WOW! Developed new strains.

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Well-Known Member
I didn't want to impress you or i would have posted a bud pick I could make you stupid fags piss your faggy pink pantys if i showed you one my last harvest picture...

Please. We are pretty much begging for you to impress us. I want to see what an AWESOME kick ass grower you are with your 3 foot, 6 leafed plants. Please, oh please wont you enlighten us simple folk?

Brick Top

New Member

You didn’t say the plant was stretched originally. Only after several people told you that you were totally wrong did you change your story.

That is not the same as not saying up front that the plant is horribly stretched.
You were trapped in a corner with no place to run or hide so you eventually admitted the truth.

What will be next, that the "pounds" you talked about were actually grams?


New Member
Brick, I honestly think you beleive that... But let me tell you something yes actually you do! I doubt you have grown as much or as long as me I have 14 years of exsperence and if you can get a plant to grow tall quickly with lots of nodes for bud space. You will get way more bud then off a short little plant with 3 nodes. again I don't give a rip what you think about my growing GO BLOG ABOUT IT! I'm sick of you stupid little ignorant douch bags telling me I don't know what I'm doing when after proving you wrong mutiple times you just make more fucking retarded shit up so just get out of here leave my thread alone!!! I didn't want to argue with you, as i said before I DONT WANT TO ARGUE WITH YOU BECAUSE YOU MAY THINK YOU KNOW A LOT BUT YOU KNOW ABSOLUTLY NOTHING! I know how to grow, If you dissagree BLOG ABOUT IT! I know you fags have a myspace, or a facebook or whatever tell them about it. I don't care who you tell but keep it off my thread after I have proved you wrong again and again you presistent butt holes just wont drop it, are you guys 12? because you were talking shit when people got excited and you said oh you must be 12, well they're more mature than you because they let it go and left the thread unlick you douch bags that don't seem to care how big of a dick you make yourself look. I grow different i have lots of success so why dose it matter? Fuck you guys I'm leaveing I'm going to be the bigger person sence you jackasses are too childish to just let it fucking go. so have fun talking to your self you ignorant retards.


New Member
Yes i grew grams of marijuana you caught me again yall mofos are like children that's probley why weed is illegal because people like you make everyone who smokes weed look like an ass hole because you poeple are honestly cold hearted dick suckers so have fun argueing with yourselves you ignorant pussys and I'm going to say this again my plant was not stretched stretched would mean the nodes aren't close my plant is lankey you ignorant fuck face I wasn't backed into a corner I was just telling you i grow my plants tall, big fucking deal the grow quicker and have larger harvests I'll be back in a mounth to rub it in try not to suck too much dick on your way out. Goodbye.


Active Member
WOW, is all i can say WOW.

Props Squirrel for offering something for free, i agree there are a lot of haters.

Seriously why all the fuc^ing hate. Brick squirrel did not put anyone in jeopardy if they posted there address than thats there falt, and anyone hating on misspelling you are just an idiot really. Some people are lazy and dont care if every damn word is spelled correct i sure dont and dont feel like spell check. Cause you were able to read the fuc*ing post in the first place whats the big deal honestly? Its the only thing you got misspelling once again WOW. Immature Idiot. Oh and brick you can get retarded seeds from a seed bank its easy, not every seed is going to be great just a higher probability that they wont be retarded. I got some alaskan ice from GH seed and the first seed i popped was deformed. Regardless crossing two good strains from any good seed bank in theory you will get good seeds. This does not alaways happen, but like posted before go and count how many post there are of people growing great pot from bagseed. It can be done just as whaT Squirrle has done Dont say its not possible.

However Brick you are right good breeders go throught tones of plants just to choose the RIGHT MOM AND POP for there crosses but not everyone has that luxury.

Squrrile you have made one big mistake in the start of your post. You should have just came out right and said you crossed some good seeds and are not sure the genetics or how stable they are. But if anyone wants to try them out for free to pm you. Simple as that, and as far as the pic sorry it doesnt look like a plant that you would want to grow. If you like your plants that way so be it, but you have to have relized that it is not a good example except for the set up you arranged for your self. You opened up the bag with a horrible photo in the clame of good seed and crosses


Iwould ask for seeds but for me there does seem to be a secruity risk, i just like to grow for personal use and my shit is not sold to anyone. I think it would be cool to help you (squrrel) in finding out what you have as far as seed but next time be a little more forward with your statments.


Well-Known Member
Fucking defend yourself. The burden of proof lies on you my friend. You are asking for personal information in exchange for seeds and a possible "donation". We are saying your way of growing is wrong. We are backing that up with years experience and fellow grow journals. All you have provided is a picture of a stretch out, severely deformed plant.

This should be a warning to anyone and everyone considering sending you any information WHAT SO EVER.


Active Member
Fucking defend yourself. The burden of proof lies on you my friend. You are asking for personal information in exchange for seeds and a possible "donation". We are saying your way of growing is wrong. We are backing that up with years experience and fellow grow journals. All you have provided is a picture of a stretch out, severely deformed plant.

This should be a warning to anyone and everyone considering sending you any information WHAT SO EVER.

I agree but you dont have to be such a dick about it, most people when attacked it is natural to defend themselfs.

ONCE AGAIN SNYDER I AGREE WITH YOU but why are you taking it soo fucking personnal?


Active Member
I agree but you dont have to be such a dick about it, most people when attacked it is natural to defend themselfs.

ONCE AGAIN SNYDER I AGREE WITH YOU but why are you taking it soo fucking personnal?

I did read the thread the WHOLE THING seriously why such hostility?


Active Member
i can not believe this thread for one thing that plant can not be 2 weeks old from seed... next "I ENJOY GROWING LANKEY PLANTS" wtf!!!!! that is the biggest red flag right there besides the photo.... next.... that plant could not hold a gram bud growing off it... it has to have strong thick stalks and branches. first i was shocked with all the people jumping at the free seeds with no visual's of a grow diary... but then when the photo came up i about pissed my pants from laughing so hard... i just cant believe what i have read... and only one or two people have spoke up... anyone who has done the reading to gain the skills of growing would not be making the statements that you have made... to me that looks like it's under a regular house light... so if you just went and took the picture how about some pic's of your whole set up there silly.... if your going to talk like you know your shit at least do some reading so you at least can sound like you might know what your talking about... cause right now you are really sounding like a major major DUMBASS i really feel bad for you just do lot's of reading of post on here like i did at least 4hrs a day... going on 2 yr's still reading and learning just like in school... then after you have read read you can come back and talk some shit cause you will have read and learned shit that would make you say dam was a dumb ass in that seed give away thread... so good luck with what the hell ever you are trying to do


Well-Known Member
When you state that you are the best there is your going to catch flack for it until you prove otherwise.


Active Member
i can not believe this thread for one thing that plant can not be 2 weeks old from seed... next "I ENJOY GROWING LANKEY PLANTS" wtf!!!!! that is the biggest red flag right there besides the photo.... next.... that plant could not hold a gram bud growing off it... it has to have strong thick stalks and branches. first i was shocked with all the people jumping at the free seeds with no visual's of a grow diary... but then when the photo came up i about pissed my pants from laughing so hard... i just cant believe what i have read... and only one or two people have spoke up... anyone who has done the reading to gain the skills of growing would not be making the statements that you have made... to me that looks like it's under a regular house light... so if you just went and took the picture how about some pic's of your whole set up there silly.... if your going to talk like you know your shit at least do some reading so you at least can sound like you might know what your talking about... cause right now you are really sounding like a major major DUMBASS i really feel bad for you just do lot's of reading of post on here like i did at least 4hrs a day... going on 2 yr's still reading and learning just like in school... then after you have read read you can come back and talk some shit cause you will have read and learned shit that would make you say dam was a dumb ass in that seed give away thread... so good luck with what the hell ever you are trying to do

I totally agree with you and is the reason i have not asked for seeds but once again simply stating facts works easier than hate bashing. Did he personally bash you?

For me i just couldnt beleave all of the crazy post and just had to put in my two cents


Well-Known Member
He was personally bashing anyone and everyone that didn't agree with him?! Did you simply skip over 90% of this thread?!


hey bro, if you could i would love some seeds.

i'm a medical patient out in cali hah

my addy is

961 Pine Ave San Jacinto CA 92582

ps. why are people being dicks, hes just doing us a favor that he has no obligation in doing


Active Member
When you state that you are the best there is your going to catch flack for it until you prove otherwise.

So very true but once again dont start out with the hate bashing just point out there flaws in a factual way and you end up not looking like the idiot, which is what happened to all those who did nothing but bash without stating facts.


Well-Known Member
Brick, I honestly think you beleive that... But let me tell you something yes actually you do! I doubt you have grown as much or as long as me I have 14 years of exsperence and if you can get a plant to grow tall quickly with lots of nodes for bud space. You will get way more bud then off a short little plant with 3 nodes. again I don't give a rip what you think about my growing GO BLOG ABOUT IT! I'm sick of you stupid little ignorant douch bags telling me I don't know what I'm doing when after proving you wrong mutiple times you just make more fucking retarded shit up so just get out of here leave my thread alone!!! I didn't want to argue with you, as i said before I DONT WANT TO ARGUE WITH YOU BECAUSE YOU MAY THINK YOU KNOW A LOT BUT YOU KNOW ABSOLUTLY NOTHING! I know how to grow, If you dissagree BLOG ABOUT IT! I know you fags have a myspace, or a facebook or whatever tell them about it. I don't care who you tell but keep it off my thread after I have proved you wrong again and again you presistent butt holes just wont drop it, are you guys 12? because you were talking shit when people got excited and you said oh you must be 12, well they're more mature than you because they let it go and left the thread unlick you douch bags that don't seem to care how big of a dick you make yourself look. I grow different i have lots of success so why dose it matter? Fuck you guys I'm leaveing I'm going to be the bigger person sence you jackasses are too childish to just let it fucking go. so have fun talking to your self you ignorant retards.
You've been growing for 14 years with a 100w halogen flood lamp? :lol: :lol: :lol: :clap:


New Member
You guys avoiding replying to like everything i said all you said was "Your way of growing is wrong because it is" thank you ass hole... even though I get larger harvests then you, I'm sure you guys are just so fucking smart you must know everything if he dosen't post pictures of his grow that means he didn't grow it? wow, I guess I never relized your guys' all mighty growing whisdom, You guys are so smart yet if i put a pic of the bud i got seeds from i bet you would be begging to suck my dick for some. So you know what? you little fags can have fun and If i got your adress have fun with the free seeds...


Well-Known Member
So very true but once again dont start out with the hate bashing just point out there flaws in a factual way and you end up not looking like the idiot, which is what happened to all those who did nothing but bash without stating facts.
We did state facts and asked him to supply supporting facts as to why lanky plants are better then bushy ones. His response? 'You guys are fucking faggots and lanky plants grow fast and I get huge buds off my lanky plants.'

Yet in all my research, in all my experience, never, ever have I come across any successful grows that look like or compare similarly to his photo. His photo is a prime example of what NOT to do when growing. Anyone willing to get seeds from this guy, free or not, has some sort of mental deficiency that needs to be looked into by a medical professional.
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