2 and a half weeks in to flowering how am i doingplease comment

widdow sensation

Well-Known Member



Old Man of the Sea

Active Member
Widdow, the girls are looking real nice. I have not grown that variet but fro the pics I have seen you are on target. Be sure to look around at the grow journals and you can get an idea. I do have a question, what lite set up are you using?The pics I have seen, the plants are very low and tight when seen from above, just like yours. I am sure you can find someone who has grown it and can tell you but like I said, check out the journals and you might answer your own question, it will just take some looking.
Good growin to you



niice grow so far bro a few more weeks and you will be one happy camper

widdow sensation

Well-Known Member
Hi mate im using a 600 watt sunmaster grow lamp i did start off with 500 watt security lights for the garden it got me through the first 2 months then i bought the sunmaster for £30 on ebay. Im a little behind but i put that down to a dodgy start. All looks great now it stinks Iim so fucking happy thanks for your comment widdow.

widdow sensation

Well-Known Member
Thanks very much went to my lab earlier looking fanastic i can see loads of thc forming and good thing it smells the muts nuts cant wait for first blunt lol
thanks widdow


Well-Known Member
Lookn good i got widow brewing with bout the same time left as u......nice security camera, dats nice id have that bitch hooked to my big screen tv..lol

widdow sensation

Well-Known Member
whas up bro hows the grow going mine is looking sweet im a little worried about using mollasses though do you think it will realy improve the buds. Some of my leaves are turning in and seem to be getting very sticky indeed. Should i use mollases and how long for. Do i put it in every feed or every other feed. Fantastic grow journal you got going plants are looking great bet you cant wait. Im well looking forward to smoking some decent bud and not paying silly prices for silly bags that cost you a fortune. i wish you all the best with your grow mate hope you get some good smoke looking realy good. my cameras hooked up to the telly as well if someone attempts to go inside my lab its wired up to my alarm which will phone me if i was out and say i have an intruder got it well linkedup bro dont worry about that all i need now is a invention to stopthe helicopters flying over and picking up heat source someone said lead works but im not entirely sure.good luck bro all the best sweet widdow.


Active Member
whas up bro hows the grow going mine is looking sweet im a little worried about using mollasses though do you think it will realy improve the buds. Some of my leaves are turning in and seem to be getting very sticky indeed. Should i use mollases and how long for. Do i put it in every feed or every other feed. Fantastic grow journal you got going plants are looking great bet you cant wait. Im well looking forward to smoking some decent bud and not paying silly prices for silly bags that cost you a fortune. i wish you all the best with your grow mate hope you get some good smoke looking realy good. my cameras hooked up to the telly as well if someone attempts to go inside my lab its wired up to my alarm which will phone me if i was out and say i have an intruder got it well linkedup bro dont worry about that all i need now is a invention to stopthe helicopters flying over and picking up heat source someone said lead works but im not entirely sure.good luck bro all the best sweet widdow.
yes malasses will work great and help your get fat dense sweet nugs. and it will help your smoke go down smooth. i would say use a TBS of mollasses per gallon of water. and make sure you mix it very very well. and if you can don't use regular mollasses. it has to much sugar and can cause ants to come into your house to and to get all over your plant. i would get a brand of mallasses called "BLACKSTRAP MOLLASSES" this is pure mollasses. and i find it works way better on the plants the regular mollasses. so if you do use it. hit me up and tell me how it is working for you.

p.s your plants look great make sure when you role that first blunt you take hit for me. then take a pic. lol

widdow sensation

Well-Known Member
Hi mate we used mollases in the last grow big buddha cheese it did taste smoother than the other one i hadnt used mollases on that plant you can defanatley notice the difference. This time i think i have cracked it big time my plants are more bigger healthier and bushier some are touching 40 inches tall others on 32 inches roughly. cant wait to smoke the first one its always the best im gonna go blueberry 1st bubble gum 2nd white widdow 3rd and cheese 4th the last time i smoked blueberry i tripped out on it fuck me what a buzz. Im counting the days now fed up with buying shit on road most of it is hardash or has sugar or glass on at leat our way we know we havent got none of that shit cost me loads of money so im better off doing my own medicinal purposses only of course. be sure to check out my new photos tonight i will be adding more to album thanks widdow.


Active Member
hell yeah man i bet it tastes great. and yeah i use mine for medical purposes NOW... lol. because i'm 21 yrs old and have bad artharitus and a bad back from a bunch of stupid shit i did growing up. but my damn 100% indica plant the only one that grew. turned out to be a male damn it. but my sativas are looking delicious. and i wanted the indica for my pain. but do any of you know or a really good indica that would be benificial for pain?

widdow sensation

Well-Known Member
Hi bro im not realy sure i have only just started my self im just experimenting with different strains to see what ones are the best so far we have tried
big buddha cheese and white widdow i thought the cheese what great one spliff i was on a different planet got a great high and felt very relaxed give that one a go. let me know how you get on with yours thanks widdow