Seed Budd - Am I through?


Well-Known Member
So my plants got pollinated, I won't go into how; it is what it is.

I'm on day 42 : week 6 of flowering and the plants look basically the same as day 30 (attached pictures are from day ~35 days) when I first noticed the seeds growing.

The only noticable differences in my plants from 12 days ago is there seems to be a lot more tri-chromes on the calyxs' - but those calyx have seed in them, are they even smokable? ugh...

My question is.. will there ever be new flowers? Will the "seed pods" ever open and produce more flower? Will I see that "6 week explosion" in budd size that everyone talks about?



Well-Known Member
There is a quite reputable school of thought that will swear that the bud remains from a seed plant are actually more potent than the buds from an unpollenated female.

If those are all you have, obviously grow them out to maturity, no early chops because of the seeds. There will be plenty of THC laden material in between the seed pods and yes, you can smoke those fuckers, right to your head! After deseeding, of course.

Anyway, get your next grow going and let these girls finsh up and better luck next time...


Well-Known Member
There is a quite reputable school of thought that will swear that the bud remains from a seed plant are actually more potent than the buds from an unpollenated female.

If those are all you have, obviously grow them out to maturity, no early chops because of the seeds. There will be plenty of THC laden material in between the seed pods and yes, you can smoke those fuckers, right to your head! After deseeding, of course.

Anyway, get your next grow going and let these girls finsh up and better luck next time...
Thanks man you've brightened my day! I am going to let them grow out until full maturity and see how it goes. I have 6 clones from my girls just dying to put in flower but I'll let them chill until these babies are done. I am guessing its gonna be around 10-11 weeks until they are near finished being that they are sativa...


Well-Known Member
Thats the same shit that happened to me. I was all excited when I saw my plants had female parts and didnt see any sign of a hermie. Then a few weeks later I started seein those fuckin seeds starting to form. Anyway, I have a question. Is the only way to have a hermie light leaks in your grow room? Or can it just be the seed you grow? I thought my room stayed dark during the dark cycle so idk what turned my plants hermie.


Well-Known Member
Thats the same shit that happened to me. I was all excited when I saw my plants had female parts and didnt see any sign of a hermie. Then a few weeks later I started seein those fuckin seeds starting to form. Anyway, I have a question. Is the only way to have a hermie light leaks in your grow room? Or can it just be the seed you grow? I thought my room stayed dark during the dark cycle so idk what turned my plants hermie.
Well first of all are you 100% sure they are hermie? I thought the plants in the picture was a hermie but turns out it was just seeded bud. I did have a hermie in with them which I allowed to stay in there - mistake...

I've read that a few different things can turn a plant hermie...

1. Light leaks
2. High temperatures
3. Stress
4. Crappy seeds

What I dont get is if a plant is a female and it undergoes those things why would it turn male? Why not die or produce less bud etc...And how about vice versa, if a plant is a male and it undergoes such stress why doesn't it turn female? I think it is a bunch of bullshit and a plant turns hermie because thats what its genetic software tells it to do, hence bad genetics.

To us we associate "bad" with "male". So when a plant turns male or "bad" we think oh is because we did someting "bad" like too much heat, stress, etc...But to nature neither is "bad" or "good" both male and female are essential it just our human way of thinking or what?


Well-Known Member
I also think it has a lot to do with genetics. My seeds were just out of a bag of a weed I had. So I just ordered some from attitude.


Well-Known Member
Man I am paranoid to order seeds to my house. I dunno man...have you done it before?
No this is my first time but people on this site say they have done it. I ordered them to a different address tho. Ill let you know how it goes.


Well-Known Member
No this is my first time but people on this site say they have done it. I ordered them to a different address tho. Ill let you know how it goes.
please do, I am dying to get some quality seed. It would be nice to KNOW what strain I'm much as I like pure sativa I am tired of battling the height game, I'd like to get a 50/50 mix of sativa/indica...