size so 1 gallon grow bags gets 1 gallon of water. With my grow bags i water every 3-5 days. Not every day.

Next Big bloom is a additive and will not sumplement the missing P. I would go with tiger bloom. Its what I use . The big bloom is a addittive and I use it as well. You wnat more P and K than N. right now your nutes are 30-10-30. way to much N and to little P. But this is a side issue and not whats your main cocnern. Thats toixc nute lock out and build up and overwatering.

Flush and proper watering and feeding schedule will fix your issues man.


Active Member
Flushing is what you do to remove nutes and salts from the soil. You should do it every 30 days just to clear out the salt build up but it lets you reset the soil when you have to much nutes. But since you are not phing its likely you have a toxic amount of nute sin your soil. I suggest you flush immedetley.

Than get a soil moisture meter and do not water again till the meter says dry. I go by my meter and have not had any issue woth over watering.

When you do a regualr watering I water the container size so 1 gallon grow bags gets 1 gallon of water. With my grow bags i water every 3-5 days. Not every day.

Next Big bloom is a additive and will not sumplement the missing P. I would go with tiger bloom. Its what I use . The big bloom is a addittive and I use it as well. You wnat more P and K than N. right now your nutes are 30-10-30. way to much N and to little P. But this is a side issue and not whats your main cocnern. Thats toixc nute lock out and build up and overwatering.

Flush and proper watering and feeding schedule will fix your issues man.
Thanks. I will give it a go


Active Member
One more question... If I am flushing and need to do it right away is there a need to wait 24 hours or just use straight tap water
??? Thanks


Well-Known Member
One more question... If I am flushing and need to do it right away is there a need to wait 24 hours or just use straight tap water
??? Thanks
Always let your water sit out 24 hrs. The chlorine will burn your leaves.

And yes 6.0-6.5 even up to 7 is ok. 6 is the bottom and 7 is the maximum. I ph to 6.5 myself and have had nothing but healthy plants.


Active Member
Ok... I flushed them and they were looking good for about 2 days... then grey spots started forming in the leaves on ALL of my plants... not mold but the leaves themselves were getting grey spots... I got my PH kit today and my ph in my tap water is between 8.5 and 9... super shitty. I downed the PH to about 5 hoping it will help balance my soil. I also got my foxfarms big blooms today... I watered at about 3/4 strength... its all natural figured that would be ok. Anyone have any ides for a way to help recover the plants quickly? the soil was dry according to the soil meter when I watered today. MY :PLANTS ARE DYING!!!! and it only got worse aftetr the flush last week. WTF!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!... Sorry I am frustrated beyond words. 6 weeks without a problem at all and then bam! the last 2 weeks have been hell

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Dude, ya are only supposed to adjust pH by .1 @ a time! If ya adjust too much @ once, ya stand to do more damage than b4. Yer pH was WAY off, and I hope yer able to pull thru!!!