Postal worker admits fabricating allegations of ballot tampering, officials say - Washington Post

It is so nice to see people finally standing up for our nation that are not Democratic politicians.
He will be fired too, remember Trump tried to get his political opponents arrested a week before the election and 72 million moral failures still voted for him. He and THEY need to be made publicly accountable for this betrayal of the constitution. I would miss no opportunity to throw it in their faces and let none of them breathe a fucking word about, morals, ethics, honor or personal integrity, for they have none. No excuses, just apologies and sincere contrition are acceptable, even from relatives, you owe your country, the troops and the medical workers, an ungrateful and contemptuous America is murdering. To forgive and forget is to show contempt for their victims and there were many and they continue to stack up by the fucking thousands. Forgive the bounty on US troops lives and Trump's silence, the list goes on forever.
It's pretty obvious now what happened.. this guy was a terrible employee, reprimanded several times and was in fear of being fired, so he latched onto his right-wing conspiracy beliefs and made a false statement that only furthered the dislike a sane person has for these deplorable idiots. He should be forced to pay a fine and sent to prison as a lesson to the rest of these knuckle-dragging creeps.
It's pretty obvious now what happened.. this guy was a terrible employee, reprimanded several times and was in fear of being fired, so he latched onto his right-wing conspiracy beliefs and made a false statement that only furthered the dislike a sane person has for these deplorable idiots. He should be forced to pay a fine and sent to prison as a lesson to the rest of these knuckle-dragging creeps.
Yeah, he's an embarrassment to all Postal employees. Unfortunately, with nearly 500,000 employees,(down from 750,000) there will be bad members. Take into consideration that the USPS, over the years, has made this career undesirable by instituting a two tier pay scale and taking away the motivation and dedication it needs to be successful. We used to take pride in our job, when I was a carrier. Now, it's "just a job."
Yeah, he's an embarrassment to all Postal employees. Unfortunately, with nearly 500,000 employees,(down from 750,000) there will be bad members. Take into consideration that the USPS, over the years, has made this career undesirable by instituting a two tier pay scale and taking away the motivation and dedication it needs to be successful. We used to take pride in our job, when I was a carrier. Now, it's "just a job."
The employees shone brightly and so did much of the management, in spite of De joy who the union should petition to have prosecuted for violating postal laws and the right to strike while they are at it, Joe will agree on the right to strike. I'm sure the judge is gonna have a full audit of how many ballots were stuck in the system etc, he wants De Joy's ass for contempt of court minimum. The American public sure doesn't blame the posties (Canadian nickname for union members) for the fuck up. This might lead to a bit of reform at the USPS too and a recognition that it is a service and not a business, maybe that's why they are uniformed, like others who serve.