SIMPSONSAMPSONs soon-to-be-but-not-quite-there-but-will-be-soon 4000w journal


Well-Known Member

Welcome to my journal... glad you could stop by and check things out!

as of right now i'm building my new room and am in the middle of flowering some girls... since this is my journal ill try to catch you up a little...

im flowering the below girls in what is now my veg room... why am i flowering in my veg room you ask?? well it was because i was in my basement, the sewer backed up, basement flooded, and i had to move areas fast... the basement was a bad idea anyways.... it was almost damn near impossible to keep the enviroment the same day to day... but for about a year and a half its allowed very very good practice...

anyways... i had some plants vegging during the flooding so i just decided to start flowering them as soon as i got the new room setup.. $4000 dollars, about 30 hours of work, and a week later i had gotten my new room set up to move my girls... the basement setup was a one room setup.. so the lights im using to flower now are the only ones i have... since im going from a one room setup to a 3 room setup (veg, flower, and clone/mother) i spent a lot in materials makin it nice, so i didnt have enough to get the hps lights and some other stuff i need... still another $4000 to go... in the end me and my partner will have dropped about $10,000.. oh and just to avoid getting a buncha shit, my partner put up the original money to turn my basement into a grow room... he spent about $5000 so we had a badass setup, and now its trashed from water damage.... only a few fans and the lights survived... tragic really..

now the girls im flowering now are growing FAR from how i would normally grow.. i pulled a stoner mistake and planted to many seeds without making sure i had enough dirt for all the pots... of course i didnt... it was the middle of winter... so i did the only thing i could think of.. and multi-planted each pot... so they are not growing optimumly.. i really am just trying to get this harvest done so i can switch to my new hydro system... more on that in a bit...

currently here is my exact set up, as is..

4 - sunleaves satellite IV HO floros with their bloom bulbs.. 44,000 lumens a piece.. not bad for floros..

1 - wall mounted air kind oscilating fan

1 - sunleaves wind tunnel 6" exhaust fan.. as of now i have it exhausting into what will be the flower room... i was just in a hurry and it works for now... it will change when i actually get the flower room up and running.. more on that later also..

1 - can 50 carbon filter.. i did have the HO 6'' exhaust fan they sell with it in use.. but me and my buddy ran 3 new circuts to the room, a 240v and 2 - 120v, and in the mix he switched some wires and the 120v exhaust fan got 240vs and fried... so i have another of the 6" sunleaves fan on it.. it seems to actually work better tho..

- I am using BC nutes because i got a free sample pack with the hydro system i got.. i figured why not.. so they are getting BC Bloom, BC Boost, thrive alive, MagiCal, sugar daddy, and awesome blossom nutes... feeding goes like this with the nutes; yes, no, yes, no, no, yes, no, ect.. i feed them about a gallon of water every 2 or 3 days...

- I used some IR blocker to cover the room and sunleaves black and white poly over that... its 6mil thick... almost like a really thick garbage bag.. reflects something like 95% of the light... the flower room and veg room is actually divided by a curtain i made out of the black and white poly... put 2 sheets back to back... its the left side of the veg room if you look at the pics..

- temp is about 75 during the "day" and about 65 at "night"...
- humidity is about 35%ish..
- leaf temps never surpass 80..

my PH meter got ruined in the flood so i have no idea what it is... but im not worried... i have one for the hydro system.. not gonna waste money on a new one for the soil...

here are the room sizes

the room im using to flower, which will be my veg room.. is 5x9x7...

the soon to be flowering room is 7x9x7

the clone/mother room is 3x5x5

here are some pics of what i have going on... where im at now... next post will be with what i am going to do after this harvest... first are the most recent pics of the girls from yesterday, which ended the 4th week of flowering.. sorry the camera is on my phone.. it takes decent distance pics.. but up close it sucks... the ones after that are the veg room, the soon to be flower room, and the clone/mother room...

almost forgot.... the girls themselves are crystale... like the rappers drink.. lol i never know if i spell it right or not so...



Well-Known Member
once this harvest is done things will should get interesting... here are the changes that i will make are my girls are done flowering..

- i will be switching from soil to an ebb and flow system using hydroton as the medium... i will also be using general hydroponic nutes... this will include flora grow, flora bloom, flora micro, floralicious grow, floralicious bloom, diamond nectar, sub culture, ka bloom liquid, ka bloom dry, and floranectar.. wow.. i think thats all.. i havent gotten as far as deciding the flooding schedule... any suggestions??

- i will probably switch to an 18/6 or 20/4 veg cycle... this is after a long discussion with MYGIRLS... i was using a 24/0 but not so sure i will now... ill be happy to explain if anyone wants to know why...

- i plan on switching strains.. either buying some seeds from a seed bank or getting some clones through a buddy.. im not sure which yet.. but ill prolly end up with the clones... dunno what kinda yet, but will prolly be 10 each of 3 different strains...

- i also plan to try a few growing techniques to compare side by side for your viewing pleasure... i want to supercrop, top, FIM, trim the bottoms only, and not do anything to one of each of the strains i get... i want to see the yield difference between techniques... and let you see them too.. and the yield difference between the strains i grow...

so these are things im for sure going to do...

now here is the MAYBE that i want to do just dont know if i can afford it yet...

if the yield from this harvest is such that i can afford the following equipment,

4 - 1000w HPS lights, bulbs, ballast, reflectors, ect
1 - additional 6" HO exhaust fan for the lights
1 - additional ebb and grow system (name of the one i bought)
1 - additional air king fan
another PH meter, EC meter
some extra black and white poly
some more duct work
and some other small shit

i will start my 4000w flower room on the first hydro grow.. this would give me 4400 lumens per square foot in the veg room and approx. 9500 in the flower room...

now i know everyones first concern will be heat... i have an a/c set up in the flower room already.. and if i have to get another fan for exhausting then i will... once i get the flower room setup, everything will be exhausted outside of the grow room... all heat and smell will be pulled out and put through the carbon filter which will be in a closet in my hall that backs up to the clone room the exhausted into my house... so heat will not be an issue... any other problems you could think of??

now if i cant afford to get this done after this harvest, ill run one hydro harvest like i did the soil grow (all done on the veg side) and then do the flower room expantion...

anyways... thats where im at and where i want to go... any suggestions, input, critisisims, comments, whatever would greatly be appriceiated!!:joint::peace:kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
no plans sound briliant if money allows..sampson in baked wuz rolln why shouldnt u be? these bigger systems are a fulltime job...ill be watchn...learn as i go 2. i still gotta build a veg area 2..and retrofit my bud room when its cleared out empty..nice journal..cant wait till u get all ur pics up


Well-Known Member
your definatly right about that... the bigger you go the more time you spend with them... i think about when i get the ebb and flow up and going, and all the extra time im gonna have to spend taking notes, perfecting the EC, watching well temps, and on and on... its gonna be hella work... and hella fun... the greatest thing about growing i think is you get what you put in... if you really take the time to learn about your girls, take care of them, and pamper them as much as a plant can be pampered, they will return their appreciation with phenomenal buds!! to bad girlfriends arent like that... actually that reminds me of a short funny story..
a few weeks ago me and the ol lady were fighting about the girls and how i spend so much time with them... i was trying to tell her she just needs to come and enjoy them with me... ya know.. help out.. spend time together... since that what she was bitchin about.. anyways it went on and on.. and i finally lost it and said "you know why i spend so much time with them? They dont bitch.. in fact they dont talk at all.." she didnt like that much...

so a couple hours before lights out last night, i checked in on the girls.. they were lookin thirsty, startin to have that "water us" look they give me, so i did... this morning when i went in to turn lights on i just stood there for a few minutes and stared at them... i love how they look after they are watered... when they are full of life it seems... not that they look dead or shitty or i let them go to the point of complete dehydration... but there is something about them, a certain glow, the day after they get watered... i dunno.. i guess its like the glow we get after gettin laid.... maybe not quite so much... but you get the idea...

im getting a digital camera today.. well borrowing one at least... im gonna take some good close up shots of the girls... the camera just isnt cuttin it.. they look great through the camera... but look oh so much better up close in real life.. as i think everyones girls do.. but at least with a good digital camera i could get some nice close ups... so hopefully later today i will have some new porn pics up for you all to look at!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
the only reason i spend so much time with my monsters, thats onlybecuz im jerkying off to them, LOL your grow is coming right along. good job.


Well-Known Member
Hope you can get some killer meds bro
thanks for stopping by SLIPPERY... im hoping it some good meds too.. i dont live in an area i can get a med card.. and i absolutely HATE and distrust doctors... man made meds are made to keep people on them instead of healing them... i have really bad arthritis all throughout my body in various place due to a broken leg when i was younger.. the break broke my growing plate so my left leg is about a 1/2" or so shorter than my right... definatly has thrown my body outta wack.. but thanks again for stoppin in!

i noticed you had a 4000w light how much did your elect increase?
hey HEATHAA.. thanks for stopping by also!
i dont have the 4000w's yet.. i will in a month or so hopefully.. i have figured out though, using them on a 12/12 cycle, it will only add about $40 to my electric bill..
well 4000w = 4 kwhr x 12 hrs/day = 48 kwhrs/day x $0.04per kwhr = $1.92 per day x 30 days a month = 57.60... i was a little off... but electricity is cheap where i live... plus my bill is never over $150.oo as it is now, so it MIGHT peak a little over $200.00 a month.. which isnt bad considering what all i'll be using...


Well-Known Member
the only reason i spend so much time with my monsters, thats onlybecuz im jerkying off to them, LOL your grow is coming right along. good job.
hey MG.. good to see ya made it by also! thanks for the boost in confidence... i've been worried about this grow because of the potting issues...

you know.. i would rub on out to the girls if i didnt think my GF would accuse me of cheating on her.... she is the jealous type.. hell she is even jealous of my female pitbull!! shes fuckin crazy... but the sex is amazing... smoking helps me deal with the crazy part... bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
hey MG.. good to see ya made it by also! thanks for the boost in confidence... i've been worried about this grow because of the potting issues...

you know.. i would rub on out to the girls if i didnt think my GF would accuse me of cheating on her.... she is the jealous type.. hell she is even jealous of my female pitbull!! shes fuckin crazy... but the sex is amazing... smoking helps me deal with the crazy part... bongsmilie
yeah that sounds like my girl. my girl crazy as hell and shes mean but sex keep me around lol ive never met a girl so jealous and mean then expect you to be nice to her lol


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
hey MG.. good to see ya made it by also! thanks for the boost in confidence... i've been worried about this grow because of the potting issues...

you know.. i would rub on out to the girls if i didnt think my GF would accuse me of cheating on her.... she is the jealous type.. hell she is even jealous of my female pitbull!! shes fuckin crazy... but the sex is amazing... smoking helps me deal with the crazy part... bongsmilie
so your saying when your plants are down the sex wellbe bad again. LOL to get away from my none stop bitcher, LOL i lock myself in my jungle.:hump:


Well-Known Member
the sex will still be amazing, even after the girls are gone, it'll just be A LOT harder to deal with her... lol

i cant figure it out either heathaa... they bitch bitch bitch and then expect you to want to take them out and shit.. now i dont treat my girl bad at all.. she should have no reason to bitch.. i dont go out.. i dont party... non of that.. but she still isnt happy... maybe thats why, it seems, that the majority of growers have bitchy girlfriends... it keeps us wanting to escape to the real loves of our lives...

and ya.. i definatly disappear into the garden as much as possible... cant lock myself in sadly... locks on the outside.. but like i said she wont step foot in there so im safe :) the funniest part about it is she bitches that i spend sooo much time in there and blah blah blah, but is the FIRST to let me know in her oh so subtle way when we are out... "what the fuck... are you gonna fuckin get some.. whens your shit gonna be done.. this is bullshit..." lol i just laugh... it gets funny...


Well-Known Member
fuck guys that makes me feel so girlfriend is so cool with me spending odd hours in the G-arage. never bitches bout it..waters..learns my nutes ..packs me budd. gives me dank sex all the time.. althou she has been bitchin bout my RUI use ..go figure..

sampsonsimpson...damn i notice this whole site has a large amount of pitties....ive had many...i should post some pics...i had 3 bluenose brindle papered pups out of oakland cali..i sold 2.of the3 to friends..all males..kept the runt. Hes 2 and a monster headed brindle..adorable face..great w/ our kid..and soon 2be kids..1 in the oven as ive heard it...

also nice to hear of another brother runnin hella amps..watts...and still doin alright on the bill..maybe we can both sit back and laugh at every1 payin absorbent fees on electric/gas cause of their drafty homes..while we sit in our new homes and get high


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
the sex will still be amazing, even after the girls are gone, it'll just be A LOT harder to deal with her... lol

i cant figure it out either heath... they bitch bitch bitch and then expect you to want to take them out and shit.. now i don't treat my girl bad at all.. she should have no reason to bitch.. i don't go out.. i don't party... non of that.. but she still isnt happy... maybe that's why, it seems, that the majority of growers have bitchy girlfriends... it keeps us wanting to escape to the real loves of our lives...

and ya.. i definitely disappear into the garden as much as possible... cant lock myself in sadly... locks on the outside.. but like i said she wont step foot in there so im safe :) the funniest part about it is she bitches that i spend so much time in there and blah blah blah, but is the FIRST to let me know in her oh so subtle way when we are out... "what the fuck... are you gonna fuckin get some.. whens your shit gonna be done.. this is bullshit..." lol i just laugh... it gets funny...
do what i do to change thing BIG TIME. put the shoe on the other foot. this may sound funny but be the wife let her be the husband. i stay at home with the kids clean the house let her go to work, then bitch like a mother fucker be4 she heads off to work on when she gets home. :hump: after about a month of that ch ch ch changes. LOL:hump:iv been married now for 11years and things are so much better since i did that to SHOW her HOW she acted all the time.yes woman will be woman and will still have there little spurts ( menstrual ) LOL


Well-Known Member
im subscribing now. thanks for your input on my project.

the one thing i would worry about is what your girlfriend is gonna do when you have to break up with her?


Well-Known Member
fuck guys that makes me feel so girlfriend is so cool with me spending odd hours in the G-arage. never bitches bout it..waters..learns my nutes ..packs me budd. gives me dank sex all the time.. althou she has been bitchin bout my RUI use ..go figure..

sampsonsimpson...damn i notice this whole site has a large amount of pitties....ive had many...i should post some pics...i had 3 bluenose brindle papered pups out of oakland cali..i sold 2.of the3 to friends..all males..kept the runt. Hes 2 and a monster headed brindle..adorable face..great w/ our kid..and soon 2be kids..1 in the oven as ive heard it...

also nice to hear of another brother runnin hella amps..watts...and still doin alright on the bill..maybe we can both sit back and laugh at every1 payin absorbent fees on electric/gas cause of their drafty homes..while we sit in our new homes and get high
my gf thinks i have an online gf on this site and thats why i spend so much time on here.... lol i feel ya bro...

yeah.. it is great being able to pull so much power and not worry.. im sooooo glad shit is cheap were i live... 70 a month for gas... 150 for elec... its cheap living with a great pay out... lol i cant lie.. sometimes i sit stoned off my ass reading about these people who have 5, 6, 7 hundred dollar elec bills and laugh my ass off :lol:
glad we can laugh together!

i have 2 pits and a rot/shepard mix.. the black pit is almost 3 and weighs over a hundred lbs.. hes a beast... the little girl is a little over 2.. shes tiny (half american half razors edge) but she is a bitch.. like she keeps the males in line... but then again dont all females do that... LOL the rotshep isnt even a year but is almost as big as the male pit.. they are all awesome dogs... great security alarm too... all day.. and all night.... hahaha

do what i do to change thing BIG TIME. put the shoe on the other foot. this may sound funny but be the wife let her be the husband. i stay at home with the kids clean the house let her go to work, then bitch like a mother fucker be4 she heads off to work on when she gets home. :hump: after about a month of that ch ch ch changes. LOL:hump:iv been married now for 11years and things are so much better since i did that to SHOW her HOW she acted all the time.yes woman will be woman and will still have there little spurts ( menstrual ) LOL
i like that idea... a little taste of her own medicine cant hurt right??

you have pics in the other thread why not here. MORE PICS BRO.
and here are all the pics i have currently of the grow... from the last couple weeks... the progression of the girls from 5/6 till now... i still plan on posting more tonight... fresh from a digital camera...

they go oldest to newest.. some are copies.. but oh well... its an awesome comparison over the last few weeks..


oh and the first two were ones from my last grow... i had more but lost the memory card they were on.. these are the only ones that i saved to the phone itself...



Well-Known Member
im subscribing now. thanks for your input on my project.

the one thing i would worry about is what your girlfriend is gonna do when you have to break up with her?

if we ever broke up she wouldnt talk.. i know a lot of people say that.. but she wouldnt... we've been through some bad bad shit together... and through it all she has kept her mouth shut.. she would have never found out if i didnt trust her with my life... as much as i complain about her i love her just as much...

if she did ever talk though i know some hard hitting bitches that would do anything for me... lol you'd be suprised what $50 and a pre dug hole can get ya...


Well-Known Member
hell ya bro.. he's a good looking dog... you know, its sad the pits get the bad rap that they do... they are such lovers... all of mine think they are lap dogs... they are a trip...