looking good


what are you doing???????????????
using foxfarm nutes, and not very often...the soil at this house is really rich...i dug 4' x 4' holes and amended the soil that came out but not much, because the soil was so nice, i planted clones that were about 12-18" tall on may 5th I also use maxicrop seaweed and mycorrihizae fungus, I water every 2 days, each plant gets about 20 gallons.....that's it


Active Member
WOW!!! You officaly OUT grown these babys.

I can't even imagine how tall there going to get when there ready to be harvested.

Im trying to guess how much each plant will produce, and im thinking at least 8 pounds each.

Im deffinatly going to be watching this thread alot closer.


WOW!!! You officaly OUT grown these babys.

I can't even imagine how tall there going to get when there ready to be harvested.

Im trying to guess how much each plant will produce, and im thinking at least 8 pounds each.

Im deffinatly going to be watching this thread alot closer.
dude if
I yield that much, I will be really excited....
I'm hoping for 3 pounds each, if I get that
I will be very happy..:joint::blsmoke::peace: