Big Bud with Overdrive?


Well-Known Member
My plants just started week 5 of flowering. I've been using big bud for about 2 weeks now and about to start using Overdrive. Are these 2 good to be using together until the final week of flushing? I've been adding 1/4 tspn/gal of big bud, should I be adding hte same for overdrive? Also, will I need to lower the amounts of bloom ferts I give them once I start overdrive? Any help would be greatly appreciated...


Active Member
hey dude i use both overdrive and big bud.You dont use the 2 together u use big bud till 3 weeks b4 harvest then overdrive till 1 week b4 harvest


Well-Known Member
hey dude i use both overdrive and big bud.You dont use the 2 together u use big bud till 3 weeks b4 harvest then overdrive till 1 week b4 harvest
So I should quit using Big Bud after 5 weeks is done and use Overdrive up until flush? Shouldn't Overdrive be used longer than just a week before?


Active Member
the easiest way dude is to go onto advanced nutes website and look at the nutrient calculator u can put how many weeks you flower for then it will tell which weeks to use big bud and overdrive


Well-Known Member
the easiest way dude is to go onto advanced nutes website and look at the nutrient calculator u can put how many weeks you flower for then it will tell which weeks to use big bud and overdrive
Those calculations seem to be a little too high to start out at... do you have any good amount to start at (tspn/gal)?


Active Member
if there to high dude just half or quarter the amount reccomended i personally never put more than half strength in i just follow an flower guide putting half of what they say in


Well-Known Member
Well, if my plants are 9-11 weeks flowering time should I use Big Bud up until about week 8 and then week 9 and 10 start overdrive and that week 11 flush? What's a safe place to start the overdrive at (tspn/gal)?


Active Member
exactly dude big bud should be used 2 weeks after flower till week 8 for you then overdrive for 2 weeks then however long you wish to flush.i personaly always go with the lower flower time that way i can just extend my flush.sorry dude i use 6m/l syringes for my nutes and i work mine out in litres you could check the e.c but i generally put 2 6m/l syringes of bloom for every 1 syringe of big bud


Well-Known Member
exactly dude big bud should be used 2 weeks after flower till week 8 for you then overdrive for 2 weeks then however long you wish to flush.i personaly always go with the lower flower time that way i can just extend my flush.sorry dude i use 6m/l syringes for my nutes and i work mine out in litres you could check the e.c but i generally put 2 6m/l syringes of bloom for every 1 syringe of big bud
So you start the overdrive out at 1/2 the strength of your bloom nutes pretty much? And how long do you try to flush for?


Active Member
yeah dude 2 to 1 ratio and i flush for at least 10 days but current grow has been for 2 weeks and thats in dwc.


Well-Known Member
no, i just start out at really low strength and work my way up from there.. do you gradually add more overdrive each water, unlike big bud, which i was told to leave at 1/4tspn/gal


Well-Known Member
Yeah I use them together..My plants are indica dominant white desiel, But I have also done it with sativas...I use BB 4oz for 15 gals of water and 1 oz of overdive...seems to be working for me


Well-Known Member
so when did you start to add the overdrive with big bud? Do you keep using that same amount until flush?


Well-Known Member
so when did you start to add the overdrive with big bud? Do you keep using that same amount until flush?
I start adding BB week 2 of flower thru week 7-8 depending on how they look

I start OD in week 5

BTW I also use GH 3 part for my base.... One One One

I start to reduce the BB about week 6 or 7 and start to up the OD. So For 15 gals I would use in week 6 if everything was looking OK 2 BB 2 OD
Week 7 1 BB 2 OD

Week 8 No BB 3 OD



Well-Known Member
I start adding BB week 2 of flower thru week 7-8 depending on how they look

I start OD in week 5

BTW I also use GH 3 part for my base.... One One One

I start to reduce the BB about week 6 or 7 and start to up the OD. So For 15 gals I would use in week 6 if everything was looking OK 2 BB 2 OD
Week 7 1 BB 2 OD

Week 8 No BB 3 OD

And you're talking in ounces right? So if about 6 tspns to a ounce then you'd be doing 12 tspns of BB to 15 gallons? I thought you were supposed ot keep the BB at about 1/3 of that the whole time. If it works for oyu I'll probably try to do what you said and see how it goes.


Well-Known Member
And you're talking in ounces right? So if about 6 tspns to a ounce then you'd be doing 12 tspns of BB to 15 gallons? I thought you were supposed ot keep the BB at about 1/3 of that the whole time. If it works for oyu I'll probably try to do what you said and see how it goes.
Yes sir OZ's Good Luck

FYI I also use molasses from week one