The United States of Communism.


Well-Known Member
Ahhhh, not taking the bait, huh?:grin: The poster before you did. I got a rise out of him and he certainly fell down the slippery slope in his response. I hope he didn't hurt himself on the way down....

Anyway, you're cool Gordon. When sparking debate, I always play devil's advocate (it's the teacher in me). Some people get all offended and shit, but you take it in stride. Well played sir.
haha i appreciate the hint you gave me or i would have written a response as well. however, it woulda been a lil better than the other dudes post lol. but i have noticed you play the "devil's advocate", just didn't know you did it on purpose lol. i enjoy teachers/professors like you that i can have a good arguement with... i'm sure you're good at wat you do.


Well-Known Member
I say, bring it on..... Unless you're UBER rich, then socialism will only benefit you. I say, take the wealth from those who pillaged and raped to get it in the first place. They didn't earn it and it's not theirs (fired up yet?)
Pilaged and raped to get it huh, that is just plain retarded. Most of the "Uber rich" in America came from middle class families. Thats what its all about for you, class envy.


Well-Known Member
Pilaged and raped to get it huh, that is just plain retarded. Most of the "Uber rich" in America came from middle class families. Thats what its all about for you, class envy.
You clearly misread the tone of my statement. Notice in the passage you quoted, I intentionally placed a question, noting the clear intention to bait you with my hyperbolic statement. You fell for the bait.

Do I believe in what I stated? Well, that's irrelevant. My beliefs aren't important, but intelligent discourse on these matters IS important. So I'm trying to engage edifying discussion rather than one-sided hate-mongering dribble, which you offered. You're making conclusions about me, totally missing the point...

Oh well......


Well-Known Member
America is bankrupt thanks to our "socialist tendancies" as you call it jrh.
HAHAHAHA! Show me a line by line chart of our current debt and how it was accrued before you even begin qualifying your absurd statement. Our debt began accumulating before we even arrived in America and it's grown steadily since then. So what are you even talking about?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I am puzzled by those who argue back and forth about "right wing" vs "left wing" or Republican vs Democrat. Isn't it possible there are any other points of view besides right or left? Why do people so often look to a phony ideology of a Political Party to determine what is right or wrong or worse what is best for other people? I don't think it's a stretch to claim both of the aforementioned parties are full of shit. Both think they have the answers to how you should run your life and how to spend your money, who we should kill abroad under the guise of protecting freedom or rationalize why taking your money and giving it to somebody else is good. Giving IS good, TAKING is not good. Giving is a voluntary act. Governments reallocating money for the ahem "good of society" conveniently dismisses how the money was gotten by government in the first place.

Look in the mirror, isn't that who should be responsible for your life, your decisions, your success, your failure? What is so wrong with telling both parties to fuck off and asking to be left alone? Is that even allowed...being left alone, making your own decisions who you will associate with, who you will help, who you will ignore?

Which brings me to my original question which went unanswered so I'll ask it again. What the heck I'll even answer it too.
Is there a utopian system or party that will respect my right to not participate in it ? Republican ? Nope. Democrat? Nope.
Communism? Nope. Socialism? Nope. You can't force people to participate in ANY system and still maintain that they are free. The best system would allow people the freedom to belong or not, ie minimal government. That's right... a fucking miniscule government. What people here really seem to be arguing is who will be the best master or how if they were in charge they'd use government to punish those rich bastards or lazy welfare queens depending on your perspective. Maybe if people stopped using the violence of government to run other people's lives we'd all be better off? Maybe people should consider that running other people's lives is usually where the happiness ends and the bullshit begins.


Well-Known Member
You clearly misread the tone of my statement. Notice in the passage you quoted, I intentionally placed a question, noting the clear intention to bait you with my hyperbolic statement. You fell for the bait.

Do I believe in what I stated? Well, that's irrelevant. My beliefs aren't important, but intelligent discourse on these matters IS important. So I'm trying to engage edifying discussion rather than one-sided hate-mongering dribble, which you offered. You're making conclusions about me, totally missing the point...

Oh well......
Why are you baiting people here? That's what trolls do.


Well-Known Member
I am puzzled by those who argue back and forth about "right wing" vs "left wing" or Republican vs Democrat. Isn't it possible there are any other points of view besides right or left? Why do people so often look to a phony ideology of a Political Party to determine what is right or wrong or worse what is best for other people? I don't think it's a stretch to claim both of the aforementioned parties are full of shit. Both think they have the answers to how you should run your life and how to spend your money, who we should kill abroad under the guise of protecting freedom or rationalize why taking your money and giving it to somebody else is good. Giving IS good, TAKING is not good. Giving is a voluntary act. Governments reallocating money for the ahem "good of society" conveniently dismisses how the money was gotten by government in the first place.

Look in the mirror, isn't that who should be responsible for your life, your decisions, your success, your failure? What is so wrong with telling both parties to fuck off and asking to be left alone? Is that even allowed...being left alone, making your own decisions who you will associate with, who you will help, who you will ignore?

Which brings me to my original question which went unanswered so I'll ask it again. What the heck I'll even answer it too.
Is there a utopian system or party that will respect my right to not participate in it ? Republican ? Nope. Democrat? Nope.
Communism? Nope. Socialism? Nope. You can't force people to participate in ANY system and still maintain that they are free. The best system would allow people the freedom to belong or not, ie minimal government. That's right... a fucking miniscule government. What people here really seem to be arguing is who will be the best master or how if they were in charge they'd use government to punish those rich bastards or lazy welfare queens depending on your perspective. Maybe if people stopped using the violence of government to run other people's lives we'd all be better off? Maybe people should consider that running other people's lives is usually where the happiness ends and the bullshit begins.
The bolded text above is quite good. I agree with your open-mindedness. I tend to depart from the rest of your diatribe, however.


Well-Known Member
I don't even know what that means. I'm not up to date on the internet lingo and vernacular jargon. Sorry.
A Troll is one who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument.


Well-Known Member
A Troll is one who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument.
Gotcha! Yeah, I do play the Troll every now and again then....

Does a Troll tend to carry negative connotations only?


New Member
I am puzzled by those who argue back and forth about "right wing" vs "left wing" or Republican vs Democrat. Isn't it possible there are any other points of view besides right or left? .
How does Anti-liberty vs Pro-liberty sound to you? :)



Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHA! Show me a line by line chart of our current debt and how it was accrued before you even begin qualifying your absurd statement. Our debt began accumulating before we even arrived in America and it's grown steadily since then. So what are you even talking about?
How about the $9 trillion social security liability. Its like margret thatcher said, "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other peoples money." Oh I know, we can just tax those greedy rich bastards 99% of their income, then we can prin the rest. :rolleyes:


New Member
HAHA! You'd like it if the situation were that simple, wouldn't you?

Naw, it wouldn't matter. You see the world in black and white anyway...
That's a typical response and mind-set of a person who attended progressivism 101. So tell us what the grey areas are that lie between the "black and white," jrh.

I've been kind of wondering if you have anything beyond your one-liners anyway ... so have at it, Bro ... tell us where you're coming from. Come on ... cover all the grey areas for us. :lol:



Well-Known Member
Its like I said before. A libritarian can live with a Socialist. A Socialist can't live with a Libritarian. Government is force, But Socialists don't care as long as the force is only used on the "Bad Guys" or the "Greedy."

You guys seem to have forgotten what mom said all those years ago:
Don't hit your little brother, don't take or break his stuff.
Take this simple lesson and apply it now to everyone.

You socialists are the ones on the slippery slop.
While you think your being so very noble.
Really,you are the greedy ones.


Well-Known Member
Its like I said before. A libritarian can live with a Socialist. A Socialist can't live with a Libritarian. Government is force, But Socialists don't care as long as the force is only used on the "Bad Guys" or the "Greedy."

You guys seem to have forgotten what mom said all those years ago:
Don't hit your little brother, don't take or break his stuff.
Take this simple lesson and apply it now to everyone.

You socialists are the ones on the slippery slop.
While you think your being so very noble.
Really,you are the greedy ones.
HaHaHa! Learn to spell and then come back and talk to me. In fact, no worries. I've been perusing this politics forum too long.... I told myself a long time ago not to engage in debates on forums. I'm WAYYYYYYY to educated for this shit.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
HaHaHa! Learn to spell and then come back and talk to me. In fact, no worries. I've been perusing this politics forum too long.... I told myself a long time ago not to engage in debates on forums. I'm WAYYYYYYY to educated for this shit.
Focusing on someone's spelling and mentioning your stratospheric education level avoids the issue. The points he made, despite a spelling error or two are quite valid and apparently hard for anyone here to refute in a logical way.

Libertarianism is principled, while most of the "isms" (Communism, Socialism) attempt to "solve" one problem they end up creating another or a series of other problems. Utopian ideals are wonderful to discuss while wearing a Che Guevera beret but they ignore the fact that one master has been exchanged for another.

So I'll ask anyone (a third time) is there a system that anybody here subcribes to that will allow me the freedom to participate or not? I think it's pretty clear it ain't Communism. If it is, please somebody enlighten me.

Voluntary collectives are fine, have at it.
Forced collectives and social engineering have unintended consequences, it is why they fail. If helping people is someone's goal, and it is a good goal, well start helping people, heck I might join you, just don't make me or somebody else belong. Must everything "good" be orchestrated by a forceful Government?

To boil it down...Freedom exists when there is a choice, and doesn't when there isn't. Libertarians don't insist on running others lives, all they ask is the freedom to run theirs. A person doesn't need to be waaaaay too educated to grasp that do they?