Im not a writer, but a good fantasy and a good sarcastic line came into my head

:joint::joint::joint: ahh ok the old writing pad:joint::joint::joint: Lets see where this takes me this time:joint::joint::joint:

"Everyday is another day"

So its a new day
A breezy May morning. Silas found his way back into his own little world. He opens his phone, presses the usual buttons to get to his texts. "Silas come come come to the mall man, GET LAID!"-Juan. Silas admiring his own reflection in the mirror, confidently, but secretly disgusting uneasiness, gathers his best freshest clothes, his snazziest shoes and his rock and roll attitude and steps out the door in a flash. Walking down the street all the beautiful women of the city catch eyes with Sila's, some don't. Some of the men try with eyes young Silas's.. he stares right back.. doesn't miss a step. The city streets always look the same, and nothing has changed for today. The sky is blue, the clouds are immense, and the day has a pinch of warmness to it. Part of his socially accepted personally adored attire are his always classic Chuck Taylor's, All stars baby. His subtle unique wrist jewelry dangling on his wrist. Air tight skinny jeans complimenting his image. An original vintage tee shirt picked up thrifty prices at a thrifty shopping store. And a small almost secret necklace holding dear the closest thing he has to an heirloom. This all sums up teenage angst, rebellion, and identity crisis through different shades of fabric. Now although his clothes are oh so clean, hes wondering if his intentions for the day are oh so clear. Troubling his mind are the reappearing fears, can i pull this off will it work out ok. Negativity has no air today, Silas is on his game. So he picks up the pace just passing the guitar shop, he then realizes he just passed the guitar shop and is in a second in the shop cruising for new gear. Hes counting the prices, and calculating off his check money without a care in the world. It is his world, music he breathes and the world doesn't breathe without music. Scratching his head he slowly walks out the front door, with a shame and regret feeling... choosing over a love and a temptation is hard bargain. This distrubed the balance of the day, it was leaning again into uncertainty and soon from dislike. He chose to not let the little things get under his skin today though, there is always tomorrow, hopefully. This idea brought a relieving sense peace on him momentarily. Tomorrow is always going to be there or so we hope. Why worry at all? His suddenly reappearing fears do what makes them famous. Legendary. Strike him in the head and on the butt. He picks up the weight and carries on through past the webs of his mind. Now sitting on the bus, noticing how empty it is, he puts himself at ease, relaxing his legs on the following seat. His mp3 player taking him to a much needed stop. It becomes all he can think about, until he hears the bell ring. Its time you where on your way. Why does this feeling feel familiar. A fear or releasing. A fear of what may be in store. An image of being born enters in his mind and leaves as soon as it arrives. Composure recovers. Down the block, across the street, past the parking lot, in the mall, at the food tables, is where he finds himself. Meeting up with his school mate Juan and a couple of girls met over the internet. The conversations are the usual, getting to know each other, a little teasing, a lotta fear, and the cornerstone conversant. Conversation gets light and soon break into a few one on ones. Silas stares into the dancing beauty of the eyes the girl in front of him owns but uses in vein. Fire crept up his leg and a crazy light bulb turned on upstairs. [Silas:"so whats the craziest thing you can think of doing right now?"][Girl: I don't know, Jump on the table and scream curse words? hahahaha" ?][Silas: "Nah, thats not that crazy, Im talking crazy!">=]}[Girl: Well I dont know you got me.."?][Silas: "you feelin a little crazy?"][Girl: ???"Sure why not?" =]} So smoothly he takes her by the hand and leads her out of the sight of all their friends looking on in curiosity. [Girl: "haha where are you taking me?"] [Silas:"where almost there. Just a few more clicks and youll be in heaven"] Girl quietly smiles remembering now what she likes so much about Silas. His quirky sense of humor. Door opens, Door shuts, nobody saw them go in. [Girl: "ITS THE FAMILY BATHROOM!?" ;=]} Silas thought little about what mattered so he took off his shirt. This is what hes been working for, that grand perfect smile of approval. The electricity in the room magnetizes the two young lovers in a fuse of body parts. [Silas: "ill lay my clothes down for you.."] [Girl: "okay"] Silas strips down to his bare ass. The takes off all but her shoes and accessories. Its needs not mentioning but Silas takes care of any lack of neediness going on in the girl. And it goes on and on till.. suddenly. The door swings open brushing all her clothes behind it. Strong stares are exchanged between the two males. One man, and one boy. [Girl: !!! "Daddy!"!!] [Silas: "oh no.."] [Dad: "Stand up, both of you.. You little prick how dare you take my little girl to a bathroom to have sex! YOU LOSER. -Honey hes no good for you lets go, get your clothes on.] [Silas: "Sir, despite how bad this is looking right now, I respect your daughter, and.. im sorry you had to find out how much i love her this way..."] [Dad: "SHUT UP YOU, SHUT UP! RESPECT HER, LOVE HER, IF YOU DID ANY OF THOSE THINGS WOULD SHE BE HERE NAKED ON A DISGUSTING BATHROOM FLOOR? HUH? WOULD SHE?] [Silas:" Sir I put down my clothes for her..."] [Dad:"OH HOW GENTLEMANLY OF YOU. LOOK YOU LITTLE LOSER, IF I SEE YOU ANYWHERE NEAR MY DAUGHTER, IF I EVER 'SEE' YOU AGAIN.... YOUR A DEAD MAN. GOT IT?"] [Silas: "......"] [Dad:" GOOD"] Door slams... and silas is left alone with his clothes on the floor, dick in his hand, and a single earring left behind from the fierceness of five minutes ago... Puts it in his ear, shakes off the dirt on his shoulder, and decides to call it a day. There was a lot to think about...