problems... again....


Active Member
i need some help here... i dont whats wrong with my plant, it is about 28 days into veg. First i had some mites problems which i got ride of with tobbacco juice, but now i dont know whats going on with it. Some help plz, thanks.

The first picture, the leaf is light green, getting brownish/yellowish, the veins are green though.

The second picture are white spots which i think it is because of too much light, not sure though.

the third picture is one of two leaves that got all brown on the edge, i dont have a clue what might cause this.



Well-Known Member
Once again feeding any nutes? Whats the ph? water schedule

Can not help if you do not give me some info to help you.


Active Member
i water it every 3 days, about 4oz of water... feed it twice a week...
About a week ago, i thought the white bleached leaves were cause of MG deficiency and sprayed some epsom salt to the leaves. Later i found out that they were having the white spots because of too much lighting. I dont know if the salt on the leaves might have caused this because the leaves on the bottom were already getting yellowish. I also feed it some seaweed every now and then so spidermites dont come back.
I dont know if this might help. Thanks!


Active Member
What kind of soil is it in? Its probably nute burn so easy on the feeding. The solution to that would be to give it a good watering until plenty drips out the bottom. That should remove excess nutes. Give it a few days after that and see if it improves at all.

Also the white dots may just be the bites from those spider mites. What light are you using?


Well-Known Member
1st of all there is no such thing as too much light after seedling stage & plants get established. Too much heat, too much water or nutes before the plants are ready is my guess.


Active Member
What kind of soil is it in? Its probably nute burn so easy on the feeding. The solution to that would be to give it a good watering until plenty drips out the bottom. That should remove excess nutes. Give it a few days after that and see if it improves at all.

Also the white dots may just be the bites from those spider mites. What light are you using?
I'm using fafard organic soil 70% and 30% perlite. and the light bleaching diagnosis i got from here;

This picture is what light bleaching/ light burn looks like.
Only way to fix this is to Move the lights away from the plant!
Or make sure you dont go over 75 watts a sq foot, or your plant will have to much light and light bleaching can occur anywhere on the plant. (indica species seem to bleach easier than sativas imo.)

(Picture Provided by Boy Howdy)

I will deffinitly flush it and see what happens, im just using clf's, was using 3 of them two on the top and one on the side. but after i saw that the dots from thsi pic is ver similar to my plants i just turned off the side light. What i dont know what it is the brown thing on the edge. It is really weird, but lets see how it reacts to the flushing. Also is there anyway to fix the light burn faster than just moving the lights away???... Thanks for your help guys i really appretiate it. This is the only plant that survived my first grow lol i dont want to see it dying on me now!


Active Member
Or lack of air circulation, underwatering, ph off, or it could be a bad grow enviroment.
its def a bad grow enviroment lol... 5 plants died on my after 3 weeks of veg and this is the only one alive... its a white satin, now im growing one satori on the side, its got like a week but i see it growing very slow its only got the second set of leaves. I dont really know what I'm doing wrong, i water them from mineral bottled water or filtered water, they are on organic soil, and i dont feed them too much. geez growing weed is harder than i thought it would be.