How to smuggle 2 grams on airplane to USA from Canada?


Well-Known Member
he most likely is in jail right now, lol, but this thread will live on :P. some of you guys have some very interesting and creative theories to get it through security at the airports. any new ideas out there? i'd love to hear em if so, lol


Well-Known Member
Just want to give some advice because when i looked on the web to find shit on shipping weed i couldnt find it.

I have done this three times with perfect results.

Ship fed ex UPS, vacummed sealed.

Make sure after you seal the package you wash it with bleach and water.

Bleach is good at breaking down organic material and it will rid the exterior of your pack of all its residual funk.

Because the package is vaccuum sealed no airflow goes from the inside out.

All air permeates from the outside to the inside since there is a vaccum.

Good luck
i had an idea for a friend once where he could put nugs in worthers origional candy wrapers just have a few buds in a cupple of diffrent ones and put them in the bag or your pcoket with some real ones to . so it just appears to b some candy to snack on on the plane


Active Member
buy a jar of peanut butter, dig a hole and shove your balloon/condom filled with weed in it then patch it back up with the peanut butter and put the jar in your luggage amongst other cans and jars. just a theory.... never tried it.

just this past year i smoked a blunt outside the airport on the east coast in canada and for some reason they kept checking over my carry-on with some rod/censor after i passed through the x-ray. is it a scent or odor detector? does anyone know? the rod was placed on everything i touched with my hands after i smoked up (ie. my wallet, the handle of my carry-on and other items i accidently rubbed on).


Well-Known Member
yeah, its a contraband detector, i dunno how it works, but normally its used to detect traces of coke and heroin on you clothes and bags. basically, it gives them a reason to search you.


Well-Known Member
yeah, its a contraband detector, i dunno how it works, but normally its used to detect traces of coke and heroin on you clothes and bags. basically, it gives them a reason to search you.
in an airport they don't need a reason, at least in the US...its a high security area, like a courthouse or a federal building


Well-Known Member
Yeah i hear certain camps talking about dont send more than a quarter. Then i hear other camps talking about you can send 2-3 lbs.


Well-Known Member
you can take an ounce on a plane, as long as you wrap it in sandpaper, with the grit on the outside, and don't use lube cause the dogs can smell it, and don't make a face like u got a sandpaper dildo shoved up your ass.


Well-Known Member
wow this is one of the saddest weed addictions ive ever seen. lmao i mean its not like its heroin. cant u just go without for a few days? if i ever even had to think about maybe putting weed up my ass i think that would be the day i checked into rehab. holy shit....


Well-Known Member
what is the most anyone has ever sent in fedex or ups?
my buddy got 4lbs sent to him a few times...then got busted when the....(wait u said ups or fed ex huh? sorry didnt notice that part at first.) delivery company left it at the down stairs apartment and it didnt have a name on it(vaguely like if u order from playboy or similar)so the people opened it then called the police. personally i havent ever tried, i dont deal and never will so i dont need large amounts. my plants provide all i need (give or take the occasional quarter to supplement my own and in between harvests).


Well-Known Member
you can take an ounce on a plane, as long as you wrap it in sandpaper, with the grit on the outside, and don't use lube cause the dogs can smell it, and don't make a face like u got a sandpaper dildo shoved up your ass.
ya could always use spit.....but still, fucking disgusting. i dont think i'd ever ever ever do that(actually i know i wouldnt)


Well-Known Member
Madness snuggleing 2 gram if the customs catch you they will make your life hell over 2 gram shit man buy some when you get there.Just go in a bar become friendly with a couple of likely looking guys or gals and then pop the question where can i score some it worth haveing someone looking up your arse for little ammount you might not be bothered about this but my arse is a no go area for anyone.


Well-Known Member
for the record, i was just kidding...i thought that was obvious...i mean, really, why would u use sandpaper


Well-Known Member
of course, lol. i was just responding to the drug dogs smell lube part, not the sandpaper condom part, lol. it gives me another idea though (for girls....or gay guys) get the biggest dildo/vibrator you can find and hide it in it/them.....


Active Member
the virabrator idea is bad. lol a tubefull of machinery is bound to look like a bomb. who wants to get caugt with a vibrator full of weed.