Confused about flushing


Active Member
I know it's bad to over water plants and people always say it can kill them, how do you "flush" without killing them?


Well-Known Member
When you flush you use enough water to fill the pot and let it drain out altogether. It is a one time thing, once you flush you let the plant go without watering until it needs it again. I suggest a moisture meter, picked one up a Lowe's for five dollars. If your soil has nutes in it already, a proper flush is needed to get the nutrients to start working. Flushing is good every once in awhile to get rid of sodium buildup in the soil. Hope this helps, peace.


Well-Known Member
There are a few reasons to to correct a problem and two to clear out all the nutrients in the soil before harvest. If your flusing, you should use 3x the amount of water compared to the size of the container. Make sure you have good drainage and it really dont matter how much water you run through it.


Active Member
When you flush you use enough water to fill the pot and let it drain out altogether. It is a one time thing, once you flush you let the plant go without watering until it needs it again. I suggest a moisture meter, picked one up a Lowe's for five dollars. If your soil has nutes in it already, a proper flush is needed to get the nutrients to start working. Flushing is good every once in awhile to get rid of sodium buildup in the soil. Hope this helps, peace.

Don't those moisture meters break roots?


Active Member
There are a few reasons to to correct a problem and two to clear out all the nutrients in the soil before harvest. If your flusing, you should use 3x the amount of water compared to the size of the container. Make sure you have good drainage and it really dont matter how much water you run through it.
thanks for answering another ques i had via another post. thanks man. this guys contribution is well appreciated by myself.

they dont even need to help but they do out of good spirit.

thanks to all that help out on this forum, and rep to you my man...

grow space

Well-Known Member
yes-as said main thing is tahat your container has holes in the bottom to ensure a good trainage.pour water carefully and slowley-wait that the first water will be absorbed to the soil and then pour again untill you see water tripping out if the bottom..
keep up the good work............