intensive light


Well-Known Member
now then gang i av just been told that u can put ur light schedual on for 13/14 hours ov light during the last 2 weeks ov flower, its supposed 2 b more intensive 4 the bud,

wot does the firm think?:shock:


Well-Known Member
It wont hurt them. I've done whole grows at 13/11 and noticed very little difference in flower time or yield numbers.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
In all my trial and error, iv found that if you stay 12/12 until the last 48 hours, works best for me. Seems more sticky


Well-Known Member
what kinda cycle do you run the last 48 hours?? why do you think it affects the buds?? ive heard bits an pieces about changing the light cycle at the end of flowering to acheive a last grow boost or thc boost or whatever but no one really seems to have a full story on it...


Well-Known Member
now then simpson m8, alls it is i seen some dude on youtube saying if u increase ur light the last 2 weeks its more intensive 4 ya bud, i dont know wot he means by intensive, it could mean better yeild or more potent bud i dont know.

i normailly run 12/12 but i am just trying something differant.

all good tho


Well-Known Member
I read in High Times about a grower who would give 13 hrs of light in the middle of bllom then last 3 weeks go back to 12.
Personaly I stick with 12/12.


Well-Known Member
wots effects does increaseing the light levels do. increase the yeild, increase thc levels ect.


Well-Known Member
ahh... so its basically just increasing the light period the last 2 weeks of flowering... and thats suppose to help yield and potentcy?? i wasnt being skeptical or trying to be shitty at all noodles.. i hope i didnt come across that.. i was just asking an open question to everyone.. it wasnt directly meant to attack you... i am personally running a 12.5/11.5 cycle now... seems that over all the extra half hour does boost flowering slightly... i can more tell by the watering schedule and nute up take... and now just in over all day to day bud growth... im only at day 23 so i'll know more in a week or 2 how much it really affects it... im really interested in this increased light period at the end of the flowering cycle theory.. it makes more sense that it would be light period vs light intensity (adding more actual light and staying on 12/12) only because if you had the extra light sitting around it would have been used the entire time meaning a larger yield than if it was added at the end... i.e 600w during the entire flower period will DEFINATLY produce more bud than 400w the first 8 weeks, then adding another 200w the last 2 weeks .. make sense???


Well-Known Member
simpson fella, no offence took at all m8.

sound like increasing light levels can only help us in r misson lol


Well-Known Member
it just gives the plant 1/12th more light a day. kinda minimal in the big scheme of things.

i tried it with my nirvanas northern lights the last 2 wks once and the buds got stringy as fuck! bitches reverted back to veg!

this would totally depend on your strain, and nothing counts like personal experience....but i wont try it again.


Well-Known Member
cant argue with that brotha.. more light = more buds = happier uses... theres still so many arguements over the type of lights people think are best and use and how much to use and blah blah blah... but the one thing everyone agrees on is more is better...

i cant figure out, from a growing stand point, what adding a couple hours during the flowering period light cycle would do... hmm.. surely someone has an idea on it?? ill experiment if there is a possible reason it would affect the buds at all or thc content... but.. i just get logically or even illogically come to an answer... lol


Well-Known Member
be careful please guys. you could seriously fuck up your yeild by reverting your plants back to veg the last two weeks. youll get branch growth from within your buds causing them to get thinner.

give it a try if you must, but be forewarned.


Well-Known Member
i wonder if thats why people think they get a bigger yield... the swelling isnt bud growth but stretching due to reverting to veg growth?? now that is a logical reason NOT to try this.. thanks for that missing piece silkwill.. i knew something about it didnt make sense... just couldnt figure out what was or would be causing the bud swelling ive heard about..


Well-Known Member
It's all speculation, with no basis in facts to back it up. People have been suggesting crazy things in attempting to "incease potency" or "increase resins" or get bigger yields or whatever for as long as I've been teaching indoor growing, ten years now.

Here are some facts for anyone attempting to use anything other than good genetics and well grown plants to achieve the goals listed above.

-Cannabis has a genetic potential built into each seeds DNA. This potential can only be reached, it can't be exceeded. We as growers can attempt to grow the plant to 100% potential, but of course there is not real way of knowing what that is because the plant is illegal and the equipment to test things like THC levels cost tens of thousands of dollars.

-The potency of a given plant has nothing to do with the plant! Potency is how the plant effects you and that is determined by your tolerance level to THC. I've been smoking killer weed nonstop for the last, oh, six years now, with little more than a day or two here and there without in all that time. Smoking a gram of BHO to my head would get me wasted, but would put any 1/2 dozen other smokers to sleep for hours if their tolerance level is less than mine.

Want to increse the potency of your pot? The only SURE FIRE way to do that is to stop smoking for a week beofre you break into that new stash.


Well-Known Member
silkwiil would it revert back 2 veg with just an extra hour light, becase u see some growers the net that give there plants 2 extra hours and say it fine, wot do ya think fella.


Well-Known Member
i wonder if thats why people think they get a bigger yield... the swelling isnt bud growth but stretching due to reverting to veg growth?? now that is a logical reason NOT to try this.. thanks for that missing piece silkwill.. i knew something about it didnt make sense... just couldnt figure out what was or would be causing the bud swelling ive heard about..
silkwiil would it revert back 2 veg with just an extra hour light, becase u see some growers the net that give there plants 2 extra hours and say it fine, wot do ya think fella.

Going from 12 to 13 hours in flower is not enough to revert a plant back to veg growth.


Well-Known Member
its all about trial and error do it this time and see if it works for you if not then dont do it next time :)

you will find out in your final yield though :)

peace and respect


Well-Known Member
thank alot fella sweet info, much appricated.

anyway gonna stick to 13/11, let u fellas know the out come, cheers