Creating my personal strain


Well-Known Member
So I 've decided after careful smoking over a period of 15 years that I want to cross a great Mexican Sativa or Haze with a good Afhgani land race Indicia or Afghani no1. I believe that is the part of the genetic combination behind the AK-47. I think that would be good start for hybridizing.
Ant people have recommendations for good afgjani breeders or specific breeders fr hazes or where i can get a good mexican Sativa landrace strain?

Brick Top

New Member
So I 've decided after careful smoking over a period of 15 years that I want to cross a great Mexican Sativa or Haze with a good Afhgani land race Indicia or Afghani no1. I believe that is the part of the genetic combination behind the AK-47.

AK-47 (Serious) Colombian X Mexican X Thai X Afghani

Good luck finding a pure landrace Mexican sativa.

You may want to consider something like Swazi Red. That is supposed to be a pure landrace strain.

Malawi Gold is internationally renowned as one of the most potent psychoactive pure African sativas so that could be another option.

Neither are Mexican but they are pure.

Well-Known Member
yeah... the malawi is definitely in my breeding future! as well as santa marta, and thai/lao...the key to the stargate is in there somewhere...forget o.g this and that.


Well-Known Member
Critical mass x (Black Domina x Sandstorm) x ([Sandstorm x Critical Mass] x Purple Hindu Kush)
Idk.... off the top of my head.


Well-Known Member
but with the afghani u could get pretty much anything, like mazar-i-sheriff or afghani #1 from sensi seeds, check out my gallery on afghani from :
but for the mexican the best thing would be to go there and get some seeded bud
good luck brotha, and may u make dankelicious strains for us to smoke

Well-Known Member
I bought some seedsman 'african buzz'...they say it's 2 types of doesn't look like high sativa % though...I'll cross it to the gold seal grapefruit.; that's supposed to be malawi as well...the 'mama thai' were complete duds...I'll go with the british hempire. I have shark attack going(2 phenos so far). that's my santa cruz shark crossed with a vortex male...and I just plucked a hundred 'snow leopard'- white master(mine) crossed with a nepali female. it should have a pheno that's a sweeter more exotic white master...I think the nepali may be the key ancestor of all the 'purple' breeds...just my opinion. I also have 16 nepali vortex seeds. the nepali is PRIMAL sweet and exotic; but really lacks the firepower necessary to compete in this county. the vortex should solve that. it'll probably be some of the most bizarre smelling weed ever!