will this work? 5gal bucket w/air pump DWC


Well-Known Member
I want to grow a hydro tomato plant on my porch with a 5gal bucket, air pump (outdoor plug), netpot lid for 5gal, and some growrocks. Im currently sprouting some tomato seeds in rapid rooters.

Think It will do ok?

any suggestions?

j h

Well-Known Member
i imagine it would as long as you changed the water and you might wanna get a sandstone for more oxygen in the water and get the right nutes you should be fine make sure u got the ph right i dont know what it should be for tomatos tho...i would get it at 5.8 or 6.0 and keep it there. good luck


Active Member
I think it would work that's exactly what I use for my grow and it's very easy. Just have to worry about changin the water.


Well-Known Member
ph should be around 5.0 - 5.5 for tomatoes I think, they like the acidity. the rest is up to you. I got a 5gal DWC in my backyard myself.. not a big fan of tomatoes though, so I'm seein how big I can get sunflowers


Well-Known Member
ph should be around 5.0 - 5.5 for tomatoes I think, they like the acidity. the rest is up to you. I got a 5gal DWC in my backyard myself.. not a big fan of tomatoes though, so I'm seein how big I can get sunflowers
I use sunflowers for removing toxic heavy metals from soil and for soil conditioning. Best in the ground, I say. They'll get large in a hydro bucket BUT you need to add silica or they'll have weak stems that can't support such a huge flower head.


Well-Known Member
Think Jalapenos or other peppers would work better? How long does it take a sunflower to mature? and whats silica?


Well-Known Member
Silica is a major component in cell wall structure in plants. Without silica the plant is relying upon water pressure to stay stiff instead of having a naturally strong silica-reinforced set of tissues to support the plant.

Sunflowers take about 3 months to mature, depending upon variety and amount of light.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info! so something like silica blast from Botanicare would be a good idea?
Silica is a major component in cell wall structure in plants. Without silica the plant is relying upon water pressure to stay stiff instead of having a naturally strong silica-reinforced set of tissues to support the plant.

Sunflowers take about 3 months to mature, depending upon variety and amount of light.


Active Member
I reccomend that you not have an indoor garden if you have hydro outside where others can see. I once had an outdoor hydro and it brought unwanted attention,,,,,,,,With badges and dogs.


Well-Known Member
Last I checked its perfectly legal to do hydro and as long as their K-9 doesn't eat the plants or shit in your yard you should be all set. Explain to a cop that hydroponics have been in use since the Roman aqueducts and can be used to grow many plants and that most lettuce is grown hydro now.


Well-Known Member
I reccomend that you not have an indoor garden if you have hydro outside where others can see. I once had an outdoor hydro and it brought unwanted attention,,,,,,,,With badges and dogs.
You had cops show up at your house because of a hydro tomato plant outside? That is odd, I had no idea growing tomatoes hydroponically would make for police attention. Read the thread before posting man.......


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the heads up but I'm actually not growing any MJ at my residence just veggies. Appreciate all the help kalikitsune


Active Member
Last I checked its perfectly legal to do hydro and as long as their K-9 doesn't eat the plants or shit in your yard you should be all set. Explain to a cop that hydroponics have been in use since the Roman aqueducts and can be used to grow many plants and that most lettuce is grown hydro now.
You had cops show up at your house because of a hydro tomato plant outside? That is odd, I had no idea growing tomatoes hydroponically would make for police attention. Read the thread before posting man.......

Yes i did read the thread, just sharing a warning i thought relivent. I did actually have 3 hydro systems in the backyard and it was an urban enviroment not out in the boonies. I had tomatoes, brusselsprouts, peppers, broccoli, lots of different lettuce, 5 kinds of eggplants collard greens and a bunch more. First i spotted a cop walking a dog through the back yard one night, told me that he was looking for a criminal they believed to be hiding in the area. Could have been too i don't really know.

Then one morning about 530 my roomate answered the door to see 7 cop cars outside, They had some bullshit story about a wanted fugitive had listed my place as his address and therefore they were there to pick him up. Roomie told them that he had never seen the guy and tried to close the door, cop stuck his foot in it and pushed it open saying he had probaple cause for a search based on the address being used by some criminal as his own.

What they did was walk in and 5 cops go straight to the same bedroom upstairs without so much as checking a single room downstairs. The room they all went for while an assload more cops waited at my door and outside just happened to hav afew lights and hydro systems in it, They to were only growing perfectly legal canna crops and suddenly all the smiling cops started to frown. My buddy even offered them a piece of fresh fruit he picked when they walked into the room and explained that it was 100% organicly grown and had never been exposed to pesticides of any kind. They declined his offer put there heads down all walked out and everybody drove away. They never checked another single room in the house!!!! It was fucked and possibly illegal but you can bet your ass it was real and no way they were looking for a person.