First Time Please Help

Legalize The Plant

Active Member
hey this is my first grow ever and i have been looking on this site and i learned alot of tips that help but i havent found anything on what im doing so if u could help it would be appreciated.

Okay i planted seeds in a little clay pot and they sprouted fine even though i did not germinate them and i put them out in the day and bring them in in the night and put them under a regular energy saving basement light. every day iv been doing that and its been working nice and theyre are three sprouts. but i read that the ammount of light is important like in the begining have 18 and when u want them to bud lower it to 12. but i also heard that weed is easy to adapt. am i doing things write and if anyone knows anything please leave some tips. Thank You

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
"regular energy saving basement light" ----- CFL?

24hrs light? I wouldn't put them under any light after you bring them in.

Are you going to induce flowering or let nature take it's course?

Legalize The Plant

Active Member
im actually not really sure. but if i leave them in the dark wouldnt they die.and if its workin so far is there a point when its not gonna work. and i dont really know how to induce flowering. if u could would u be able to explain it cuz i cant really load that many pages cuz my connection and there is just way to much info. So if you would be able to help me it would be much appreciated

Legalize The Plant

Active Member
also if you would be able to give me a link that would tell me what to do after they bud. i think im gonna let nature take its course if it i read on curing but im not completely sure what they mean and there arent to many full tutorials. like im a beginer and im not really sure about all the lingo and things like that


Well-Known Member
They will not die in the dark as long as they are getting some light. If you are just using a regular light bulb its not going to do a whole lot but make your plants stretch. If you are not going to get an actual growing light, i would plant them outside as soon as the weather is good enough to keep them out there. They will start budding outside around August when the sunlight nears 12 hours of light 12 hours dark. Your plants should be well adapted to outside if you have been putting them there everday. By giving them darkness at night it will adapt them better to being outside where they do not get light at night
im actually not really sure. but if i leave them in the dark wouldnt they die.and if its workin so far is there a point when its not gonna work. and i dont really know how to induce flowering. if u could would u be able to explain it cuz i cant really load that many pages cuz my connection and there is just way to much info. So if you would be able to help me it would be much appreciated

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
im actually not really sure. but if i leave them in the dark wouldnt they die.and if its workin so far is there a point when its not gonna work. and i dont really know how to induce flowering. if u could would u be able to explain it cuz i cant really load that many pages cuz my connection and there is just way to much info. So if you would be able to help me it would be much appreciated

No, they won't die in the dark.
(They will sleep);-)

It's been proven that plants do better if they get 6 hours of dark during veg.
(Some choose 24hr. light although there is plenty of evidence 16 is better)

To induce flowering you would intentionally switch the plant to 12hrs of light instead of 16.
(Bring them inside and into complete darkness for 12 hrs.)

Nature will do this for you later in the year.

Hope that helps.

Legalize The Plant

Active Member
thank you for all the help but i still got 2 more question lol if its warm out but like inclimant weather like heavy rain or wind wouldnt that kill the plant. and if its cloudy does it still get light


Well-Known Member
If your plant is not strong enough heavy wind and rain can kill a plant, after it has been out there for a while it should be able to handle it no problem. If it is cloudy it is still going to get sun. The only time you should really worry about rain is when its budding, if buds stay wet and moist too long they will rot and be no good