2nd time tryin coke, what to do???


Active Member
coke is a gd drug at the time but ya get wired 2 the shit need more n more ....have a few coke cigarettes,,simply lick theside ov a tab and roll some coke in it n smoke it,,,rush is 10times stronger and better!....pills n mushrooms are top dog tho...aswell as bob hope ov course


Well-Known Member
You all make me sick.

oh,,uuhh i dont think i am ready for that yet. lol
Whatdya mean? Smoking crack is much better than sniffing the shit. I find its much more elegant too. I can sit back on my deck chair, with a lovely J in my hand, while you run your nose along the bloody table snorting like a dog. I will stick with my green thanks.


Active Member
You all make me sick.

Whatdya mean? Smoking crack is much better than sniffing the shit. I find its much more elegant too. I can sit back on my deck chair, with a lovely J in my hand, while you run your nose along the bloody table snorting like a dog. I will stick with my green thanks.
i'm with you bro,
this thread makes me sick.
i'm going to go puke now....

that shit fucked up way too many people.

stick to the grass man you will thank yourself later in life

Freddie Roach

Active Member
ive done coke 4 times and ive never had urges for more, i only do it at parties or if my mate has some, but ive never found it addictive. Crack on the other hand is completly fuckt. NEVER try that shit cause you will be on it for life and then your really fuct. Only the other day i was sitting in Hyde Park with a couple of mates bunnin a zoot, and this crack head comes over and sat down next to us. He spoke faster than ive ever heard anyone spoke and you could tell that his life was just completly fuct up. He started talking bout his life to us and it nearly put me off draw (well nothing could do that but im definetly more awear of the possible long term effects). The most depressing shit ive ever heard but he still seemed to be happy and smiled and stuff cause he just doesnt have a clue. It reminded me of my gran cause she had Alzheimer's and dementia before she died and the last meal I had with her she looked me in the eye and then asked my dad while looking at me, "wheres freddie?" cause she couldnt register me in her mind. She wasnt on crack by the way but the guy in the park was the exact same, he just didnt have a clue and it was as if his mind couldnt register anything that had happened in his life or any emtions but how t get his next bit of crack. God, the way he told his deppresing life story while still having a smile on his face just killed me on the inside, never before have a felt so sorry for somone and that persons family.

! ! ! N E V E R T A K E C R A C K ! ! ! !


Well-Known Member
ive done coke 4 times and ive never had urges for more, i only do it at parties or if my mate has some, but ive never found it addictive. Crack on the other hand is completly fuckt. NEVER try that shit cause you will be on it for life and then your really fuct. Only the other day i was sitting in Hyde Park with a couple of mates bunnin a zoot, and this crack head comes over and sat down next to us. He spoke faster than ive ever heard anyone spoke and you could tell that his life was just completly fuct up. He started talking bout his life to us and it nearly put me off draw (well nothing could do that but im definetly more awear of the possible long term effects). The most depressing shit ive ever heard but he still seemed to be happy and smiled and stuff cause he just doesnt have a clue. It reminded me of my gran cause she had Alzheimer's and dementia before she died and the last meal I had with her she looked me in the eye and then asked my dad while looking at me, "wheres freddie?" cause she couldnt register me in her mind. She wasnt on crack by the way but the guy in the park was the exact same, he just didnt have a clue and it was as if his mind couldnt register anything that had happened in his life or any emtions but how t get his next bit of crack. God, the way he told his deppresing life story while still having a smile on his face just killed me on the inside, never before have a felt so sorry for somone and that persons family.

! ! ! N E V E R T A K E C R A C K ! ! ! !

Reppin' london nice one.

Yeah ive had a tramp at trafalguar square put me off coke and crack and that shit for life really. They put it into perspective, its the addicts that have the hardest love-hate relationships. Its so hard it ruins lives. Its a sort of relationship i never want to be in.

Keep it cool, do drugs, do drugs safely.




Active Member
Fire it up bro!!! Straight to the veins is what id do!!

Ps tweekers use meth not coke

pps stick to trees dude that other stuff ruins lives!!!



Well-Known Member
Really. Did You Now A Good Portion Of The Most Brilliant Minds In History Were Regular Users Of Cocaine?
Also drunken literaries.
Also smoked opium.

Everyone is different, everyone reacts differently, every situation is different. For the most part i wouldnt take coke as

1st How its produced, made and manufactured is so un-sustainable and un-fair to locals. Its horrible ive been there ( friends columbian ) there is lots of gorilla warfare and it ruins towns and cities on the outskirts of rural areas.

2nd you dont know whats in, dont know whos benefiting from it, most likely scum bags.

3rd Its horrible as it has the " weaking pipe " effect were you need more and its very addictive, turns people sour and makes them FUCKING ANNOYING.
The fact that a brilliant mind used cociain ( which is weird because i cant think of many that were that great, infact at all really ) doesnt mean jackshit.

There are brilliant minds that do nothing aswell.

oh and there are brilliant minds that were vegetarians aswell.

Must be all the veggies :)


Active Member
Cokes whack! It fucks you up real good while your on it, but it ruins people's lives. Plus the pain of coming down!!!! Makes u want to kill yourself, like living in hell shit.


New Member

What The Fuck Kind Of Coke Did You Snort!

When Im On Coke All It Does For Me Is Produce A Wave Of VERY Enjoyable Euphoria.


Well-Known Member
So If It's Production Was Industrialized And It's Sale Regulated You Might Use It?
Well maybe, but id see its uses ( medically ) but im still pretty against it. It sort of is regulated ( sort of ) as ritalin ( very similar to cocain) is medicine for ADHD people. Im a homeopath though so im quite against things that can OD and also things that can be very easily mis-handled. Coke can be, so can pills whether they over the counter like paracetamol or E. If it was industrialized and regulated i would still not use it infact, because at the end of the day. Its not the best drug to get into, as it is physically addictive, it can make good men go sour. And also being a homeopath i dont like the whole " widening pipe " effect where you need more and more constantly, its like you eventually arent happy with it just once, basically after all that babbling im just saying it has a far too greater risk of being addicticted to it or caught under its grasp.

Im all up for doing drugs, having a good time. Just for doing it safely and responsibly :)

Woooo for naturopathy