Bucket heads 09 set-up, Super lemon haze, trainwreck, Hawaiian snow, lemon skunk and

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
i will post some pics today, but this really sucks. I hope its only a few here and there and not just a bunch of seeds. I trashed the pure power and pure gold from the grow room. I think they caused this, fuck g13 crappy seeds....:cuss:

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
I tried g13 last round..... Waste of light.... Hope all goes well
thanks man, i hope i can still salvage good bud from this its hard to tell right now cause it looks like they just got pollinated recently. The future seeds are little tiny things and i only have 3 weeks left.


Well-Known Member

Sorry to hear that bucket I feel your pain I really do. I hope everything will turn out OK I will pray to the weed gods for you. Its not a total loss though so thats good Just take all precautions. Do you think it was the low quality seeds. They so the plants usually have to be under some kind of stress to go hermie, not htat I have any experience with the hermies. Are all plants showing signs of seeds or just a couple? Have you quarantined these plants? Do you plan on finishing the hermies? Read a post about a guy who got hermies real late and he said the seeds didnt really get to bad. He said he manicured real well and the smoke was pretty good. Well guess you got some work to do, thanks for keeping us posted I was getting worried about ya!!


Well-Known Member
well bucket i got some problems too. I got my room all set-up. built my ballast, built my cool tube.. connected all my ducting fired up the circulation fan. And did a test run. within 15 minutes my temps reaced 95, within 25mins 105. I coordinated an exhaust cycle to run when the temp gets too high and run till temp reaches 80. But soon as i stop exhasting temps sky rocket. Problem is im injecting CO2. This is no good. I think my only hope is air conditioning. Im gonna have to buy an electrical enclosure air conditioner. they are designed for sealed enclosures. Found some used ones pretty cheap but I know it will end up pricey by the time I integrate it. But I cant see any problems once I get an A/C. This damn co2 better be worth all the trouble.

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
So i think i might have over reacted a little bit. I think the power skunk busted some pollen around my garden, but its six weeks flower so i dont think seeds will have the time to get infested. And im not sure about the slh, but i doesnt look like they are pollinated to. Im flushing the trainwreck and lemon skunk now so after two weeks flush i will chop chop... I will get some updated pics soon. :peace:


Well-Known Member
ahhhh its good to hear the weed gods anwered my prayers. Thats really good news bucket. Us parents do tend to overreact when our precious babies are threatened.


Well-Known Member
Im in the same boat as you for height. I had to move my entire grow operation because my Super Silver Haze plant got waaaay to tall. Looking forward to the SLH pics!

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
So i harvested One of my trainwrecks today...:mrgreen:She is looking nice , got plenty of finger hash to smoke..LOL It looks to be a good yeilder at least two zips. sorry ive been bullshitin on these pics just been a busy week. Anyway i get pics up ASAP peace out...:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
So i harvested One of my trainwrecks today...:mrgreen:She is looking nice , got plenty of finger hash to smoke..LOL It looks to be a good yeilder at least two zips. sorry ive been bullshitin on these pics just been a busy week. Anyway i get pics up ASAP peace out...:blsmoke:
ive been waiting a long time for these pics you keep talking about lol : P


Well-Known Member

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM :D + REP MAN ! no words can discribe my feelings on how that lovely bud looks, what is that ?

trainwreck ?