none of it makes sense/ just let it happen


Well-Known Member
ok here's another one.

2 clones, same mother

one went into the ground in the early spring. one went into a pot about 3 weeks later. same mother. same batch of cuttings. started inside under floro tubes. cut at the same time off the same mother.

this is the one in the pot. it has been flower for 3 weeks. nice top colas forming. good crystals. some density.

now this is the one in the ground. it is directly behind the one in the pot. the one in the pot is shorter so they both receive the same sunlight. the one in the ground just started to flower a couple days ago. it is 2 weeks behind the one in the pot.

so why? why does this happen? why is one plant at least 2 weeks ahead of the other when they are the same plant? how can this be explained? everything was done exactly the same other than one being in a pot and the other being in the ground. so how come they are so far apart as far as flowering?


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Perhaps the one in the pot is better soil as compared to the ground or some shit.....I dunno least it's not dead


Well-Known Member
id have a guess that the pot has a better rootball then the plant in the ground so takes up feed better = 2weeks ahead of the ground

As you couldnt feed every root thats in the ground with water/nutes



Well-Known Member
good assumption but i'm not buying it.

more info. the soil was the same mix. i dug a very large hole and replaced the native soil with the same mix that is in the pots. though yes, the one in the ground will spread out more. but to affect flowering? i don't know.


Well-Known Member
Have to say, all things being equal with the exception of pot vs ground I have to agree with BB. Developing roots take a tremendous amount of energy, and until they fill up the hole the growth will probably slow significantly. If you really want to check this, repeat your experiment. I think it will turn out the same way. They look great anyway you grow them tho'. GL HH


Well-Known Member
im guessing the one in the pot has alot more Nutrient build up then as the one in the soil where nutrients can flow all the way to the center of the planet. Thus having more P which induce better/faster flowering.


Well-Known Member
could it be that the one in the ground somehow was stressed in some way the one in the pot wasn't?just a guess..


Well-Known Member
i dont know the answer to this .... all i gotta say is fuck me sideways .... in the second pic ... itlooks like a field of reefer plants ..... thats like ... a fuckin day dream in my head


Well-Known Member
bueatiul isn't it,i love the pics f fdd's can only dream!!!i wish i had your plant problems.(fdd)


Well-Known Member
did you line the whole you dug with a plastic bag...if not maybe the natural dirt is robbing nutrition from the potting soil...:mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
what are the ground temps and the pot temps? and the pot is elevated up so it will warm up in the day a little?,,,,lol


Mr I Can Do That For Half
LOL fdd I had the same thing I did 3 clone one in a 12 inch wide by 12 inch deep hole filled with good soil I use for moms water and fed daily.1 of the same clone went in a pot with cfl lighting and 1 in a pot with 4 foot floro lights. The 4 foot floro is now 3 feet tall the cfl is about 2 and the 1 outside in mothernature is now gone it never got bigger then 3 inches after 30 days. So my guess is mother nature needs help.Basically I think the ground soil leeches the nutes from the good soil and if it rains heavy all nute go by by but in a pot they get trapped and the roots are surrounded by the food and water i the ground the roots keep searching depletted dirt as they look for new food sources.My guess anyways


Well-Known Member
its possible that the one in thr ground once she spreads her roots a little will surpass the other one by the end of the season. i could be very wrong though.


Well-Known Member
i really have no answer. we've had 0 rain this whole season. they get heavily fed. the hole is not lined with anything and the native soil is very healthy. i always thought it was more light cycle change than anything. the smaller one is on the west side of the bigger one. the bigger one shadows the smaller one in the afternoon/eve. the bigger one gets more direct sunlight each day. it may be this.


Active Member
maybe the fluoros gave it a kickstart over the ground plant? seedlings/clones under fluoros do take really well and the outside plant has not had those same growing conditions? either way fdd once again i see those trees you keep growing!!! you are a master.


Well-Known Member
one went into the ground in the early spring. one went into a pot about 3 weeks later.

maybe you planted it 3 weeks after the other one....

shouldn't make a difference as to when they flower though. one just had 2 extra weeks of sun while the other was under floros. they were both cut from the mother at the same time. they are the exact same age to the day. they should start to flower outside at the exact same time. the are the exact same plant. :confused::peace: