Prison wardens are mostly buddys of the govenor or suits from the state capitol. However that isn't all bad. These people are not guards they arn't going to protect the guards they want the prison to run smooth but they don't want to get in trouble because they can get in trouble. We had "civilian" managment and officers running the show up to captain.
We had one of two PSU units in California these guys are either nuts or are hiding from mainline. But some are very nuts, violent, poop smearers or just plain mean. But they were the most fun to work with, crazy fucks, staff and inmates. As for their treatment I don't know they had it ok for inmates they wern't in SHU anyway.
All that is really needed is end the drug war that will cut crime 70% over night I bet. End three strikes laws, And manditory minimum sentances. Bam your done. Lots of officers would be pissed though. They love those laws, mean job security. Government loves the huge bloated penal system, Huh, "HUGE BLOATED PENAL."
If they want to see how a prison should run all they need to do is look at Pelican Bay. Sure we had some problems but we were damn good.
But I hope he isn't wanting to base the US system on the Japanees system they can be brutal. We had Russian Prison Wardens come through our prison said they would send their grandmas to retire there. Our older prisons need to be shut down though, we could do it if we ended the drug war.
I really hate prisons personally, I wish there was another way. But all I can think of is kill the bad ones, fine everyone else.