Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
Very interesting MJ i really do like it seriously with a few minor tweaks i think u could pimp that thing to its fullest extent of pimp law's most pimpingness ways.
U know im doing 3 plants per 5 gallon bucket? More pots over the total area under flower lamp would greatly maximize this systems entire potential.
A 5 gallon bucket lid is a little under 1 sq ft.
Ive only done multiple plants per pot.
But if i was them id be thinking about making a system. That fit each light output source.
Explained.. I try to obtain 100 watts per sq ft.
That gives me 4 sq ft under a 400 wat hps to play with.
Using Al B fucts ideas and others this means i could fit 12 plants in this 4 ft sq area no problem.
They should however split the pots up maybe 3 inch pots equally distributed under the lamp and so on and so forth.
Its gotta alotta potential. Actual grow knowledge and in the field research needs to be applied now.
Thanks MJ.


Well-Known Member
Yah DL I kinda thought it odd you have 12 holes over in veg & only 9 in flower ...also the veg side is soooo small....I mean to clone, veg, & house Mom is not much space there. Additionally I'm not crazy bout getting in there to change out HPS lite. You have to remove entire top of box... that's like 8 screws to keep up with in a closet while trying to go in from the top in the back of the box with a big ass piece of metal to deal with to boot:shock: Am sure you can picture what a cluster that could be LOL Hands down they should include exhaust materials with instructions from page 1 & be upfront honest about the heat & the odor. There is a carbon filter in there but for month old plants it smells like someone is having a puffy or 4 right there in the closet LOL I've learned lots about cutting holes in ceilings, using duct tape, purchasing clamps!! MAYBE my husband would have helped some with those things had he actually known the reality of this box before he left the country. Anywho, Maybe you can show me how to pimp it out... MJ


Well-Known Member
Gonna have sum pixels of sum pussy hairs soon!I think these are gonna show me pretty soon.
Hell yea purps. Im gonna have to go hit the J again haha.
I just smoked a bowl of some of this haha. Only 2 pulls haha u know.
Forgot to mention these are only at a little over 7 weeks.
Super Strawberry Diesel.
And less than 90 days from germ.



Well-Known Member
Hell yea purps. Im gonna have to go hit the J again haha.
I just smoked a bowl of some of this haha. Only 2 pulls haha u know.
Forgot to mention these are only at a little over 7 weeks.
Super Strawberry Diesel.
And less than 90 days from germ.

tasty :weed:

lookin great man, Cant wait till i get some finial products bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Hey purps... I cant really see much in the pix bro.. Try taking a pic of the node right below the top with a magnifying glass. But man u will have sex fast im sure of that.


Well-Known Member
yea im jumpin the gun,,,moving too fast i got atleast a week or two before ill know for sure,mayne a lil sooner..i wish i had the usb trich scope that took pics..but i got a 420 scope,,,and its like im seein trichs on on the veins on the fans..not alot of them but i know i trich when i see it!


Well-Known Member
LOL nice man.. U should be able to get real close on the and see stuff now.. The pros say by week 6 plants have preflowers in veg.. I wouldnt know ive never vegged that long.. Yea that should be some juicy bud man. Yup my buddy has trichs everywhere even on the stems man. Telling u got a bomb pick when u chose those.


Well-Known Member
LOL nice man.. U should be able to get real close on the and see stuff now.. The pros say by week 6 plants have preflowers in veg.. I wouldnt know ive never vegged that long.. Yea that should be some juicy bud man. Yup my buddy has trichs everywhere even on the stems man. Telling u got a bomb pick when u chose those.
well i just got 12 more in.So ill be growing afghans for a min,,but i got those other ones ,,all FEM.



Well-Known Member
yea my main nutes are all organic. I do supplement synthetic into the mix but cant go wrong with organics man especially when it comes to taste.


Well-Known Member
I didnt know that man. My botanicaire Pro series is all organic. I use that and supplement calmag and koolbloom into the mix ratios later in flower. Only reason im flushing this time as long as i am is cause ive been running them real hard with the KB and calmag i guess.
Cant wait to chop these things man. Next weekend it all comes down i think.


Well-Known Member
Yes chusett i like breaking the rules man. When someone says u cant or shouldnt do something i show them how i do some of these things and how its done. I use about 2 ml/ gallon if i break it all down. I use it when i do res changes and only when i do res changes.. Yes my main backbone nutes are 100% organic.. And no i never did ever have any problems with slime, mold, rot, gunk or anything else.. Furthermore.. my plants react well when i supplement peroxide especially in seedlings and clones developing roots during transplant to pots.Its just a good blast of Oxygen is all it is.
Helps keep PH stable as well.
Would i overuse this with my nutes? No.
Do i think it helps offset and bring order to my system's perfect balance yes.
Am i worried about ill effects no.. Ive been doing this ever since i started growing DWC. Always with these nutes.

Hey there's also people that say u can only grow one plant in a 5 gallon container to. I do 3.
Otherwise its a complete waste.
There's all kinds of other rules i break as well like PPM.
My main concern is PH in anything i do.
Hope that helps.