Bucket heads 09 set-up, Super lemon haze, trainwreck, Hawaiian snow, lemon skunk and


Well-Known Member
lookin great mang. I cant wait to see those super lemons flower. How are the tops of the plants looking lol. Did you figure out your light situation yet?

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
lookin great mang. I cant wait to see those super lemons flower. How are the tops of the plants looking lol. Did you figure out your light situation yet?

There r a few SLH top pics, but i forgot to label all of 'em...:bigjoint: I think i will go vertical later this weekend...bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
wow those babies are lookin pretty tall. I WISH i COULD SMELL THEM. You using any sweet leaf or anything to up that candy taste. ohhhhh man sweet and sour lemon weed. I wanna start my grow but the girlfriend planned a vaction at the end of may so i gotta wait till then to get started. Thats ok tho cause it gives me time to work on my set up. Good work cant wait to see how big those buds get.

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
wow those babies are lookin pretty tall. I WISH i COULD SMELL THEM. You using any sweet leaf or anything to up that candy taste. ohhhhh man sweet and sour lemon weed. I wanna start my grow but the girlfriend planned a vaction at the end of may so i gotta wait till then to get started. Thats ok tho cause it gives me time to work on my set up. Good work cant wait to see how big those buds get.

Thanks man...:bigjoint: And yes i am using sweet leaf, bigbud, molasses and sensi bloom.


Well-Known Member
wow you use all of those during flowering. I am still learning alot about what nutrients to feed my plants. I mean not just the basics. So far I got A/N Sensi grow a/b, Conisseur A/B, and some sweet leaf. I also got some juicy roots for the clones. Are there any nutes you recommend for early growth stages, as in clones and seedlings? Also if you do use all those nutes at the same time is that common? I dont know anything but seems like overkill. Then again maybe im thinkin ass backwards and should be using some more stuff like big bud, mollasses, and others. Just wantin to hear some other points of view since nutes are very important.

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
wow you use all of those during flowering. I am still learning alot about what nutrients to feed my plants. I mean not just the basics. So far I got A/N Sensi grow a/b, Conisseur A/B, and some sweet leaf. I also got some juicy roots for the clones. Are there any nutes you recommend for early growth stages, as in clones and seedlings? Also if you do use all those nutes at the same time is that common? I dont know anything but seems like overkill. Then again maybe im thinkin ass backwards and should be using some more stuff like big bud, mollasses, and others. Just wantin to hear some other points of view since nutes are very important.
I try and have a wide range of nutes during flower, not so much during vegg though. Sounds like what you have will work just fine, but watch out for AN pulling bullshit withe the nutes. For example Carboload from AN iz nothing more than expensive molasass. i use regular old blackstrap molassas works great and a fraction of the price...bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
bucket do you get any problems with the mollasses in your res. I heard maybe the mollasses will gunk it up, but i also read that you only use the molasses for a couple days before your res change. do you use it constant or only before a res change? also could you post a pic of one of the slh by itself tomorrow i dont think we can tell which strains are wich pics ya know what i mean.

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
bucket do you get any problems with the mollasses in your res. I heard maybe the mollasses will gunk it up, but i also read that you only use the molasses for a couple days before your res change. do you use it constant or only before a res change? also could you post a pic of one of the slh by itself tomorrow i dont think we can tell which strains are wich pics ya know what i mean.

Well i guess if you had a stagnant non moving nute solution in your res; then yes you would have problems. I have two reservoirs each 15 gal and they are a pain in the ass to change, but i do it once a week. I have have no problems this way. YOU must always keep your water fresh in hydro. Now molasses is great in several ways because its not just sugar, it provides a good souce of organic nutes. The npk is somthing like 3-1-5 and companies Like AN will tell you that you need to spend 100 bones on some shit that worth five bucks. I dont start using it till about week three though. I wait for the stecth to stop and then use molasass as a supplimental/carbo nutrient. I then start a flush with water and molasases for the last two weeks then str8 water the last few days. I will try to get better pics up tomorrow...bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
wow. Thats a lot of water work man. Im sure it turns out a lot better when you do it that way, probably better taste andeverything. I found omeone that never changes the res. They top it up every day alternating fresh water and nute water. Then towards the end they switch to topping up with just molassass and then to just water.

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
wow. Thats a lot of water work man. Im sure it turns out a lot better when you do it that way, probably better taste andeverything. I found omeone that never changes the res. They top it up every day alternating fresh water and nute water. Then towards the end they switch to topping up with just molassass and then to just water.
Totally man its such a inconvenience to change my res's. I have to drag my shit out of the room and down a hallway to the tub for the water. But in the end your right its so worth it. I just cant stand the idea of stagnant nasty water in there. That cant be a good thing by any measure. During my last grow with the white russian and blueberry i got lazy and left my flushing solution after the chop. I came back like three days later to clean up and wow it was nasty.:spew: Anyway I think im about 2 1/2 to 3 weeks from the first of two harvests. The trainwreck and lemon skunk are almost done. And The SLH has about 6-7 weeks left. I will get new pics up later today. These girls are gettin sooooo frosty and smell awsome....:weed:


New Member
Awesome grow Buckethead! Caint wait to see the new pics!!!
I use to have a best friend named Buckethead. His head was so big he had to special order his helmet for football! lol


Well-Known Member
HHHHeeeeeyyyyyyyy BUCKETTTTTTTT!!!!!

Put down the J and give us some pics. Wait what am I sayin. Light up a J and give us some pics!!! I been dyin to see a good pic of the SLH. I wanna see some frost.

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
HHHHeeeeeyyyyyyyy BUCKETTTTTTTT!!!!!

Put down the J and give us some pics. Wait what am I sayin. Light up a J and give us some pics!!! I been dyin to see a good pic of the SLH. I wanna see some frost.

So the worst has happend all my babies got hit by a hermie in the mix, seeds are on the way. Im not sure if all got affected, but time will tell. I guess i will salvage what i have at the end hopfully the seeds will be sparce...:cry:


Well-Known Member
That's a real bummer man. Sorry.

One positive... you are growing the different strains in the same space right? You might end up with some interetsting cross seeds, maybe?