miracle grow


right so im using miracle grow because it was in the shed and i needed soil. but my plants are doin pretty ok. this is a pretty low tech job i got in my closet. i got the right light bulb and everything. i was wondering if there was anything i could buy at wal mart that was pretty cheap but better than miracle grow cus ive been seein on here that its bad.

thanks for any tips.


New Member
right so im using miracle grow because it was in the shed and i needed soil. but my plants are doin pretty ok. this is a pretty low tech job i got in my closet. i got the right light bulb and everything. i was wondering if there was anything i could buy at wal mart that was pretty cheap but better than miracle grow cus ive been seein on here that its bad.

thanks for any tips.
It isn't bad. Alot of people here hate it because it gives a large amount of nutes to plants, alot of the time too much for seedlings. That and the pH for most peoples MG is around 5.5. (Mine is 7.0 here.) If you are putting seedlings in MG, just flush the nutes out by watering it untill the time release caplsuls dissolve.


New Member
yea, but if your already using it and not having problems use it. You have to remember it takes 3-4 weeks for the nutes to wash out of the soil so not nutes for the first 3-4 weeks. Most people seem to run into problems a week or 2 in because they used nutes in the MG and its already got a ton, so they get nute burn/death. This is all second hand info from reading the forum, im a hydro guy myself.


yeah its been doin ok. i only really have one plant thats been growin for a while. i used a little bit of fertilizer you put in water, but i think im going to stop because the bottom of the stem is a bit yellowish.


Well-Known Member
yeah if its turning yellow then dont use that anymore just go to your local grow store and purchase some grow formula which your plants will love you for :)

good luck :)

peace and respect :joint::peace:


New Member
Dont fix it if it ain't broke.

Hell I see people growing just the bud with all the leafs cut off because they cant keep from fucking with it, lol. Just leave it for now. After 4 or more weeks hit it with a 1/4 dose of nutes and check for burn. up it each week or 2 till you get full stregnth. Walmart nutes will work, not the best, but will work.


much appreciated for the help. first grow ever so i need all the help i can get. yeah i think im just gonna lay off the fertilizer and see whats at wal mart. hopefully i dont fuck it up to bad or anything ya know.
