WOW! Developed new strains.

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New Member
Yes, your right they are vary unlikely but just a second ago you wanted to say my seeds would all be retarded, and now your like "do you know the chances of that" STFU! Like I promissed i just went and took a picture yes the date on my camera is wrong, because I just took that picture don't beleive me its fine i'll take a picture of it again next to anything want me to put a bear behind it? I can do that want me to put a pepsi can next to it i can do that tell me to put something next to it ill take a new picture thats from a seed off my WW female. It's 2 weeks old and it's a healthy none mutated female...


New Member
I took that seed out and germed it DAY OF HARVEST with 5 of her sisters... She's been aeroponicly grown indoors and is 2 weeks old. 2 weeks. The same age as my seeds that are still vary fresh. If you would like to comment how retarded she looks go ahead, because most people would nut after seeing her beautiful self.


Well-Known Member
What the fuck is this poor sad excuse for a plant?

I have read this entire thread and am severely disappointing in some of the members we have. Giving out your personal information to a complete stranger who has absolutely ZERO rep and is promising the world for free? Come the fuck on here people. Show some common fucking sense.

You all make me weep for the future.


New Member
LOL! It has a thin stem because i didn't have a fan big enough for how big it grew, and that plant is fucking lovely. You should stand in the room with it. lol it's the strongest oder and it has female flowers you can see one of them plain as day in the picture, it is a bad picture, but I rly don't care, I know it's some good weed I can smell it from the other side of my house, and it's WWxJH, or WWxNH i couldn't give a rats ass if you think it's pittiful when you see the buds on it your gonna be like thats a badass marijuana plant...


Well-Known Member
Whoa whoa whoa, Are you serious? Is that the "thick monster bush" that is gonna be done a "month"? O rly? Lol

Lol where are the mods at? People giving away seeds for "donations" and people putting their addresses up wtf?


New Member
look one inch down the right side of the stem, you see that long ass pistol? that's a female flower (You might not have ever seen one on a plant before), but I guess I underestimated the stupidity of this website that's still a baby plant if you can look at that 2 week old plant and say "what kind of pitiful plant is that?" You sir are an idiot. Most strains are hard to identify as a baby, and then there are people like you with your super powers you can deturmin things without needing to actually seeing the buds. lol you sirs are retarded.


New Member
that's a monster ass baby, and yes considering it's 2 weeks old, 2 feet tall, and allready got female flowers it should be ready in a mounth.


Well-Known Member
that's a monster ass baby, and yes considering it's 2 weeks old, 2 feet tall, and allready got female flowers it should be ready in a mounth.
No, it will not be done in a month. Sorry.

VERY VERY VERY FEW strains finish in 6wks. Not to mention your crossed with hazes, which typically go like 12-14 +wks.

I REPEAT IT WILL NOT BE DONE IN A MONTH. And you should bookmark this page if you really think so, that way in a month you can check back here and see who told you so.

Also that plant is BADLY stretched, which is why its 2 ft tall, that has nothing to do with you having a "good plant".


Well-Known Member
Dude that plant is nothing but a stretched out pile of garbage.

I have included a photo of what a properly grown White Widow at approx. 3 weeks old SHOULD look like. I have more leaves on my 6 inch plant then you do on your 3 footer. That ALONE should tell you something.



New Member
Maybe you don't understand it grew more than 2 feet in 2 weeks thats more than an inch a day, and it's still growing lovely. I have 6 just like that...

"ware are the mods"
They're asking me for free seeds too. lol I love how if it's free it has to be flawed with you people.. CFL's are useless then when people start getting large ass grows with just CFLs the whole website pisses there pants in disbeleif " YOU MEAN WE DIDNT HAVE TO SPEND 1000 dollars on lighting? OH MAN!" You guys are asshole you don't know shit, you haven't tried it but you wanna talk shit. If i put some pictures of my harvest of my 6 females you guys would fucking piss your pretty pink panties. but you know what I'm going to do the only grown up thing and let you guys argue with yourself. For those that aren't a complete dick face congrats your getting free seeds still and you will be glad when you smoke the bud of your laber everyone else can go suck some cock.


New Member
Your Proper grown WW are in soil, and guess what that plant isn't pure WW, do you have any WW x NH, or any WW x JH? I would be glad to see them that plant is hardly stretched, the nodes are close, and I will have some compact bud sites, I guess you have no idea what I'm talking about. I have over 10 tops on that plant and it was never topped, not once so that's more than 10 colas including the main cola that's still there. If you think that plant is stretched you are retarded, I have seen stretched plants they don't have nodes close like that, you idiot. and that plant is 2 weeks old it's a fucking baby i bet if you count your nodes on your WW it dosen't have nearly as many or nearly as many tops maybe your the one growing wrong.


New Member
I have aeroponics, and a 400W HPS, how about you? I bet i fucking one how many nodes are on your 3 week old plant cause my 2 week old has over 15, maybe you're the one growing wrong dude I've gotten more bud off one plant indoors then some have gotten outdoors. so just STFU because you apperenly dont know what your talking about.


Well-Known Member
WOW you are in some hardcore denial if you do NOT think that plant is SSSSSTTTTTTRRRRREEEEEEETTTTCCCCCHHHHEEEEEDDDDDDDD.

"They're asking me for free seeds too" - Ya i am sure they are lol.....


Well-Known Member
Nope. I can honestly say that I don't have any crosses. I can however say that that plant IS stretched to hell.

You must be a troll. Only a troll could come up with this cock up.


New Member
You think your so fucking cool look my WW plant that's not a cross with anything like yours... Mines shorter so I know what I'm doing as a grower unlike you because yours at a younger age is taller and has more tops and more nodes there for I know what I'm doing not you! vary good arguement! seriously your right I cant grow for shit, I can't i just don't know how. If only at 3 weeks my plants could be as lame as yours come back in a mounth and check out the harvest. Don't talk shit cause your plants dont grow fast enough. I doubt my 400W HPS would ever let me down.
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