The Official House and Garden Thread


Well-Known Member
Good Day RIU'ers, top o' the mornin' to ya. I started this thread because with great vastness of the internet i still was not able to come up with too much information regarding the House and Garden nutrient line. Please post ANY and ALL first hand information. Please DO NOT waste everyones time telling us what your uncles sister used to do back in the 70's or something you heard from Jimmy Joe Bob. FIRST HAND FACTUAL INFORMATION ONLY PLEASE.
Let me start it off with all the information i have about H&G.

I have ONLY had experience with the SOIL line so whatever i say is based strictly on the soil line.

HG is huge in europe from what i hear. It just recently became available in the States (atleast to me, and to my knowledge). The guy who created it, Van De Zwaan is also the same person who created Canna Nutes (and Bio Bizz i believe). Having over 30 years experience, i believe the guy probably has a good idea what he is doing. You have to figure his newest product (which bears his family name) is probably better than the older ones, no?

One thing i can tell you is this guy was listening when growers told him what they wanted. HG is an amazing set of products. What brings many people to H&G is the promise of great stability and NO SALT BUILDUP. The stuff just holds it's PH with only a +0.1/-0.1 fluctuation for days, maybe even weeks from what i've seen. Anyone who is sick of salt buildup and all the problems and work that come with it, Fret no more i think your answer is here. I will give a quick rundown of the products i have seen used first hand:

1. Soil A+B - All i know is this stuff has everything one could ask for in the purest highest quality form. I do however supplement with a LITTLE bit of calmag, dont know if it's needed or my own paranoia of having calmag def's throughout the years. One thing i would be careful of is they reccomend running nutrients a little hot. I use about 50%-80% of the recomended dosages at different times throughout. If i used what they said my PPM would be something crazy like 2300 or something. Alls i know is full strength is a little too much for me.

2. Multizyme - This is the one product i am ho-hum about. I think i prefer Cannazyme over the multizyme although i have to admit i do not have to much info regarding the Multizyme, or what makes it different from the other enzyme products. (probably not much is my guess).

3. Root Stimulator - One word, AMAZING. Blows Rhizotonic (Canna's root stim) out of the water. Regardless of what nutrient line i use EVER i will always use the HG Root stimulator. Huge, happy, quick growing white roots. Also helps alot with either restoring or some how getting rid of brown nasty roots. DONT ASK ME HOW, MAYBE ITS MAGIC? Super concentrated. Very expensive. ABSOLUTELY WORTH IT. It only calls for 1.1ml/gallon so you get alot of bang for your buck. Probably use 10 liters of Rhizotonic for every 1 of HG Root Stim. I know i said this already but i really cant stress how wonderful of a product this is. You'd swear i worked for these fools but no... it's just really that good.

4. Bud XL - Again a really amazing bloom supplement. Again, not too sure of the composition of this stuff but it works very well and is also super concentrated. To be honest and objective i am not sure if i prefer Bud XL/Top Booster (HG) or Canna Boost/PK13/14(Canna). The jury is still out on this one. Will have more definitive answers on this one at a later date. (This is why i started this thread because i DONT have all the answers, and i'd like some input and feedback and corrections anywhere i might be wrong)

5. Top Booster - Pretty good stuff again. It is used only 3-4 times for a period of one week (beggining of week 5 i believe). Again, BudXL/Top Booster are two products i do not have enough knowledge of to form an opinion versus other products (mainly Canna). I do know it works well... Duh it's supposed to eh?

6. Shooting Powder- ehhh. now this stuff is unique. Basically it is some SUPER concentrated powder, 1 sachet makes 25 gallons. ALWAYS MIX YOUR BASE NUTES TO A LOW EC (says 1.2 i think on the chart). This stuff is POWERFUL. It basically starts a second flowering burst late into the flowering cycle. Claims 20%-30% increase in fruit size. Couple things to remember. This stuff is POWERFUL, and takes ALOT from your plants. ONLY use on healthy plants and try to time it right (not too late). DONT OVER DO IT WITH THIS STUFF. Also one thing that bugged me out which i found out is perfectly normal is it will fizzle a little when you mix it w/ your water.

7. Magic Green - Good shit. Alls i can tell ya. DO NOT ABUSE. i say that because the shit works so well your plant will find it much easier to get the nutrients from the leaves rather than the roots, and in turn will create a root problem. More specifically underdeveloped roots. Had a friend who was a little pale and yellow going into flowering. Hit em' up with the Magic Green right before lights out ONE night, and it greened everything right up within a few days. This product is not included in the regular feeding regiment becuase it is not required but is great for correcting minor deficencies or delivering nutes to a plant with lockout.

8. Drip Clean - now this is the one product that sells alot of people on HG. The promise of NO SALT BUILDUP. So is it true? Well... YES!! I Dont use it because i prefer soil. Guy at the hydroshop and a few friends run it and i cant tell you how much easier there lives are now. No more scrubbing Res's, No more leeching lines. it's just amazing. Buddy used GH for 10 years and switched for the simple fact of no salt buildup. I have heard that if you are going to use this USE IT FROM DAY ONE. i say this becuase i've heard it will hurt your plants for some reason if they are not used to it and begin getting it half way through.... Just a thought w/ no science or facts backing it up- Maybe start using it w/ your mothers early so you can guage the effects AND your clones will adapt to it before hand.

One last thought. The feeding chart calls for R/O water... SO USE IT!!!

So i think thats alls i got right now? probably forgot half of what i wanted to say, and the other half is only probably half accurate? i'll be back with more soon. Going to start a Canna Nutes thread and a Querkle strain thread also so be on the lookout!

This thread was inspired by FloJo so someone find him and tell him to come over and drop some of his knowledge on us. PURRRRRRRRPLE OUT! LATER
When I say 'around here', I mean shops in my area.. And shops in my area do not carry that line at present.. It would be a cold day in hell before I'd order fertilizer from a magazine, or the internet..
Besides, I can grow some damn nice plants with cheapo stuff (and get this, I don't even flush unless I screwed something up to make them unhealthy).. I'd be kind of afraid that if I tried these miracle products, the plants would uproot themselves and eat my kids before finally turning on me..
I just switched over to House & Garden and into the first week of a 2 week veg in an Aerflo 36 and can tell you that the Roots Excelurator is some amaizing stuff. I'm seeing about 3' root growth a day, easily. Can't wait to see the final results!
I just switched over to House & Garden and into the first week of a 2 week veg in an Aerflo 36 and can tell you that the Roots Excelurator is some amaizing stuff. I'm seeing about 3' root growth a day, easily. Can't wait to see the final results!

yeah you bet your sweet ass it is! definely hands down the best product. I'm wondering how the Multizyme/Top Booster/Bud XL measure up to the competition? any feedback on those?
yeah you bet your sweet ass it is! definely hands down the best product. I'm wondering how the Multizyme/Top Booster/Bud XL measure up to the competition? any feedback on those?
I'm only 4 days into a 2 week veg, so I haven't got into the Multizyme/tTop Booster/ Bud XL yet. I'v heard nothing but good though.(except the price). I was also told by the hydro store where I shop that you do not want to add any other products to the mix because House & Garden has this stuff down to a science! He told stories of a close friend who added something, can't remember what, but screwed his entire crop. I think I"ll stick to the chart and see what happens.
I'm only 4 days into a 2 week veg, so I haven't got into the Multizyme/tTop Booster/ Bud XL yet. I'v heard nothing but good though.(except the price). I was also told by the hydro store where I shop that you do not want to add any other products to the mix because House & Garden has this stuff down to a science! He told stories of a close friend who added something, can't remember what, but screwed his entire crop. I think I"ll stick to the chart and see what happens.

Yeh thats funny man... it seems like the only people complaining about HG are the ones who can't follow directions. The only other thing i add is a little calmag which to be honest i'm not even sure if i need. The feed chart calls for RO water, so i know calcium and magnesium must be re-added to the water. I guess my question is... Is it included somewhere in the HG line or do i need to supplement it myself? Usually add avg 2ml/gal of calmag when the bottle calls for 5ml/gal. Seems to be working but i'd rather not use it if i dont need to.
Oh.. and one more thing.. HG gives out some real sweet sampler packs you just have to know the secrets to getting them! Call the techs over at HG. Start a conversation with them about one of the products. Try to seem smart and knowledgable. Tell them something like.. "I've used GH (or Canna which really seems to get there panties in a wad) for 10+ years". "I have heard very good things about your product but i am very skeptical of changing from my current nutrient line, that i know works very well." something along these lines. At some point they should offer you some free samples (which are full size bottles, not the little 50ml ones) and BAM your in the game and saved a couple bucks. Someone try it and post back with results!!
Oh.. and one more thing.. HG gives out some real sweet sampler packs you just have to know the secrets to getting them! Call the techs over at HG. Start a conversation with them about one of the products. Try to seem smart and knowledgable. Tell them something like.. "I've used GH (or Canna which really seems to get there panties in a wad) for 10+ years". "I have heard very good things about your product but i am very skeptical of changing from my current nutrient line, that i know works very well." something along these lines. At some point they should offer you some free samples (which are full size bottles, not the little 50ml ones) and BAM your in the game and saved a couple bucks. Someone try it and post back with results!!
Hey Purrrrple, What's your experience with the soil A & B been in regards to PH when you first mix. I'm using Flakes A&B and when I mix, my PH is way low, about 3.8 before adjusting. I'm using RO water. I'm just curious cause when I was using General Hydropnics my PH was always dead on 5.6.
House and Garden is great, been using them for 2 or 3 years now. I use the Aqua Flakes and all additives. Just follow the directions (you can even go to their website and enter some information to get customized grow schedule) and usually no problems, and you can add an air stone to your resevoir. I emailed them and this is the response I got "The airstone is no problem, unfortunately that has haunted us since the beginning. It was a communication break down between the people in Holland and ourselves and has since been corrected. Sorry for any misinformation

House & Garden US"
And the difference in salt build up between House and Garden and Botanicare products is amazing. I have waterfarm buckets, and with Botanicare they were clogging all the time. Now with House and Garden no problems.
Hey Purrrrple, What's your experience with the soil A & B been in regards to PH when you first mix. I'm using Flakes A&B and when I mix, my PH is way low, about 3.8 before adjusting. I'm using RO water. I'm just curious cause when I was using General Hydropnics my PH was always dead on 5.6.

Yeah the soil line does the same. Drops to about 4.9 when im giving it full strength (my ph out of the faucet is around 8.0) so yeah a full 3 points. Just they way it is formulated i guess? I think HG makes PH Up and Down also so i may order a couple of bottles from them just so i can sleep at night knowing my PH up doesn't doing anything wierd to my water? One thing i did notice is that once i get my desired PH it stays there for a while. I usually use my water up within a day or two because i only mix what i need. Oh, and i have heard of people PHing after they mix each individual product. I.E. - Add soil A, PH balance, Add soil B, PH balance etc.. i found it quite wierd. Also make sure you check the website because they do have very specific directions on mixing nutes. You can also create a tailor-made feed schedule on the website. They say fill your res 75% add A, circulate, let sit, add B, circulate, let sit, top up res, THEN PH, then add additives. The additives dont really affect PH much maybe .1 when your adding full strength to a big res. Also i would reccomend only using your already mixed nutes for a MAX of 7 days.
House and Garden is great, been using them for 2 or 3 years now. I use the Aqua Flakes and all additives. Just follow the directions (you can even go to their website and enter some information to get customized grow schedule) and usually no problems, and you can add an air stone to your resevoir. I emailed them and this is the response I got "The airstone is no problem, unfortunately that has haunted us since the beginning. It was a communication break down between the people in Holland and ourselves and has since been corrected. Sorry for any misinformation

House & Garden US"
And the difference in salt build up between House and Garden and Botanicare products is amazing. I have waterfarm buckets, and with Botanicare they were clogging all the time. Now with House and Garden no problems.

Yeah, i always wondered why you couldnt use an airstone? are you SURE you can? I always told people just to use a cirulation pump instead of an airstone in there res. I will definetly call and ask about that one. It has created alot of confusion and speculation as to why you cant use an airstone. The guy at the hydro store even had some long technical reason why you couldn't use one. LOL.

As far as salt buildup i have not used the dripclean before. I DID get salt buildup in soil. friends have used it successfully and the guy at the hydroshop i think humps the bottles when noone is around. loves them more than his wife. Can i use dripclean in soil? Yes right? It is on the feeding chart. I also heard you HAVE to use it from day one otherwise it will harm your plants for one reason or another. Does anyone have any explanation for this? Get back at me!
Yeah, i always wondered why you couldnt use an airstone? are you SURE you can? I always told people just to use a cirulation pump instead of an airstone in there res. I will definetly call and ask about that one. It has created alot of confusion and speculation as to why you cant use an airstone. The guy at the hydro store even had some long technical reason why you couldn't use one. LOL.

As far as salt buildup i have not used the dripclean before. I DID get salt buildup in soil. friends have used it successfully and the guy at the hydroshop i think humps the bottles when noone is around. loves them more than his wife. Can i use dripclean in soil? Yes right? It is on the feeding chart. I also heard you HAVE to use it from day one otherwise it will harm your plants for one reason or another. Does anyone have any explanation for this? Get back at me!
Yeah Purrrrple that was the direct response from a guy at House and Gardens when I asked about the airstone. I kept hearing different answers from different people so I went to their website and emailed them directly from there. I don't know about the drip clean issue but it does a great job.
anyone run any side by sides with HG versus any other companies? my buddy in SoCal is doin a Canna VS HG now so ill report on in when i know more!
The guy at the hydro store talked me into using HG today. I am new to everything to do with growing. With a lot of the other products i have noticed that there is a "sweet" nute used in the last few weeks and some sort of clearing solution the last few days. All the HG manual says is 2-3 days flushing. What do i use during this time? Will my buds smell, taste, and smoke as great and someting grown using sweet nutes of some sort?
Will my buds smell, taste, and smoke as great and someting grown using sweet nutes of some sort?
'Sweet' nutes add carbs to the medium for various microbes that are not even supposed to exist in hydro system.. C3 plants tend to dump alot of their carbs in the time frame mentioned in a symbiotic relationsjip since the natural soil usually runs a tad low late season.. Whether or not carb loading will help depends on whether there are sufficient amounts already, and on the health of your soil.. Hydro ppl tend to add enzymes such as cellulase (the byproducts of various microbes), and skip the microbes entirely, so carb-loading a hydro system seems pointless IMO..
Anyways, your buds will be nice if your plants are healthy, however you want to get there be it with snake oils or compost..