Smokey's HiJack Indoor Grow


Well-Known Member
im actually using this stuff called serenade. i got a few purple kush clones from my friend and they infected my plants. its 95% under control now. in a few days i give them one more treatment if need be


Well-Known Member
serenade smells soooooooooooo bad.

works great but that shit STANK

hope you don't have to spray too many times.

sulpher burner is the only way to go IMO

good luck getting rid of the PM ALOHA


Well-Known Member
! i hate that sernade smell too its grimey. thanks and aloha! imiss vacationing in kona.

my shadow, shedding skin ive been picking my scabs again


Well-Known Member
! i hate that sernade smell too its grimey. thanks and aloha! imiss vacationing in kona.

my shadow, shedding skin ive been picking my scabs again