HELP!!!!My plant is dying!!


Active Member
Someone please help!!! My plant has been like this for a week or two and i cant stop it...i have given it quarter strength miracle grow.didnt work.i even moved it yesterday cuz i thought the soil might be bad..hasnt helped yet.:confused:..someone please help before it dies.btw.its an outdoor plant which get sun from the crack of dawn until did have minor pest probs which are now controlled.



Well-Known Member

This is out of my experience, but no one else has responded. This doesn't look like the usual problem, more like a trace mineral or iron deficiency. Some trace mineral supplement probably couldn't hurt at this point. Be wary of too much more MG, could give you other troubles. I've done a good number of outdoor grows, though that was years ago. Never saw anything like this.



Well-Known Member
Over fertilizing can cause an iron deficiency which looks like a lack of nitrogen which can make you want to feed them more. Even too much watering can have the same affect. As growone suggested, find an additive that has iron in it, I would also suggest that rather than root feeding it which may not work so well if your plant is in nutrient lock, but foliar feed them the micro elements additive as this will give your plant instant relief. You will probably need to do this daily till you see color starting to return to the leaves.

How old are these by the way?


Active Member
thanks guys!!!
i didnt think it was nitrogen b/c i had that a few weeks ago which the MG fixed and this started on new growth and moved twoard the tip of the also stunted the growth completley.they havent grown in at least a week.

its 2 months old


Well-Known Member
it will be a week or two before it gets over the transplant shock.....its too early to tell if it worked or not. just keep a close eye on it.


Well-Known Member
iron sulfate or chelated iron is the best since it is easier for the plants to absorb.


Active Member
i couldnt find any iron nutes so i foliar fed MG which wasnt working before because it was repairing the roots from the transplant but foliar worked


Well-Known Member
i couldnt find any iron nutes so i foliar fed MG which wasnt working before because it was repairing the roots from the transplant but foliar worked
It's definately a problem with what it's being fed or not fed. See how the probem is where the newest growth is...


Active Member
there isnt a problem is shooting out new growth and getting much taller so im going to top it in about a week then give it a week and bud it with trashbags.thanks for the help guys


Well-Known Member
I voted this thread up, thought this was a pretty good example of plant problem and recovery.



Well-Known Member
not sure what fem is. bending, sure if you're concerned about detection. cuts down on the profile big time, think it cuts down on yield outside though.



Active Member
well im ultimately looking for yield but wouldn't the light coverage increase yield??and the choppers do fly out here so low detection would be