small slow plants

Hey guys, just a few questions if anybody can help me. i planted a bag seed about 4weeks ago in soil, and kept it under a grolux fluoro for awhile until i got my hps (600watt) and she is now under that most of the day but i think its a bit short for its age, about 5-6inches? is that small for 4weeks? shud i give it nutes now? will try and get sum pics up later. any help received will help me loads. thanks in advance. peace people:peace:
yes & yes :peace:
ok so she is small Right? cud this be cos i only had the grolux and just put it under the hps a few days ago or is it just a crap seed that wont do much? im very new at this as u prob guessed also wat nutes are the best and wats the best way and time to feed the little bugger? thanks m8:?:peace:

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
I veg all my plants under grolux tubes with good results. You probably have a bagseed midget of some kind. I've found over the years that 'old' bagseed in particular will produce dwarfs. It'll stretch during flower but will still be smallish. Don't burn it with fertilizer though, these small stunted plants are especially susceptable to overfeeding.

It's funny though, if they survive and you let them mature before flowering, these little plants can produce some of the best bud. I think it's because they don't have to supply energy to as much foliage as a larger plant would.
Thanks frmrboi, when i said 5-6 inches i dident mention that it is quite bushy and i buried the stem about 1.5inch as dident want it to bend, the stem is quite thick now tho, was that stupid to bury her? will try the ferts 2moro and see what happens. its just trial and error at moment anyway, dont want to splash the cash until i get better at growing.
thanks bud frosty, when do i start flowering it? never dun this b4 so know very little. i presume i stil have a good while to go? ps you guys are very helpful.peace
ok will do, got sum multi grow ferts from a plant shop but dont know if they will be ok. i mite go to the grow shop in town and c wat they got. thanks a million...

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
ok nice one, as i said my plant is short so when wud u start to flower her? dont want to waste my time and elec if she wont grow much bigger, read that they grow a quite a bit wen budding. is that rite?:peace:
You can bud now if you like but, the longer you wait, the better results. It will stretch to 2-3 times its size when flower is initiated.
You can bud now if you like but, the longer you wait, the better results. It will stretch to 2-3 times its size when flower is initiated.
ok will leave another week or two then start, do i just pull it straight to 12/12 or ease her in a bit? and do i still have the fan going while flowering her? you bin a great help to my lack of knowledge lol.:peace:kiss-ass lol.
sorry, just a quick question. the (cotyledons) look crispy and 1 has almost fallen off is this normal? i hope so. thanks if u can help.


Well-Known Member
sorry, just a quick question. the (cotyledons) look crispy and 1 has almost fallen off is this normal? i hope so. thanks if u can help.
There are several people who say that it's time to start nuting if these have fallen off. That's what I go by, too. It means your plant ate all of its initial food from inside the seed and now it wants more. :)