WOW! Developed new strains.

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New Member
haha yea some of us are but how much do you want as a donate man kiss-ass haha some of us dont got credit cards and shit so paypal or what

LOL I really dont care the amount CASH ONLY. Tomarrow is when I'll actually open shop I'm going to ship out to a few people i can trust (people with pictures of there gardens posted, and/or pictures of them), and tomarrow I'll have a PO box so you can just donate to that in cash small or large amounts, either way you'll get your money's worth. Like if i got a dollar I'd send you like a 5 pack once or twice, if you send 5 I'll send a few 12 packs. and stuff like that. I'm not trying to sell. I'm trying to give them away to people that prove they really want them like that kid who posted his address that's ballzy he's gonna get some free seeds for that. lol! If you hit me up and are straight forward and you prove to me you really want seeds I'll prolly let you try some. I know you'll want more. They are good quality, and they are free.


Well-Known Member
How does anyone know the OP isn't LEO? How does the OP know the recipients aren't LEO? Last but not least - AllIDoIsSmokeWeed , nice job of letting LEO know where you live (if that is your address). That's why Brick Top thinks there's a bunch of 12 year olds. Use your brains people.


Well-Known Member
Hey god, i just wanted to say thats really cool contributing to the community like this. You have any pics of the grow you did? Let us know, pretty interested in the seeds, but i dont really have many pics of my grow ops, just some of seedlings i just started a bit ago. Let me know how everything goes, and if you are willing, send me some seeds and ill pay a donation paypal if possible.


Well-Known Member
sound like alot of sucking dick for seeds? first off ive got some herm seeds...i mean ive got chronic seeeds for free... fuck that spend a dollar at the attitude and get 1 free g-13 labs blue venom fem, or over 30 GB and get also a fem pure gold. suck dick no more fucking newbs..


New Member
lol, I don't know who's sucking dick on here I think you may have been on a different website, I plan on giveing seeds away for free find one seed site that will do that dick face. I doubt you can they may send free seeds after you spent a few hundred dollars in seeds. I got a few freebie packs, but why buy first then get free seeds when you can get free seeds then you can pay whatever you think they're worth I haven't seen a seed site like that have you? God why compaire me to a place that sells seeds I'm giving them away. If you don't like it post about it in your own thread don't fill mine with your BS. thank you everybody that's cool about it you will all get your free seeds soon. tomarrow they go out maybe a week max to get them. lol.

Brick Top

New Member
If you don't trust me, don't trust me but dont say my genetics are flawed,

How can you claim anything about what you are calling your genetics when you said the following in your very first message. "I dont know what combination of strains i have just created."
You don’t even have a clue what you have created but you are claiming it to be high quality genetics.
Ok, so if it is high quality genetics have you stabilized your unknown mutts? Based on what you have said I can only believe you have not so how can you call your unstable mutts quality genetics?
Even a hobby/basement pollen tosser picks what males and females they will cross but what happened to you was a total accident and you are acting as if you are Shantibaba or Reeferman or Arjan or someone because some strain or another pollinated your females.
I guess you will be taking it to this years Cannabis Cup.

and i did more than flip some burgers for the seeds I purchased. I worked for them then grew them into more seeds, and guess what I KNOW that the seeds i have are of quality,

You mean that you FUBAR'ed and ended up with seeds that you do not have a clue what their actual genetics are and at best you can only guess what the seeds might possibly be.

Remember you did say: "I dont know what combination of strains i have just created."

now i cant honestly tell you that these seeds are WWxSSH or anything like that because i dont know what bit of pollen made what seed.

So you have no idea if your accidental creation possesses anything that is quality genetics. For all you know the worst traits of each plant were combined instead of the best traits.
You are only going by what strains you purchased and assuming that if they are good then what happened accidentally must also be good.

I dont have the fucking technology or the money to DNA test and find every little family member in there Gene pool, but i can tell you that i have better seeds than (, or any other lame ass cheap seedbank)

Congratulations. I am curious, if your genetics did not come from a seedbank then where did they come from? If they came from someone you know or some medical outlet then where did they get them from? Do you think it to be at all possible that at some point in the past they did come from some; "lame ass cheap seedbank?" You know God didn’t just leave them on someone’s doorstep, don’t you?

and I'm not selling them they are free so why the fuck dose it matter?

Right. Like anyone with more than a room temperature IQ is going to risk handing out their personal information to some totally unknown person who could be affiliated with some law enforcement organization all for the possibility of getting a few free mutts.
Anyone who would do that is absolutely ignorant. They can purchase quality genetics, strains that have won or placed in cannabis contests like the Cannabis Cup, for as little as $19.54 (plus shipping) and they are going to risk everything for that small of an amount of money and all in hopes of receiving a small number of free unknown unstable mutts?
Wake up people! Use your brains!

I payed over a hundred dollars for the seeds I started with, and then I grew them into more so they are really good seeds.

Just one or two of those strains could amount to $100.00 or more from a quality breeder so the amount you spent is not at all surprising. When you said; "then I grew them into more so they are really good seeds" if you meant that your FUBAR results are; "really good seeds" I do have to ask again if you stabilized them yet and did you grow them out and see what the results were or do you just have a bunch of unstable seeds from some unknown cross that you are only assuming are good because of what strains you are guessing may have combined?

I dont care if you don't beleive me, just don't hit me up for freebies.

I have no interest whatsoever in unknown unstable mutts and even if you were claiming to be handing out my favorite strain I would not be stupid enough to give out my personal information to someone who is totally unknown. I wouldn’t do that in a PM let alone in an open thread like some of the mental midgets have done in this thread.

Damn some of you just wanna talk shit like im trying to rip you off I'm trying to get rid of these while they are fresh, unstead of letting them die in a box...

If anyone is talking shit it appears to be you. You said you do not know what you created but you are saying it is quality.
And think about what you are doing to people. Even if you are cool and the gang did you stop to think that people might be stupid enough to post personal information in an open thread? At the least you could have said PM me your information and that way if the boys in blue do happen to be reading this thread they would not now have the personal information they would now have.
People go on and on about security and how you should never let anyone know that you are growing and then you offer free mutts and other people are stupid enough to post personal information in an open thread. Just what were you thinking and what in the wide, wide world of sports were they thinking?

Maybe I gave some people here to much credit when I said they must be 12-years old.

This thread should be deleted for reasons of security.


New Member
lol, I don't know who's sucking dick on here I think you may have been on a different website, I plan on giveing seeds away for free find one seed site that will do that dick face. I doubt you can they may send free seeds after you spent a few hundred dollars in seeds. I got a few freebie packs, but why buy first then get free seeds when you can get free seeds then you can pay whatever you think they're worth I haven't seen a seed site like that have you? God why compaire me to a place that sells seeds I'm giving them away. If you don't like it post about it in your own thread don't fill mine with your BS. thank you everybody that's cool about it you will all get your free seeds soon. tomarrow they go out maybe a week max to get them. lol.
learn to spell or use spell checker dumbass.and to answer your fucking stupid question. ah GENETICS DUMBASS.


Well-Known Member
any seeds still left? would love to see them thrive in this awesome super duper strong FL sun.
pm me ill reply with me address.


New Member
How can you claim anything about what you are calling your genetics when you said the following in your very first message. "I dont know what combination of strains i have just created."
You don’t even have a clue what you have created but you are claiming it to be high quality genetics.
Ok, so if it is high quality genetics have you stabilized your unknown mutts? Based on what you have said I can only believe you have not so how can you call your unstable mutts quality genetics?
Even a hobby/basement pollen tosser picks what males and females they will cross but what happened to you was a total accident and you are acting as if you are Shantibaba or Reeferman or Arjan or someone because some strain or another pollinated your females.
I guess you will be taking it to this years Cannabis Cup.

You mean that you FUBAR'ed and ended up with seeds that you do not have a clue what their actual genetics are and at best you can only guess what the seeds might possibly be.

Remember you did say: "I dont know what combination of strains i have just created."

So you have no idea if your accidental creation possesses anything that is quality genetics. For all you know the worst traits of each plant were combined instead of the best traits.
You are only going by what strains you purchased and assuming that if they are good then what happened accidentally must also be good.

Congratulations. I am curious, if your genetics did not come from a seedbank then where did they come from? If they came from someone you know or some medical outlet then where did they get them from? Do you think it to be at all possible that at some point in the past they did come from some; "lame ass cheap seedbank?" You know God didn’t just leave them on someone’s doorstep, don’t you?

Right. Like anyone with more than a room temperature IQ is going to risk handing out their personal information to some totally unknown person who could be affiliated with some law enforcement organization all for the possibility of getting a few free mutts.
Anyone who would do that is absolutely ignorant. They can purchase quality genetics, strains that have won or placed in cannabis contests like the Cannabis Cup, for as little as $19.54 (plus shipping) and they are going to risk everything for that small of an amount of money and all in hopes of receiving a small number of free unknown unstable mutts?
Wake up people! Use your brains!

Just one or two of those strains could amount to $100.00 or more from a quality breeder so the amount you spent is not at all surprising. When you said; "then I grew them into more so they are really good seeds" if you meant that your FUBAR results are; "really good seeds" I do have to ask again if you stabilized them yet and did you grow them out and see what the results were or do you just have a bunch of unstable seeds from some unknown cross that you are only assuming are good because of what strains you are guessing may have combined?

I have no interest whatsoever in unknown unstable mutts and even if you were claiming to be handing out my favorite strain I would not be stupid enough to give out my personal information to someone who is totally unknown. I wouldn’t do that in a PM let alone in an open thread like some of the mental midgets have done in this thread.

If anyone is talking shit it appears to be you. You said you do not know what you created but you are saying it is quality.
And think about what you are doing to people. Even if you are cool and the gang did you stop to think that people might be stupid enough to post personal information in an open thread? At the least you could have said PM me your information and that way if the boys in blue do happen to be reading this thread they would not now have the personal information they would now have.
People go on and on about security and how you should never let anyone know that you are growing and then you offer free mutts and other people are stupid enough to post personal information in an open thread. Just what were you thinking and what in the wide, wide world of sports were they thinking?

Maybe I gave some people here to much credit when I said they must be 12-years old.

This thread should be deleted for reasons of security.

I did say to PM and you quoteing me so damn much you should've known that! If I have a baby with Vida Gurra I doubt my baby could get the worst trates from both of us we'ld still have a beautiful baby! I dont give a fuck how I spell. and if you dont want them make your own damn thread downing me dont bring that shit here asshole your whole account should be deleted because your the one giving a rats ass about security on a site about growing marijuiana dick face!


Active Member
What, are you all like 12 or something? You’re all getting prepubescent wood over the thought of a handful of free mutts.
Save up your allowances and purchase some real genetics.

ok, got my allowance in order, but need some info please. What's the difference between dutch passion and seedman's white widow? Thanks


New Member
I cant beleive you people are that big of an ass hole i dont know the exact genetics, but i do know that any combination of the strains I had would make for exsellent genetics and lets just use big red letters to point out that i spelt a fucking word wrong thats a great idea if you dont want seed why the fuck are you here posting? and guess what i continued to spell stuf wong lol so bun in hel you arse whip. maybe you should make all those words red and big because by the time u were done i would have already won.


New Member
Jack Herrier, and nevelles haze. (cant spell sorry to bad noone will quote me and make all my misspelled words red and big i could get a little better at it.)


Well-Known Member
I'm ordering some Jack Herer seeds from attitude, as well as G13 x Haze. I would love to cross some of these with those, and would return the acquired genetics to you of course, let me know if you're interested.

-edit- just put together JH was Jack Herer, anyway still got that G13 x Haze and the free seeds attitude throws in.
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