Hell yeah they burned, chased those little bastards around haha. Yeah it is kind of a pain being back in the suburbs. I've been in the country for the past year and I defenetly like my space.
yeah I couldn't imagine living in the suburbs now . . . I've lived in a place where I can rely on peace and quiet my entire life. I actually feel slightly disoriented in the city.
Yeah man I fucking hate the city! Suburbs are even worse.... But oh well I only have another year of college then hightailing it into the mountains in bc. Get me some peace and quiet.
I just went out and did it again, im getting better at concentrating the light so its going faster. I think once I get pro at this ill do it alot more.
yeah I'm fuckin pro at that shit. I straight bend my arm behind my head with the magnifying glass above my head and it lights the bowls perfectly every time haha.
I was going to do it this morning but the sun was in the clouds . . . .
yeah, i noticed that too gypsy, that shit is super green! all the dank kief i've made and smoked were golden colored!! shit, probably still gets ya baked as hell...i scored a gram of hash last night, i'm bout to solar rip the hella out of it...i may die, haha, but i'll get on later and type some stoned nonsense...