Need Help Naming Cat


Active Member
Whats up people?

I got this stray cat we keep in the basement of our house. We've had it for about a year now. I want to bring it to the local animal hospital to get it checked and nutered (male cat) and it shots and what not. But we've never really came up with a name for the cat. We just call it the downstairs cat or the basement cat. I want to come up with a cool marijuana realted name for it. Something like, Chisel (how ever you spell it, blue cheese x deisel) Or it doesnt even have to be a starin of pot just some cool sounding name for a cat. Im sure you guys and gals have heard and have come up wioth some ncie names for your pets. SO lets hear them. So I can get some good ideas what to call this cat of ours. Its about a year and a half old. It may have been a year old when we found him. Hes Organe (mostly) with some white on him, here and there. And the cool thing is, is that he has 6 (maybe 7) toes on each foot. But Im pretty sure its only 6. And hes pretty much a short haired cat.

So again, lets hear some our your crazy pot realted names for your pets. :joint:


Well-Known Member
lots of orange eh ? how about crush, like orange crush.... Or maybe paul... just a thought


Active Member
Bhuddah is a great name. Or Haze. I had a big grey tabby named Haze and he was the shit!!!


Bhuddah is a great name. Or Haze. I had a big grey tabby named Haze and he was the shit!!!
I use to have a 20 lbs. tom cat named gizmo. Fucker was smarter than crap. Seen him pick off a bluejay in mid back flip because they were dive bombing him. Was the sickest shit ever!!

As for names, dude Bullshit is always a good one for a cat. Very popular, and I like diesel, always have. If s/he has 6 toes it is considered mitten pawed feet. So you could call him paw paw or papa. Or Big papa.

Just a few suggestions.


Active Member
I kinda flipper and crush (for the orange drink) . We do have a FAT orange cat we call "Orange" or we just call him fatty or biggie.

Also i LOVED that basement car VS ceiling cat poster :D