the most fucked up thing someone ever did to me(must read)

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Well-Known Member
Sorry it had to come to blows between you two... :(

I hope he doesn't send anyone after you. If he is dealing H, then he probably knows some desperate and stupid people who'll do anything for him. Be safe, dude. :peace:
fuck him, its wtvr i dont care really. im just pissed that he was mad that i cemented the thing. i could of rated him out, but i didnt. and he left me with a real heavy bag. and the fact that he is dealing heroin is fuckin retarded. i mean i understand that sometimes u have to do what u have to do, but he he is living lovely. he don't need to risk everything like that. but wtvr im done with that kid. and im not worried about hem sending anybody. he is all talk, and obveously immature


Well-Known Member
so i take it you and your boy are some hardcore gangstas??:roll:
LMFAO!!!!! thats pretty fucking funny. With the way the dude wrote down the post i was thinking the exact same thing. I was like is this guy for real? I mean who really spells like that? LOL im laughing as i write this HAHAHA to funny!


Well-Known Member
LMFAO!!!!! thats pretty fucking funny. With the way the dude wrote down the post i was thinking the exact same thing. I was like is this guy for real? I mean who really spells like that? LOL im laughing as i write this HAHAHA to funny!
let me ask you a question. are you for real?


Active Member
to be honest dear boy do you think your posts are wise?

talking about chums dealing skag, engaging in fisticuffs in 'micky d's'(whatever that is) and liberally distributing shooters hither and thither is just the sort of thing 'the man' would love to read.

my advice is STFU about your goings on, I dont mean to be rude but I don't think a hippie dope growing forum is the ideal place to post details of what goes on in your gangsta life.

I mean do you do odd things with your fingers in photographs and say you are a blip or a crud? Did you shoot two packs?

I must admit Iam only taking the michael, but I don't think your gangster persiflage should be inflicted upon us.


Well-Known Member
to be honest dear boy do you think your posts are wise?

talking about chums dealing skag, engaging in fisticuffs in 'micky d's'(whatever that is) and liberally distributing shooters hither and thither is just the sort of thing 'the man' would love to read.

my advice is STFU about your goings on, I dont mean to be rude but I don't think a hippie dope growing forum is the ideal place to post details of what goes on in your gangsta life.

I mean do you do odd things with your fingers in photographs and say you are a blip or a crud? Did you shoot two packs?

I must admit Iam only taking the michael, but I don't think your gangster persiflage should be inflicted upon us.

man shut the fuck up. honestly who the fuck do you think you think you are tryin to tell me what i am and how things go here? so u kno what, fuck you and your 37 posts, aight? you dont know me. and if your were fuckin reading the thread instead of bein a dick, you would know that nobody is claimin their gangsta or none of that. i posted it because it was an issue in my life that i was unsure how to handle. and yes if i have a problem with somthing in my life i have every right to post it on here and ask for help. so dont sit here and tell me what the fuck i should and should not do. with your one month member ass. im not fuckin sittin here sayin, " yo im dealin by tha poundz and bustin' ma gunz and i dont give a fuck" no. im havin a mature convorsation about real events in my life. just because it dont happen to u, or just because its not your element, dont mean im claimin to be gangsta. and maybe convorsation is a little too much for you handle. maybe u should go back to a cloning thread oe some shit.

i kno ignorance come from lack of understanding......................but God damn.


Active Member
man shut the fuck up. honestly who the fuck do you think you think you are tryin to tell me what i am and how things go here? so u kno what, fuck you and your 37 posts, aight? you dont know me. and if your were fuckin reading the thread instead of bein a dick, you would know that nobody is claimin their gangsta or none of that. i posted it because it was an issue in my life that i was unsure how to handle. and yes if i have a problem with somthing in my life i have every right to post it on here and ask for help. so dont sit here and tell me what the fuck i should and should not do. with your one month member ass. im not fuckin sittin here sayin, " yo im dealin by tha poundz and bustin' ma gunz and i dont give a fuck" no. im havin a mature convorsation about real events in my life. just because it dont happen to u, or just because its not your element, dont mean im claimin to be gangsta. and maybe convorsation is a little too much for you handle. maybe u should go back to a cloning thread oe some shit.

i kno ignorance come from lack of understanding......................but God damn.

sorry, i didn't understand much of what you were saying. Your English is atrocious, perhaps if I were a gansta like yourself Id be able to understand what you wrote.

although i think you were trying to say because I have only been a member of this of this forum for a month and only had 30 odd posts my opinions were worthless.

i did say that I was only taking the piss, but you decided to ignore that.

you sir are an idiot wanna be gangster child. why don't you just fuck off?

you piece of shit.

oh, and please try to speak english.
perhaps in the 'ghetto' where you obviously live there is a place where people like you can have english lessons?

how old are you? you dumb fucknut.

oh and what is 'aight'? Is that some gangster jargon?
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