Double Grow! Juicy Fruit?


Active Member
Welcome to my second DWC hydroponic grow. This will be my first MJ grow. My Green Goblin is about 3 days old at this point and can be found here:

This is my Juicy Fruit plant, it sprouted this morning... err technically yesterday morning. It is in a 3 and a 1/2" net pot. I have a cucumber, and a cantaloupe growing as well.

Its a 5 site homemade hydro set up. with two 12" air stones. Two of the net cups were removed and I covered the holes until I get some peppers (to keep light from entering to reduce the chance of getting algea.)

hope you guys enjoy my grow journal!! I'll be updating each week to let you guys in on my babies' progress



Active Member
I also recently bought an 8 site hydroponic system similar to this, but WAY SMALLER, and GREY (light color, lets light through), and it had flippin 3" netpots and didnt come with clay pellets.

This resulted in algea, I had to restart!



Active Member
I assume I should use a cup and take water from my resevoir and simply pour it over the clay pellets so it sort of drips through onto the peat pellet?


Well-Known Member
You want to keep your peat pellet moist. Yes... water it with the water from the res. In the future... I would stay away from peat pellets for hydro... They are going to come apart as the plant grows and make a mess in the res. I may also cause things to grow in the res. as pieces drop into the tote. Just my 2 cents. Good luck!


Active Member
You want to keep your peat pellet moist. Yes... water it with the water from the res. In the future... I would stay away from peat pellets for hydro... They are going to come apart as the plant grows and make a mess in the res. I may also cause things to grow in the res. as pieces drop into the tote. Just my 2 cents. Good luck!
Awesome! Thats just the sort of thing I wanted to hear! Well I've been keeping them a little moist, they're never dry, when I put the MJ in the net cup with the rocks it didn't even have any roots coming out yet. The other non-MJ plants did.

Well, I had seeds, and I am NOT good at germinating seeds! So I used this humidity dome with a bunch of peat pellets inside.. I didn't really want to grow a plant in a pot, just so I could take a fail cutting.. :spew:

Some guy said as long as I keep them high in the net cup, not dangling at the bottom, it'll be fine. And the netting around the peat will usually not break until the plant gets much bigger.

The thing is...

I have some grodan rockwool cubes, they are 2" and fit perfectly inside of a netcup, the only problem is I am not a germinator, and I prefer to let the seed grow in it's growing medium. I just don't germinate seeds because it has always, always, always, gone wrong. Once I even had some germinate in the paper towel, I decided I'd plant them the next day... And the next day they were all dried up and dead and gone...

Thankyou for clarifying on that though, I'm always really iffy until I get some visible roots.. Next time I'll use the rockwool!!! And sorry for the wall of text, I'm talkative right now.


Active Member
Sorry! I forgot to include some pics.

I also need some more attention about my other outdoor soil grow!

When should I start adding the 1/3-regular-strength nutes to my Green Goblin??

And will it be okay/better to use my 6-4-4 Grow Big Fox Farms nutes which are intended for hydroponic use? How often should I use it?:confused:

Would it be better to use my noob 24-8-16 Miracle Grow??? :cry:

(I'm not sure if it works like this... but 24-8-16 divided by 4, is 6-2-4, so that would mean the foxfarms has more P? N-P-K right??'

Maybe I should just use the foxfarms... since miracle grow is miracle grow...)