Would This Be Alright? (Need Help)


Well I Have Two Plants In One 5 Gallon Bucket, Can They Stay That Way Till Harvest? I Plan On Bonsai'ng......I Dont Mind RootBound A Little, So How Much Will This Affect The Yeild? Thanks To Any Help.

I Do Not Have Another Bucket Or Anything.



thats not a good idea at all. You need them in single pots and transplant for when they get bigger into say a 10 gallon pot!


Well-Known Member
For some low yielding slow growing plants that wouldn't be a problem.

I agree with the others though. I doubt you have those particular strains, so anything you do to compensate for them sharing a bucket, would be better spent on plants in their own pot. You're essentially giving them both 2.5 gallons of soil, but the reality is, one may become slightly more dominate and hog the soil by growing a little faster first and once it gets a head start, it may deprive the other of some nutrients. What if the dominant one turns out to be male?

If this doesn't happen, you'd still do better by giving them 5 gallons of soil each.


Well-Known Member
also if you plan on vegging them for any decent amount of time, one plants root structure can completely fill up a 5gal pot. with 2 plants in there the roots of both plants will be fighting each other for space causing stress and probably a reduced yield. spring the money for another 5gal pot and transplant one of the plants as soon as you can before their roots become entangled with each other.


Well-Known Member
Worst of all out of that Idea is that the roots can become tangled and if you get a male and female, well you know what...


Well-Known Member
i hadn't even thought of that but thats a great point.
Yup and thanks that could be horrible, I dont think you could untangle it, if you cut it down the roots would take up space and could possibly keep growing? If it dident though it's still a waste of space.